BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference

Started by narch, December 30, 2005, 10:58:27 PM

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CNU and NCWC have called their games.  Torrential rain.


NO rain in Winchester today ... dry, dry, dry!

Just got back from Shepherd University's DH that is about 35 minutes away.

We have fields in the area looking for teams to play games on them.


I think Greensboro got really lucky this weekend with this weather. Shenandoah is rolling and have won 8 in a row. GC might have been doing the rain dance out on the practice field on Friday  :P


Any word on the weather down at NCWC?  LC is supposed to travel down tomorrow for a 3 PM game.


Quote from: fightingquaker1 on March 01, 2009, 01:40:54 PM
I think Greensboro got really lucky this weekend with this weather. Shenandoah is rolling and have won 8 in a row. GC might have been doing the rain dance out on the practice field on Friday  :P

Give it up quaker. Just stop while you are ahead. You are a member of the statistically proven, worst 10 pitching staffs in the nation.


A.G., I'm assuming that Rocky Mount got at least 2-4 inches of snow last night. Up here in Greensboro, we got about 6 inches. HighHeat, you are an idiot. Guilford's ERA is 6.75 which is terrible. Greensboro's ERA is 8.04. So, I don't know who you are exactly, but for my argument's sake....the stats don't lie.


Quote from: fightingquaker1 on March 02, 2009, 01:11:13 PM
A.G., I'm assuming that Rocky Mount got at least 2-4 inches of snow last night. Up here in Greensboro, we got about 6 inches.

That, along with a 34 degree "high" for tomorrow down there, does not sound too promising.  Neither does Averett's game @ LC on Weds, for that matter.


Quote from: fightingquaker1 on March 02, 2009, 01:11:13 PM
A.G., I'm assuming that Rocky Mount got at least 2-4 inches of snow last night. Up here in Greensboro, we got about 6 inches. HighHeat, you are an idiot. Guilford's ERA is 6.75 which is terrible. Greensboro's ERA is 8.04. So, I don't know who you are exactly, but for my argument's sake....the stats don't lie.

What is the point you are trying to make? Does the fact that Greensboro's era is worse than Guilford's make the Quakers ineligible to having one of the the top 10 worst ERA's in Division III? I would just like to know which player you are on that team. I know you were getting all over the guy from greensboro that you thought was pretending to be someone else, but in fact, I think the person pretending to be someone else is you.

You will soon see its better to keep your mouth shut if you are a player. Word will eventually get out at who you are and when it does, only trouble will await you. All the blabber that you have said will come back. Atleast Manfro is man enough to admit who he is.


Winchester escaped with only a dusting of snow last night and the ground is 99.9% bare.  There will be baseball played up at the top of state on Wednesday. 

:D   :D  :D  :D


It would appear, from looking at the NCWC schedule, that the game vs LC has been changed to WEDS and 3 PM.  No announcement at either the NCWC or the LC websites, though.


Good news about Shenandoah.  I heard that CNU is switching from baseball to Nordic events.


NCWC game vs Lnchburg is officially changed to Wednesday at 3pm.  NCWC hasn't played in 10 days so maybe the layoff will be like a new start to the season.  They sure need it.  NCWC has weekend series with CNU and Lynchburg with Emory and Henry so I doubt we'll see number 1 and 2's for both teams.  I am assuming NCWC will throw one of their middle relief guys and hope to keep game close. 8) Pitching staff has not been handled the way I thought they should so far this year...but still time.


Lynchburg has not played in about 10 days either, since the weekend at Methodist.  It would not surprise me to see a 1-2 innings out of the top 4 pitchers on both teams to get them back in game mode. 

Will you be there, LTHS?  I will be making the drive down.


unfortunetely for me it's a mid week game and I can't make those due to work.  I'm in the Navy so not so easy to get off work.  I hope it's a good one.  Post the highlights if you don't mind once game is over.


what happened to former bright spots Jake Loye and Sibrizzi from Averett, they seem to have gotten worse. What happened to Ferrums Lincoln Garner from last year, did he transfer again?