BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference

Started by narch, December 30, 2005, 10:58:27 PM

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I was at both games and offer some thoughts.

These where 2 very good games
SU and CNU are two good teams and this will not be the last time they see each other
Un-named fans said bad things and un-named coach said bad things but SU shut them up be hitting the ball - enough said
No lead is safe no matter who you have on the mound -- period
These games lived up to the hype and was well worth the drive. If you missed them you should watch the video of them.

Thank you to SU and CNU for a great baseball weekend.


I have to agree w/ Boysofsummer21.  What a great weekend of conference baseball.  There were two nationally ranked teams on the field sat, and sun.  They played hard and I am sure the fans on both sides will agree that it was a fun two days of college baseball.


A recap of the SU v CNU series from a SU fan perspective.  Two complete different games.  Definitely did not think Van Sickler would get the L, but he did shove for most of the game until the 8th.  Regardless, congrats to CNU for earning the split.  As far as the "heckling" incident, I don't care who you are, until you are in "Coach XYZ's" position, you don't know how you would react.  Especially when you are being heckled with stuff from your WAY PAST!   I have no problem with heckling another team, but a Coach?  I'll say Cmon man to that one.  Especially from an "alleged" former Captain.  I do believe there could be some regret on the part on "Coach XYZ's" part, but in his defense, the CNU hecklers NEVER should have came at him with the remarks they did.  And I do need to comment on the way the opposing coach handled his fans/former players.  If that were to happen at SU, and an opposing Coach confronted SU's coach about heckling going as far as it did, SU's coach would have put a stop to it IMMEDIATELY.  He demands, and gets respect from his players, along with every other individual on campus.  That would have ended right there had the game and hecklers been at SU.  The way the opposing Coach handled it was weak.  I'm not denying anything that either party said, I'm just looking at it from an outsider's point of view.  And I guess when you are back to back defending South Region Champs, defending Conf Champs, and #1 in the Nation, I guess some heckling is expected.  Not the way it did though and that was bush league. 

Enough with that, cause these were two VERY good teams and they played two VERY good games this weekend.  Aside from a little rain on Saturday, the weather couldn't have been much better, and neither could the baseball games.  SU showed dominance out of their bullpen when Claudio got the early exit from game 1, and their bats came alive.  Van Sickler was dominant for 7 innings of game 2, just like the All American that he is, but maybe a little fatigue got to him and CNU's bats came to life and gave Van Sickler his first loss of the year.  Much credit is owed to CNU and their approach to Van Sickler.  They waited him out and waited for him to make his mistakes and they hit him hard when he did.  Goldsmith kept the Captains in the game all day, and was actually more impressed with him than there #1.  He had to have thrown 130+ pitches though (didn't hear a pitch count from anybody).  But in all honesty (I was hoping for an SU sweep), but what a great weekend of baseball in the USA South and the top 2 teams in the country.  Represented USA South BASEBALL (not sportsmanship necessarily) very well.  I definitely think SU showed that they deserve that #1 ranking though.  Looking forward to that always exciting USA South Conf Tourny. 


I don't think that 10 hits and 4 K's by a generous ump, and at least 4 warning track catches would fall in the dominant category. He is a very good pitcher but you don't need to use the fatigue card, or he made mistakes as your excuse!! Just saying!!


Great weekend of baseball in VA... from what it looks like it was a fun weekend and i hate i live to far away to catch those games....  Speaking on Coach A part  i would agree as a coach you can not tell any fans or players that you will kick there butt if they dont shut up.. When i played i can remember get everything yelled at me you could think of when i was on the mound.. from my mothers name, fathers name, gf.. etc.   I was a players so i could run my mouth back a little more than waht Coach A should have done... But no matter what he said or did. still doesnt take back the fact that he is a awesome coach.   Great weekend of baseball and congrats to both teams on winning there respected games...    NOW... NCWC gets broomed sticked in Fayetteville..  I know that has to hurt as it looked like both games were no match for MU...  I hated for the players on Mon because C LONG is going to give them one ruff pract i would guess...   NOW NCWC  IS LAST IN THE USA SOUTH.... unless they sweep ferrum they will finish last because with a split the head to head will go to overall record...  lets hope the bishops sweep.... you guys that follow the teams more than i do and have watchd them play.. whats the chances of a sweep..... LTHS  maybe you can tell me whats going on with the bishops????????????????


I'm not 100% sure who you think was doing the heckling from the CNU crowd, but I believe you are mistaken on the "former captain" part. As far as a Coach telling his own fans to keep it down, I have to agree to disagree with you there. I understand the comments said by certain CNU fans were from a long, long time ago; and, no one truly knows the story of what really occurred in that whole situation at the former school, but heckling both players and coaches is part of the game. And yes, you are correct in the saying that #1 ranking and back to back WS appearances add to that; but that is what is to be expected when you go on the road to the #2 in the nation, who also happens to be your arch rival. I wouldn't say CNU's coach  handled it weak at all, as it's his job to control what goes on in between the lines; not outside the fences. Heck, if I'm a CNU coach right there, I'm probably enjoying what the fans are saying. I've never seen Frank Beamer turn around and cuss the UVA crowd when he's in C'Ville. Just like I've never seen Coach K shout back at the UNC crowed in Chapel Hill. It's all just part of the game and all in good fun.

I do agree with all of the other observations everyone has. These are 2 very, very good teams and will most certainly meet again at a later date.


Quote from: baseballfan58 on April 03, 2011, 10:57:18 PM
I don't think that 10 hits and 4 K's by a generous ump, and at least 4 warning track catches would fall in the dominant category. He is a very good pitcher but you don't need to use the fatigue card, or he made mistakes as your excuse!! Just saying!!

Pretty sure he said he threw 7 dominant innings, which he did for the most part until he ran into problems in the 8th...Just Saying!!


I'm just going to put in a little plug here for Coach Harvell.  Quality guy.  I was very impressed a few years ago when he made sure every single player on the roster made an appearance during the season... Even the bullpen catcher. I am sure that most of Coach Anderson's players respect him.  But there are players who chose CNU because that coaching staff was more suitable to them.


I'll also add the to plug for Harvell. If we are talking about how great other coaches are, CNU has also been to the WS twice, and I believe has a much, much better record than that of the recent USAS School to get to the WS. Also, Austin and Long have also had similar careers. This is in no way a shot at KA, as I respect the heck out of the guy for the program he has built, but there are plenty of other really, really good coaches in the league.


BMoore I respect your comments about Coach A.  Being an opponent of his and SU's for years, I am highly pleased to hear of your respect of Coach A, class move by you because he is a phenomenal Coach and guy, aside from recent events.  Aside from the fact that you shoved against us in 2009 Conf tourny, I respect your thoughts about Coach A.  Not taking anything from Coach Harvell, cause CNU's track record as opposed to SU's over the years is definitely worth noting, but in recent years, I think it's safe to say who has the edge.  And Tom Austin is a proven winner and his tenure at MU is worth noting as well.  That's a man who loves his job and loves that school to do that for so long.  I have the utmost respect for Tom Austin, and Charlie Long as well.   And as for the comments about Harvell handling the fans, you're right you wouldn't see Frank Beamer or Coach K yell back because they have several thousand fans yelling at them and their with well thought out chants, not bringing up things from the WAY PAST, which is just speculation anyway, and something that is (with ALL DO RESPECT TO THE MAN) a black mark on his record.  He had ONE, maybe TWO fans yelling at him, so he could pinpoint who it was.  NOT SAYING HE SHOULD'VE HANDLED IT THE WAY HE DID, just saying it was easy for him to locate the source of the heckling.  And yes, I would expect CNU Coach, or any Coach, to act on ONE or TWO unruly fans, because I KNOW FOR SURE Coach would do that at SU to students, or anyone, if an opposing COACH nonetheless, was being heckled with the nonsense remarks he was receiving. 

And I don't even want to hear about a "generous umpire".  Goldsmith got calls as well and how can you say "generous umpire" for SU pitcher, who was on the ROAD, as opposed to CNU pitcher?  I understand they were more than likely USA South umpires, but still.  The kid is a 2010 All American, and a 2011 Pre-Season All-American, did you ever think he's just REALLY REALLY good?  If you hit spots you are going to get calls, period!!!   Yes, he lost it in the 8th, but those deep fly balls that I witnessed first hand as well, were not home runs so I don't care if you hit it to the track everytime, it's still an out.  When you have another All-American in Brashears in CF, those fly balls should be caught.  "Just saying!!!"  And I think I CAN use at least mistakes as a REASON, not an "excuse" (I will rephrase that part) as the reason for CNU getting to him in the 8th.  I think it's safe to say that, as a hitter, you're supposed to hit a pitcher's mistakes, and that's what CNU did, and much credit to them for that.  Congrats to both teams for a well played series, and I look forward to more games like this in Bulrington, and hopefully Millington, or possibly Appleton. 


SU's Greg VanSickler and Kevin Brashears ... what outstanding players (and more importantly, outstanding individuals) who just play the game and don't walk around thinking they are above the game.  I've watched these young men over the last 4yrs and let me tell you, it's been a joy!

I have seen some players in the USA-South that really never reached their potential because they were more worried about being pretty and the look at me non-sense.

For future players, if you want to know how to play the game the right, then follow the foot-steps of both VanSickler and Brashears and you too could very well be an All-American!


Almost forgot, I would have to put former Shenandoah SS-Jesse Henry in that category as well and he proved himself with a Reg'l MOP award if I recall correctly.


Now I do agree with you there. Henry, Van-Sickler, and Brashears are all very, very good players and individuals.

Not to keep the thread going on last weekend's antics, but we will just have to leave it at the disagreement. To your point of the "well thought of chants" that people heckle big time Coaches about; I'd like to know where you came up with that from. Hecklers are notorious for finding something in the Coaches deep past and heckling them with remarks on that comment/action. I wouldn't exactly say hecklers use well thought out or articulate chants during their course of action. I'll revert back to my previous point that a Coach is to control what is going on inside the lines; not outside the fences.

Either way, good weekend series. CNU did hit Sickler's mistakes, and that's why they came out on top. They did what a very good lineup is supposed to do.


We'll leave it at that then PNeal.  Two seperate opinions and points of view but that's what it's about.  And those 3 players are good friends of mine, and I hoped to see Henry get a chance at pro ball, but that was not to be I guess.  I'm hoping the 2 All Americans get the chance that they deserve.  Hopefully with the National recognition that these two teams have brought to the USA South, more players from this great conference will get a shot at pro ball.  Seen too many great players not get their chance from the USA South.  I do wish the best for former CNU Captain Kenny Moreland as he tries to make his way through the Orioles farm system. 


I agree. I think it's a generalized thought by all that the USAS, and even dIII in general, does not get enough recognition. Along with the three players you've mentioned, you can throw Trae Bailey into that mix as well. One of the best pure hitters I've ever seen. Brashears, Van Sickler, and Ingram all may have a shot this year, as I certainly think all 3 could compete at that level.