Women's tournaments

Started by D3hoops.com, January 03, 2005, 03:07:15 PM

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Event: Cardinal Classic
Dates: November 15th and 16th 2024
Location: Plattsburgh, NY

Need two teams right now, but do have a tentative commitment from a 3rd team at the moment. Each team will play SUNYAC Plattsburgh and Potsdam.

5 Hotel Rooms - Hotel will be located roughly a mile from campus next to several restaurants and other stores.
Pizza and Drinks after games on Friday OR Saturday.


Clarkson University is looking for a tournament in the Northeast on November 15-16 or 16-17, 2024. Please contact me if you have an opening. Thank you.

Sherry Dobbs


Earlham College is looking to add 1 more team to their Melissa Johnson HOPE Classic on November 23rd and 24th. It's a two game guarantee. Post game meals will be provided after both games along with up to 10 hotel rooms for your roster.

Email me at jtadams10@earlham.edu or text me at (765) 265-9253.

Joe Adams
Earlham WBB

Trip Sports

Cruzin Classic
Operated by Trip Sports
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Option A Dec. 15-19, 2024
Option B Dec. 18-22, 2024

This is a destination event where we take care of all the planning and hassles for you. Next season will mark the 24th edition of this event. We have just a few spots remaining.

For more information, please email Todd at todd@tripsports.com or call 614-285-4132.

Nazareth WBB

Nazareth University is looking to host a post holiday tournament Dec 28 and 29, 2024

-5 hotel rooms for one night
-pizza post game
-awards and t-shirts

Please email kdunne0@naz.edu if interested! May only need 2 more teams.


DePauw University is looking for one team to complete the field for the AMY HASBROOK MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT, December 29 & 30, 2024. The tournament includes:

*reduced hotel rates
*one post game meal
*tournament t-shirts
*all tournament team recognition

Please text/call Kris Huffman at 765-721-2389 or email khuffman@depauw.edu for more information.


Marymount (VA) has one opening left in our annual Pablo Coto Tournament set for Nov. 22nd-23rd.  Other teams participating are Gettysburg and SUNY Cobleskill.

We provide a limited number of hotel rooms, post game meals both days, and awards. We are 10 minutes from Washington, D.C.  A great opportunity for sightseeing, alumni events, etc!

Please contact Margaret White at mwhite@marymount.edu if interested.


Loras College is looking to fill the last spot in our Tip Off Tournament on November 8th and 9th. 2 games.

*$1000 Guarantee
*reduced hotel rates
*tournament t-shirts
*tournament awards

Please contact Justin Busch, justin.busch@loras.edu / 563-588-7947, if interested.


Looking for 1-2 teams for our Coastal Classic on November 15-16 - guarantee of 5 double rooms/1 single, meal after game 1 and t-shirts. Email mphelps2@bowdoin.edu if interested


Knox College looking for a tournament or classic Nov 21-23 2024
Preferably within 5-6 hrs

If no tournaments open to play two single games if the schools are relatively close in distance

Please contact Seth McDowell stmcdowell@knox.edu


University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, WA
Looking for one more team!

Come check out the Pacific Northwest. 30 minute drive to SeaTac Airport. Easy access to multiple direct flights all across the US. 45 min drive to Seattle (Pike Place Market, Space Needle) and only 5 minutes away from the Tacoma Waterfront/Puget Sound. Lots to do and conveniently located to everything. Plus, great competition for your team's SOS.

Nov 29-30, 2024
2 Game guarantee - University of Puget Sound and Pacific University
$1500 guarantee

If you're interested, please reach out. Casey Kushiyama: ckushiyama@pugetsound.edu or (808)722-1930


Brooklyn College (NY) is looking for a Holiday Tournament (Late December) for the 2024-25 Season.  Please contact Head Coach, Megan Campbell - megan.campbell@brooklyn.cuny.edu if you plan on hosting and need a team (s). 


1: Medgar Evers College is looking for team for its Betty Shabazz Thanksgiving Tournament for the 2024-25 season. Tournament dates are November 30 and December 1.  Please contact Jenifer Jules at jjules@mec.cuny.edu.

2:Medgar Evers College is looking for a December Holiday Tournament for the 2024-25 Season. Open Dates are December 28, 29, and 30. Please contact Jenifer Jules at jjules@mec.cuny.edu if you have a tournament and need a team.



Trinity College of Florida (30 minutes north of Tampa) has plenty of open dates for WBB.  Please email me, Daniel Johnson, at daniel.johnson@trinitycollege.edu if interested.  If road game, within five hours.  We can host anyone.  A perk is if you have a possible men's team willing to play also.


The Coast Guard Academy (New London, CT) is looking to fill some open dates for the 24-25 season. Late December/early January dates available. If you are interested in scheduling, contact alex.e.ivansheck@uscga.edu.