Women's tournaments

Started by D3hoops.com, January 03, 2005, 03:07:15 PM

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Guilford College is looking for teams to participate in their Holiday Classic next season December 28 & 29, 2025. Guarantee of 8 Marriott hotel rooms.
Contact Sarah Mathews smathews@guilford.edu or 336-905-0308.


Palm Springs and Montreal!!
We have added two great locations to our long running D3 tournaments during the holidays!

We will be in Palm Springs, CA Dec. 19-20th and Montreal, Quebec Canada for December 29-30th.

If you are interested in any of the below cities around these dates, please reach out:

Nashville, TN
St. Pete Beach, FL
Palm Springs, CA
New York City, NY
Montreal, QC



Hamilton Women's Basketball is looking for a 2 day Tournament in the Boston area: Nov 21-22 or 22-23, After Christmas

For any openings please Contact Asst Coach, John Sanchez : jdsanche@hamilton.edu

Thank you!


Norwich University is hosting the Ed Hockenbury Classic on December 5-6, 2025.   

We offer a generous guarantee, a meal after the first game, tournament shirts and awards.

If interested contact Ute Otley at yotley@norwich.edu or 802-485-2229

Nazareth WBB


Looking for teams for our pre holiday tournament-
December 13 and 14th
5 hotel rooms 1 night with a great nightly price for any additional rooms or nights
Pizza and drinks after 1 game
T shirts and awards

Lots to do in the Rochester area!

Email kdunne0@naz.edu if interested


Washington and Lee University is looking for a tip-off tournament either November 7-8 or November 15-16. We also may have room for one more game and could start a home/away.

Please email me, Brittney Kemp, if interested with either/or: bkemp@wlu.edu


UMass Dartmouth is looking to fill it's 16th annual Lafrance hospitality tournament.
Dates: November 22-23, 2025. 
Location: Dartmouth, MA
6 hotel rooms, food voucher, t-shirts, awards for winner, tournament MVP, and all-tournament team.

Email Matt Ducharme: mducharme@umassd.edu


UMass Dartmouth is looking for a holiday tournament in 2025.  Please email Matt Ducharme (mducharme@umassd.edu) if you have room.


UW-Stevens Point is looking for one more team to fill our Tip-Off Tournament

Dates: November 8th & 9th 2025
Site: Berg Gym - UW Stevens Point
-2 Games / Classic Style
Teams will receive 8 complimentary hotel rooms (can offer more if needed), 20 Tournament Shirts, Individual Awards, and a post game meal following the game of your choice

Questions or inquires contact Assistant Coach Eveline Parsons
Email: eparsons@uwsp.edu / Cell: 843-460-3928


Mary Hardin-Baylor is looking to add a couple more home games in the Jan 3-10 time frame and/or December 8/9. Open to providing a guarantee for out of state teams.

We also are open to getting in a trip/classic during January 3-10 as well.

Please shoot me an email knovaklenoir@umhb.edu or text me 815-280-8731!

Kate Mullen

Tournament Needed: Weekend of November 21-22, 2025

Due to a change in schedule, Wesleyan University Women's Basketball is looking for a tournament for the Weekend of November 21-22, 2025.

Please contact Kate Mullen at kmullen@wesleyan.edu if you have any openings.

Thank you!