MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by sac, February 19, 2005, 11:51:56 AM

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Actually Brandon Crawford's FT shooting has improved in league play.  In Albion's 8 MIAA games, he is hitting 73%, which amazingly is still lower than his FG% for those games.  But I will take 3-out-of-4 from a big guy any day.

And it seems like every year, this board falls prey to this fan behavior discussion, and every year, it just spirales into a fingerpointing session with some baseless, juvenile comments.  It grows tiresome and pointless.  Can we get back to focusing on what happens on the court?

Carl Yastrzemski

I didn't know you were the offical record keeper of Dew Crew activites.

It is very simple to back up. Go ahead and place a call to the AD for the orange & blue. He was involved in getting the stolen item back. So I am sure he would remember the details.

Breaking into a handicapped persons car doesn't rate  high on the list of KresgeKrazy pre/post game events.

Keep on drinking the orange kool-aid.

Picked this up off the police raido last night. A SUV filled with University of Michigan basketball players and a recruit were involved in an accident last night. Look for this highly sought after recruit to sign with the Wolverines and lead them to a National Title.


Ugh, the Brian Ellerbee era.  Just the thought of it is enough to make me wake up kicking and screaming every night for the rest of my life.


kresgekrazy---what chapter was A****I covered.  ;D  Bet that was a tough A.

I watched VanSolkema during a Hope timeout and he was describing a play to Davelaar.  After the TO Hope ran a set I can't remember seeing and it resulted in a wideopen and uncovered Andy Phillips slashing to the bucket for a layup.

DVS got many high fives from his teamates sitting on the bench for that..........he's makeing an impact.


Quote from: allfirst on January 30, 2006, 10:54:40 AM
Crawford should be shooting that kind of percentage...it's not that hard to make layups...
First of all they're not all layups.  Second getting good position down low and creating an easy shot for yourself is an art in and of itself.  BC's shooting 77% from the floor in eight MIAA games and he's made more field goals than the next two guys on the best shooting percentage list combined.  He's also averaging nearly a double-double in MIAA games.  He's also top 10 in free throw percentage.  He deserves some credit in my opinion.


Someone asked whether or not Hope had any competition from other RCA colleges.  Yes, they do.  In Iowa alone they have Northwestrn, and Central.  Calvin also has Dordt college in Iowa to compete with, and Trinity down in Chicago.  In the old days Calvin had more players from Ill., Iowa, and Minnesota, and ocassionaly WI.  The talent pool that D3 schools draw from is pretty equal across state lines.  Every once in a while a school like Calvin, and Hope will get a player like a Hondered or Veenstra or Bosma that really could have played at the next level, but family tradition played a major role.  Just like the younger Veenstra currently playing at Kalamazoo Christian may very well end up at Calvin
"If you are catching flack it means you are over the target".  Brietbart.

Carl Yastrzemski

Crawford deserves all of the accolades he has received so far this year. It is tough enough to make 77% of your shots in practice let alone in a season. I have to believe MIAA defenders are tougher to score against than Coach May holding up a broom for Crawford to shoot over in practice.

Looks like the University of Washington picked up a huge basketball verbal commitment. This kid named Adam Morrison can really play. Wait before I could finish typing this he backed out and is signing with some school named Gonzaga. Looks like we will never hear from that guy again. The WCC is graveyard for D-1 Basketball players.


This post goes back a few days to Stinger's rant about hating all things Hope.  There is too much to quote, its string 106 if you want to read it again.

It seems like in the last few years Hope has done a lot to have some of the best athletic facilities in the MIAA.  The two that come to mind are the DeWitt tennis center ('94) and DeVos fieldhouse.  I'm sure this helps with recruitment and may cut into the recruiting ability of other MIAA schools.

I can also sympathize with his rant about always losing to Hope and it being a heart breaker.  As a Hope cross country alum I recall that we were always second to Calvin.  Try as we might we could never manage to defeat the Knights.  They always seemed to run away with the league title and even a National title.

Stinger maybe you should look at your Men's tennis team, they have racked up several league titles, like 50 in a row!
My abilities are gifts from God, what I do with those abilities are my gifts back to God.


There is a basketball player in my European History class, named Duane Bosma.  Seems slow with no athletic ability, I bet he'll never amount to anything.
My abilities are gifts from God, what I do with those abilities are my gifts back to God.



How bout them Wolverines?  Does anybody remember a kid named Rotolu Adabayi who played JV for Albion.  That kid had Brendon Crawford abilities (o.k. maybe that's exaggerating a little, but he was pretty good).  He transferred to UM and rode the pine.



What's up with the negative Karma - that's bush


Quote from: Carl Yastrzemski on January 30, 2006, 01:56:46 PM
Crawford deserves all of the accolades he has received so far this year. It is tough enough to make 77% of your shots in practice let alone in a season. I have to believe MIAA defenders are tougher to score against than Coach May holding up a broom for Crawford to shoot over in practice.

I agree.  He has been dominant.  And someone nailed it on the head earlier.  Sure they may only be layups, but you have to get in that position.  He has been incredible. 

QuoteLooks like the University of Washington picked up a huge basketball verbal commitment. This kid named Adam Morrison can really play. Wait before I could finish typing this he backed out and is signing with some school named Gonzaga. Looks like we will never hear from that guy again. The WCC is graveyard for D-1 Basketball players.

I have to say, because I usually enjoy these clips, that this was not one of your finest.  After all, it was 1999 when the Zags made it to the Elite Eight.  Well before Morrison.  Should have gone with Stockton (even though it didn't put them on the map) or Dan Dickau.


I've been thinking about this all day, and he may give me negative karma for doing this, but too many on this board (and other boards) think too much of him not to know this news about our friend SAC.

SAC's father passed away on Saturday and I just want to ask all of you posters and readers to keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.  Visitation is tonight and tomorrow with the service on this coming Saturday.  I know that your thoughts will get him through this.

We love you SAC!


Quote from: gohope on January 30, 2006, 03:14:31 PM

SAC's father passed away on Saturday and I just want to ask all of you posters and readers to keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.  Visitation is tonight and tomorrow with the service on this coming Saturday.  I know that your thoughts will get him through this.

We love you SAC!

My deepest sympathies, sac. God's grace to you and your family


i love hope  sports all of them are really great to watch

Carl Yastrzemski

SAC your family is in our prayers.

Tniem, Good point, I am well up to date with my WCC and Gonzaga triva/knowledge. Thought I would draw on the fact Morrison originaly committed to Washington only to back out and head to Gonzaga. Stockton, Dickau, Turiaf, Ravio all chose the Bulldogs from day one. Keep your eyes open for further WCC news releases.