MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by sac, February 19, 2005, 11:51:56 AM

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A--from where I was sitting, I couldn't hear everything they were saying.  Most of what I heard was very creative and down right funny sometimes.

The "Lets play football" chant is the oldest chant in the book to Calvin fans.  And it's pretty dumb when you're losing.

Calling someone ugly in a chant, and then heckling that person on the sidelines for 30 seconds while the refs were discussing something is pretty low.  Glad this Calvin player just flat out toned them out while he waiting for the game to start and the ref to hand him the ball.

For the most part, Calvin students were loud enough and not "disgracefull."



All I can say is we will have to agree to disagree. I also was there & could hear the cheers & although I will agree that a few were creative, it is also true just as many were just plain stupid & derogatory. Enough said. I will say that I always enjoy the Hope cheers & am much more impressed by the Hope student section than any other school in the league. I rarely if ever hear smear cheers and am always impressed with what they come up with. Even though I am a die hard Calvin fan, they always make me laugh. I absolutely cannot say the same about what I saw from the Kazoo fans tonight.
Good luck to both teams tomorrow. I just hope they don't meet each other too soon in the NCAA tourney.


Quote from: goknights68 on February 25, 2006, 12:17:38 AM
[Calling someone ugly in a chant, and then heckling that person on the sidelines for 30 seconds while the refs were discussing something is pretty low. 

Nooooooo, Calvin students never called Don Overbeek "Ogre"........no never happened.  ::)

The horses sure are tall around here.

.........have I mentioned I love this rivalry befoe.  Cause I do.


Some random thoughts upon returning from the games tonight (may I add, in record time...it's 129 miles from my parking spot at Calvin to my apartment, and I made it back in an hour and a half.)


The seasonal stout at the Grand Rapids Brewing Company is not to be missed.  Absolutely delicious.


I sat in the first row, immediately behind the Hope bench, with a Hope recruit and his mother.  I don't know if any of you Dutch fans noticed the 7 footer standing behind the bench, but his name is Brian Puls.  Rest assured, I spent the whole game telling the truth about Hope, and all the other schools in the MIAA.  As far as I know, he's being recruited by Adrian, Hope, and Albion.

I was really impressed by some of the changes GVW made early in the game.  At the outset, Hope was not rotating very well, leaving Albion open for 3s, they fixed that in a hurry.

The dirtiest word GVW employed in the whole game was "stinking."

There was never a sense of panic on the Hope bench when Albion started off as hot as they did.  This is the first time I've had the chance to see Hope play this year, and I was struck by how well Hope responded to early setbacks.

I still think Voison is soft.


Something needs to be done about that entry area in Calvin's gym.  It's an absolute mess having 2 entries, a concession stand, restrooms, and a VIP section in such a small space.


Any future complaints from Calvin people regarding opposing student sections' language, etiquette, actions, or the like, will be summarily dismissed and greeted with a hearty cheer of SHENANIGANS!

I sat behind the Calvin student section, and heard an incredible amount of dirty language.  F-bombs were flying freely, not that I care.  I just don't want to hear about how much classier Calvin students are than other students.  

Interesting Insights from Calvin Students:

"Immink sucks"

"Immink got schooled by a freshman"

"I could school Immink"

"You Hope fans are just afraid of us, that's why you're sitting in the Kalamazoo student section." (completely ignoring the fact that several Calvin students were there to cheer on the Britons in the first game)

While we're on the topic of student sections...Calvin's student section got absolutely torn up by the Kalamazoo student section.  

Memorable Kzoo student cheers:

"Quit the tanning"

"Hit the weight room"

and the best of the night...

"You shave your legs" (directed toward Veldhouse.  Actually, I have to give Veldhouse credit on this one.  He laughed, and nodded in agreement.  Gotta love that kind of confidence.)

Calvin students individually responded with such witty retorts as:

"Shut Up"


"You're 4th in the conference."  (not bad, but it completely ignored the fact that, had Kzoo won tonight, and found a way to win tomorrow night, they would have still automatically qualified for the NCAA tournament, while at the same time, Calvin would have finished 3rd/4th in the MIAA tournament).

Let's not forget

"Travel!!" (roughly eleventy billion times, the Kzoo player could have been pivoting, dribbling, or sitting on the bench, and the Calvin students wanted a traveling call.)

I was glad to see a couple of competitive games tonight.  Well played, well coached, and for the most part, well officiated.  Best of luck to both teams tomorrow night.


Quote from: knightmoves on February 25, 2006, 12:20:23 AM
I just hope they don't meet each other too soon in the NCAA tourney.

Next Saturday, count on  it.


Oh for God's sakes bulldogalum, I already said I don't mind how a student section behaves, so I'm not complaining at all.  I just disagree with sac about Kalmazoo being so creative and Calvin's being "disgracefull."

If you think a cheer like "we're still smarter" is so amazing then go ahead.

I'm just glad Calvin beat K-zoo.



Had Kalamazoo won tonight & tomorrow night they would have automatically qualified for the NCAA tornament is like saying if my Mom would have named me Tiger Woods I would be the best golfer in the world
Calvin & Hope will both be dancin' regardless of the outcome tomorrow, where all the other teams have are what ifs



Do you really think they would have Calvin & Hope play next Saturday already? I was hoping it would be like last year when we didn't play Albion until the elite 8


I have no idea really.......but they did in the early 90's.  Why not now?


Quote from: knightmoves on February 25, 2006, 12:35:03 AM

Had Kalamazoo won tonight & tomorrow night they would have automatically qualified for the NCAA tornament is like saying if my Mom would have named me Tiger Woods I would be the best golfer in the world
Calvin & Hope will both be dancin' regardless of the outcome tomorrow, where all the other teams have are what ifs

Trust me, I understand this.  I guess what bothered me, at that point in the game, was that 1)Kzoo was either leading or very close to it, and 2) regular season standings mean nothing in the tournament.  Now that Calvin has beaten Kzoo, such a comment is much more appropriate.  I mean, I can think of a time a couple of years ago when a 4 seed knocked off a 1 seed in their gym.

Also, I didn't intend for my comments about the student section to be piling on.  Calvin was the better team.  They kicked their defense up a few notches when they needed to, and had just enough offensive firepower to finally do Kzoo in.  


As a diehard Knight Club member I must say I was rather disappointed with the student section tonight.  While the numbers were decent to good, if you look past the first three rows you will see that only about a third of those students are wearing knight club shirts and only about a 20th of them are actually cheering.  It was a disgrace to get out cheered by a smaller student section in the first half and the only time we ever got louder than them was once we gained the lead in the second half.  Speaking for the true Knight Club members we enjoyed the banter going back and forth with the Kzoo students in particular the "your still virgins: cheer reminiscent of a cheer by Rochester at the final 4 last year.


I have no idea really.......but they did in the early 90's.  Why not now?

You never know with the big dance so you're right...why not?!


Congratulations to Kzoo for exceeding expectations this year.  Good luck on another average season next year.


Tonight was my first chance to see Kzoo this year as well.  I could write a long winded post about them, but I'll keep it to one thing I liked tonight, and one thing I disliked.

I loved the way their guards rebounded.  No gaudy numbers on the stat line, but the Kzoo guards were not afraid getting knocked around in the paint.

I hated looking at the Kzoo sideline early in the second half, when they had just made a 3 to take a 5 point lead, and seeing an assistant coach dancing a jig on the sideline.  WAY too much time left to be celebrating like that.


Hope's 5 turnovers tonight set the MIAA tournament record for fewest.  Surpassing Adrians 6 set in the tournaments first year...1992.

Even more amazing. 8)