MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by sac, February 19, 2005, 11:51:56 AM

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NW Hope Fan

Quote from: almcguirejr on February 10, 2009, 02:34:12 PM
Quote from: oldknight on February 10, 2009, 01:52:48 PM
Quote from: NW Hope Fan on February 10, 2009, 01:42:54 PM
Quote from: KnightSlappy on February 10, 2009, 12:08:20 PM
Somehow I missed this little nugget.  I don't know if if has been brought up here.


So I guess it really is the end for 'Cal' and his neck brace.

Couple things stood out:

"not a goofy thing like some other schools"... What are they trying to say here???  ;)

"We also wanted a knight with the helmet on; no face, so that we could keep it gender neutral."... A gender neutral knight? Huh?? Like the androgynous knights of the round table???  

" We wanted it strong but not too ominous. " So more like a female shot putter...  :o

Just kidding!!! Glad to see an effort like this.

So are cheerleaders next?  ;) ;)

From Merriam-Webster's Online

Pronunciation: \ˈnīt\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cniht man-at-arms, boy, servant; akin to Old High German kneht youth, military follower
Date: before 12th century
1 a (1): a mounted man-at-arms serving a feudal superior ; especially : a man ceremonially inducted into special military rank usually after completing service as page and squire (2): a man honored by a sovereign for merit and in Great Britain ranking below a baronet (3): a person of antiquity equal to a knight in rank b: a man devoted to the service of a lady as her attendant or champion

I don't imagine King Arthur would be impressed. Hard to keep it gender neutral when it's not. Maybe Calvin should bring back the "Knighties" nickname just so the ladies can have the female version of the mascot. ::)

I think they should unveil this on a night when there's not a full house.  If it's not quite ready, that mascot will be fodder for the Hope students.

The scoreboard wasn't quite ready for prime time.  Don't make the same mistake twice.

You have a point there Al. It helps having a uninhibited actor, but most mascots go to some kind of camp to get "mascot training". I'm sure though, that the excitement of the big game will be helpful. I'm sure he/she/it will be fine... easier to look past the "humanness" than the very expensive piece of electronics!
"We are told that Christ was killed for us, that His death has washed out our sins, and that by dying He disabled death itself. ... That is Christianity. That is what has to be believed."

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


My long planned business trip was just cancelled & I can now go to the game but it's sold out. I haven't missed a Hope Calvin in years + it's my wife's birthday tomorrow & I would love to surprise her. If anyone can connect me with 2 tickets I will be indebted & hopefully I can return the favor down the road.
Please reply to this post or e-mail me: dewabil@yahoo.com

NW Hope Fan

Speaking of mascots... Ziggy, why the JJ love?
"We are told that Christ was killed for us, that His death has washed out our sins, and that by dying He disabled death itself. ... That is Christianity. That is what has to be believed."

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


I'm sure Calvin's new mascot can take whatever grief the Dew Crew gives him/her/it............after all....

......its just a flesh wound.

NW Hope Fan

"We are told that Christ was killed for us, that His death has washed out our sins, and that by dying He disabled death itself. ... That is Christianity. That is what has to be believed."

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Gregory Sager

Quote from: sac on February 10, 2009, 02:54:17 PM
I'm sure Calvin's new mascot can take whatever grief the Dew Crew gives him/her/it............after all....

......its just a flesh wound.

I've had worse.
"To see what is in front of one's nose is a constant struggle." -- George Orwell


Quote from: almcguirejr on February 10, 2009, 02:34:12 PM
Quote from: oldknight on February 10, 2009, 01:52:48 PM
Quote from: NW Hope Fan on February 10, 2009, 01:42:54 PM
Quote from: KnightSlappy on February 10, 2009, 12:08:20 PM
Somehow I missed this little nugget.  I don't know if if has been brought up here.


So I guess it really is the end for 'Cal' and his neck brace.

Couple things stood out:

"not a goofy thing like some other schools"... What are they trying to say here???  ;)

"We also wanted a knight with the helmet on; no face, so that we could keep it gender neutral."... A gender neutral knight? Huh?? Like the androgynous knights of the round table???  

" We wanted it strong but not too ominous. " So more like a female shot putter...  :o

Just kidding!!! Glad to see an effort like this.

So are cheerleaders next?  ;) ;)

From Merriam-Webster's Online

Pronunciation: \ˈnīt\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cniht man-at-arms, boy, servant; akin to Old High German kneht youth, military follower
Date: before 12th century
1 a (1): a mounted man-at-arms serving a feudal superior ; especially : a man ceremonially inducted into special military rank usually after completing service as page and squire (2): a man honored by a sovereign for merit and in Great Britain ranking below a baronet (3): a person of antiquity equal to a knight in rank b: a man devoted to the service of a lady as her attendant or champion

I don't imagine King Arthur would be impressed. Hard to keep it gender neutral when it's not. Maybe Calvin should bring back the "Knighties" nickname just so the ladies can have the female version of the mascot. ::)

I think they should unveil this on a night when there's not a full house.  If it's not quite ready, that mascot will be fodder for the Hope students.

The scoreboard wasn't quite ready for prime time.  Don't make the same mistake twice.

I'm 25 miles from Holland and I think I already can hear the Dew Crew working on the chant they'll use the moment the new Knight shows up at VanNoord:


O, the shame of it all. :-[


Quote from: oldknight on February 10, 2009, 03:06:05 PM


O, the shame of it all. :-[

Thats better than the idea I heard floating around........... the one they might try is kind of lame, no one will get it, not even the UPS guy.


Quote from: KnightSlappy on February 10, 2009, 12:08:20 PM
Somehow I missed this little nugget.  I don't know if if has been brought up here.


So I guess it really is the end for 'Cal' and his neck brace.

Everybody prepare to hide your kids


almost   24  hours to the game wed night  can not wait
i love hope  sports all of them are really great to watch


Interesting trend thats developed as we've passed into the 2nd half of league play.  All of these games involve a significant point turnaround from the first matchup

Adrian/Albion   AD win by 3/ Albion win by 16    19 point difference
Adrian/Calvin   Cal win by 31/Calvin win by 4    28 point difference
Albion/Hope     Hope by 25/Albion win by 2       27 point difference
Albion/Olivet    Albion by 2/Albion win by 16      14 point difference
Alma/Kzoo       Kzoo by 4/Kzoo by 28                 24 point difference
Alma/Trine       Alma by 12/Trine by 18               30 point difference
Olivet/Trine     Olivet by 2/Olivet by 22               20 point difference

So of the 12 games, over half (7) have had significantly different point swings than the first meeting.  Of the twelve series, we've had 4 splits.   Adrian/Albion, Albion/Hope, Alma, Trine, Adrian/Kzoo

There are 3 other games tommorrow of equal importance to those teams as Hope/Calvin

Albion at Trine --  Albion won by just 2 at Kresge, I think Albion is playing significantly better basketball since then, but perhaps Trine is as well.  My concern for Albion would be coming off really 5 tough games for them as they played out......Calvin, Alma, Adrian, Hope, Olivet.   A win for Trine could propell them out of the basement, Albion of course needs to keep pace and could find themselve in a 2nd place tie Thursday morning.

Alma at Adrian -- Alma won this one by 2 at home, Adrian played well the other night at Calvin but have been terribly inconsistent in getting W's.  Alma's just not playing good basketball right now 4 straight losses all by double-digits.  Loser might be heading for 8th in the league.

Kzoo at Olivet --  Olivet won in overtime at Kzoo.   Kzoo's probably better than they were then, I think Olivet has been inconsistent all season, they've won back-to-back games once in the MIAA, but haven't lost back-to-back.  A win get the Comets closer to the #4 seed.  A loss could make things dicey.


Quoting Almcjr:  "[I think they should unveil this on a night when there's not a full house.  If it's not quite ready, that mascot will be fodder for the Hope students.

The scoreboard wasn't quite ready for prime time.  Don't make the same mistake twice."

Even if the Knight is perfect.  We should all expect the Hope students will find some way to make it an issue.  As a Calvin fan I would find anything less extremely troubling.  For them to sit there in silence, or worse yet mildly applaud would shake my world view of Hope students. :) :) :) :) :)
"If you are catching flack it means you are over the target".  Brietbart.


i can hear the dew crew saying to calvin fans wed  night you can not fill the gym  thats  all they  will  be saying   
i love hope  sports all of them are really great to watch


Quote from: sac on February 10, 2009, 03:56:10 PM
Interesting trend thats developed as we've passed into the 2nd half of league play.  All of these games involve a significant point turnaround from the first matchup

Adrian/Albion   AD win by 3/ Albion win by 16    19 point difference
Adrian/Calvin   Cal win by 31/Calvin win by 4    28 point difference
Albion/Hope     Hope by 25/Albion win by 2       27 point difference
Albion/Olivet    Albion by 2/Albion win by 16      14 point difference
Alma/Kzoo       Kzoo by 4/Kzoo by 28                 24 point difference
Alma/Trine       Alma by 12/Trine by 18               30 point difference
Olivet/Trine     Olivet by 2/Olivet by 22               20 point difference

So of the 12 games, over half (7) have had significantly different point swings than the first meeting.  Of the twelve series, we've had 4 splits.   Adrian/Albion, Albion/Hope, Alma, Trine, Adrian/Kzoo

There are 3 other games tommorrow of equal importance to those teams as Hope/Calvin

Albion at Trine --  Albion won by just 2 at Kresge, I think Albion is playing significantly better basketball since then, but perhaps Trine is as well.  My concern for Albion would be coming off really 5 tough games for them as they played out......Calvin, Alma, Adrian, Hope, Olivet.   A win for Trine could propell them out of the basement, Albion of course needs to keep pace and could find themselve in a 2nd place tie Thursday morning.

Alma at Adrian -- Alma won this one by 2 at home, Adrian played well the other night at Calvin but have been terribly inconsistent in getting W's.  Alma's just not playing good basketball right now 4 straight losses all by double-digits.  Loser might be heading for 8th in the league.

Kzoo at Olivet --  Olivet won in overtime at Kzoo.   Kzoo's probably better than they were then, I think Olivet has been inconsistent all season, they've won back-to-back games once in the MIAA, but haven't lost back-to-back.  A win get the Comets closer to the #4 seed.  A loss could make things dicey.

And the beat goes on...