MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by sac, February 19, 2005, 11:51:56 AM

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QuoteYour friend says that 'K' could use some of your players.  How about the guys that Kalamazoo recruited who went to Hope with the idea that they were going to have a great Varsity career?  I am sure that Coach Passage would love to have Brett Jager in a Hornet uniform.  Dan Holt?  Jeff Spencer?  Scott Glaser?  And the worst thing is that most Hope fans would probably let 'K' have 'em because of your wonderful transfers.  (The second worst thing is that most Hope fans probably have no idea who Jeff Spencer is).

Can the same be said to Coach Gorno in reference to Kalamazoo's Tennis recruiting?
or Coach Northuis in reference to Calvin's Cross Country recruiting?
or Coach Walters in reference to Alma's softball recruiting?

Bottom line is players are drawn to successful programs.


As you discuss the draw of students to different MIAA schools, it is perhaps worth considering that the incentive to play at a particular school is becoming increasingly less about denomination.  I would suggest that this has a great deal to do with the kind of scholarship aid that schools are offering.  With some conference schools' inflated financial incentives, they are able to pull in all kinds of talented athletes.

Dark Knight

How they did last week.

One can compute a power score for a team's game result based on the Massey power of the team they were playing and the outcome of the game. I doubt it's anything Mr. Massey would acknowledge but I find it interesting.

Averaging the results of the last two games, here is how teams are playing:


No huge surprises here, but it shows the large gap between the top three and rest of the MIAA.  It also shows that Albion had a big week and Alma didn't do as well as they had been earlier in the season. Kzoo also struggled last week.

There are usually a few upsets involving the top tier of the MIAA, but this year it looks as though there may be only one or two, or perhaps none.


Quote from: BogeyMan on January 29, 2006, 11:14:03 AM
Was the dissertation above for a Master's or Doctorate degree?  You're to angry.  Lighten up and have some fun!

Keep writing bulldogalum.  I enjoy the discourse.


Quote from: sac on January 29, 2006, 06:49:51 PM
Ok you made me pull out my old MIAA Tournament programs

I'll only go back 5 years including this year

Holy crow ... nice work.


Quote from: admittedlydutch on January 29, 2006, 07:22:48 PM
As you discuss the draw of students to different MIAA schools, it is perhaps worth considering that the incentive to play at a particular school is becoming increasingly less about denomination.  I would suggest that this has a great deal to do with the kind of scholarship aid that schools are offering.  With some conference schools' inflated financial incentives, they are able to pull in all kinds of talented athletes.

DIII schools can not offer any sort of athletic financial aid so the athlete gets nothing the average student wouldn't.


On the subj of parity among school rosters I started looking at other sports...
here are just a few...

-Kzoo Mens Tennis
-10 Michigan, 2 Ill, 1 Wis, 1 North Dakota

-Calvin Mens Tennis
-5 Michigan, 1 Wis, 1 Penn, 1 Switzerland!

-Hope Mens Tennis
-8 Michigan!

-Albion Mens Tennis
-9 Michigan, 1 Wis

Calvin Mens CC
-2 Minn, 4 Penn, 1 New Mex, 1 Ill, 6 Michigan, 3 Colorado, 1 Ontairio, 1 Cali, 1 Indy

-Albion Mens CC
-29 Michigan, 1 Ariz, 1 Indy

Hope Mens CC
-22 Michigan, 2 Ohio, 1 Indy, 1 NY, 1 Iowa, 1 Kansas


I was going to do the football rosters but that would take too long....

... and I couldn't find one for Calvin   :o


When I referred to "aid", I was not referring to athletic incentives (knowing full well that that is illegal in DIII), but rather to hefty scholarships for students who may be of only average academic achievement.  


Flea Shooter,
This is one of the best discussions this board has had this season.  Some very good points were made by everyone.  I appreciate a discussion like this.  


Kalamazoo was orginally affliliated with the Baptist Church, founded by Bapstists back in the day. The school has no official affiliation today, only that it recognizes that it has a historical link to the Baptist Church.  Albion was founded by Methodists, though I believe they are similar to K in it's acknowledgment.

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.

Nigel Powers - Goldmember


I was not able to attend the game last night in Kzoo, but did find this post over on M-live. I found it interesting given SAC's post about K's students.

Posted on m-live:

1665.2. Kzoo students classless
by miaafan02, 1/29/06 19:55 ET
Re: Hope - K (17 straight) by Nickname7, 1/29/06
If I were a member of the Kalamazoo administration or alumni(which I am glad that I am not), I would be very ashamed of how their students acted last night versus Hope. It is one thing to have friendly exchange of cheers between student sections, but something totally different when vulgar and derogatory language is used towards students and fans. There were many times that K students were chanting Fu$* Hope and the administration did nothing. Also, many Kalamazoo students walked by where a few Hope students were sitting and yelled right in their faces with language that it far less than respectful. If I were an administrator at K, I would refer their students to the mission of the MIAA which includes:
3. Insisting on the practice of good sportsmanship and positive social behaviors in all constituents, including student-athletes, coaches, administrative personnel, and spectators.

For K supposedly being a high class insitution, they showed no class yesterday evening at home.



Having attended the Hope/K game last night, I completely echo the post quoted by hopenum1.  The way a majority of the Kalamazoo students in attendance acted was incredibly crude.  Unfortunately, this behavior went completely unchecked. 


Sounds like some things I heard while at a game at Albion.  I'm all for giving it to the opposing team but using bad language is out of bounds in my book.


QuoteI'm all for giving it to the opposing team but using bad language is out of bounds in my book.

Amen brotha.  Let's remember that sporting events should be family events.  I know that many families attend the Calvin games with young children.  I understand that fans may disagree with an official or want to talk 'smack' to the other team and believe me, I am all for that, but foul language never should be appropriate in this setting.