MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by sac, February 19, 2005, 11:51:56 AM

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I heard more bad language at that one game at Albion than I've heard at four years of Calvin-Hope games combined.  Just food for thought...

Picket Fence

Quote from: KnightSlappy on January 29, 2006, 09:59:35 PM
QuoteI'm all for giving it to the opposing team but using bad language is out of bounds in my book.

Amen brotha.  Let's remember that sporting events should be family events.  I know that many families attend the Calvin games with young children.  I understand that fans may disagree with an official or want to talk 'smack' to the other team and believe me, I am all for that, but foul language never should be appropriate in this setting.

The difference is in who makes up the fan base.  At Calvin and Hope, there is plenty of community support.  Albion and Kalamazoo have crowds that are largely parents and students.  The administrations likely address behavior issues with this in mind.  The alcohol policies of the schools probably have a lot to do with it too.  Calvin and Hope are dry campuses.

GVW probably over recruits.  I don't think you can blame him for the Brett Jager situation.  Hope doesn't offer scholarships, the staff doesn't know who's going to be on their team for the next four years or are they limited to who can be on their team by the scholarships.  He probably was telling players the honest truth, but then VanderHeide, Wolfe and VanSolkema come in and Jager moves down the list.  As for Dan Holt, he's playing as much as he deserves to be playing at this point in his career.  He still looks like he's growing into his size.
Don't get caught watching the paint dry.


Quote from: dren on January 29, 2006, 07:55:45 PM
I was going to do the football rosters but that would take too long....

... and I couldn't find one for Calvin   :o

Oh dren your on fire this week......nice one.


QuoteThe alcohol policies of the schools probably have a lot to do with it too.  Calvin and Hope are dry campuses.

How do you do it????

I need one right now


No kidding, the mere thought of a dry campus sends me diving for my liquor cabinet.


Thanks for the info on Kzoo Stinger, I really had no idea they were founded by Baptists.

Quote from: hopenum1 on January 29, 2006, 08:13:13 PM
I was not able to attend the game last night in Kzoo, but did find this post over on M-live. I found it interesting given SAC's post about K's students.

Posted on m-live:

1665.2. Kzoo students classless
by miaafan02, 1/29/06 19:55 ET
Re: Hope - K (17 straight) by Nickname7, 1/29/06
If I were a member of the Kalamazoo administration or alumni(which I am glad that I am not), I would be very ashamed of how their students acted last night versus Hope. It is one thing to have friendly exchange of cheers between student sections, but something totally different when vulgar and derogatory language is used towards students and fans. There were many times that K students were chanting Fu$* Hope and the administration did nothing. Also, many Kalamazoo students walked by where a few Hope students were sitting and yelled right in their faces with language that it far less than respectful.

In my defense I was sitting at the other end of the gymnasium and was watching the game......mostly.  Would I be surprised if those things happened? No, because its happened before.  I guess I wasn't looking for it last night nor should I really be.  Honestly I've not found the AAC to be as volitile an environment as it once was, when Kzoo had really good teams in the early and mid 90's that was the equivalent of a road trip to Kresge and then some.

I was surprised they allowed the two student sections to sit close to each other.

Oh yeah, a clever lawyer could file some sort of discrimination suite against Kzoo on behalf of smokers (of which I'm not).

Sign on the door of Anderson  "If you leave, you will have to pay to get back in the gym"   Whats a smoker to do? ??? ;)

Quote from: kresgekrazy on January 29, 2006, 11:01:01 PM
QuoteThe alcohol policies of the schools probably have a lot to do with it too. Calvin and Hope are dry campuses.

How do you do it????

I need one right now

Hope's a small campus, and somehow the students manage.  There are plenty of places to go, just not on Sundays.

Not having it on campus is one of the things I really liked about Hope actually.


Looks like I'm going to have to make a search no LexisNexis now, thanks Sac.


With talk of campus life and coaches being fired.....One would have to think that Adrian will improve in everything due to the movement happening right now on campus.  For those interested check this link out... http://www.adrian.edu/news/stadium_construction.php ..if this doesn't work, copy and paste...my skills are limited.  But as you'll all see, the links on the left will help!  New cafe, new stadium, etc.  Word around town is construction on a new pool will start soon, as will the Hockey Arena...yep!  Wow!  Hockey in Adrian!



Absolutely.  Adrian is poised for change in the right direction.  They're finally putting in the type of facilities I'd hoped for when I was there, and are making a serious effort to become a factor athletically in the conference.  I can't wait to see what happens over the next few years.


Again I ask with a pretty please! can we get rid of Edwin Kohtala and try to win some games.  Where are you Anthony Jones and Mark Barnes...I guess they saw this comin


Kleersnyder, Giffith, Spaman...... I'd say Hope students get by.

Once again, the halo's come out after a trip to the Rolla Dome.  For shame, for shame, you sacriligious heathens.  

You guys kill me. I've been to games at all MIAA venues (except DeVos) and have heard great cheers, and I've heard, God forbid, harsh language.  YES, even at the precious Civic.  

Please dismount your high horse.

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.

Nigel Powers - Goldmember


Harsh language is uttered everywhere.  Unfortunately some people get carried away.  What are you gonna do with a bunch of college students.....I remember one year, one of the opposing team's fans and players got a little out of control (during last year's NCAA Tournament).

I like to be as respectful as I can.  This isnt a perfect world, some people will get a little rowdy, it happens.  As long as everyone is having fun and no one gets hurt, its all good.       


Quote from: stinger on January 30, 2006, 06:27:47 AM
Kleersnyder, Giffith, Spaman...... I'd say Hope students get by.

Once again, the halo's come out after a trip to the Rolla Dome.  For shame, for shame, you sacriligious heathens.  

You guys kill me. I've been to games at all MIAA venues (except DeVos) and have heard great cheers, and I've heard, God forbid, harsh language.  YES, even at the precious Civic.  

Please dismount your high horse.

You obviously have never been to a game at the DeVos, because you wouldn't hear Hope students chanting or talking to a visiting team like that.  Obnoxious chants perhaps, crude language, no.  The truth has nothing to do with a high horse.


What a difference a year makes I guess.....

The Hornets can put themselves in great position for the 4 seed with two road victories this week.  Adrian and Alma aren't always fun trips for the Hornets.  Realistically, however the Hornets should be able to win 4 out of 6 to finish the MIAA season at .500.

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.

Nigel Powers - Goldmember


Quote from: stinger on January 30, 2006, 08:02:56 AM
What a difference a year makes I guess.....

I honestly want to know what you thought was crude last season at the Civic Center?  I thought it was pretty clean.  And I guess parents agree since most of the season we had children hanging out with us before, during, and after games.  Those back at Hope, say hi to Cramer's brothers for me.