FB: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

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OXY Oswald

Quote from: Sabretooth Tiger on November 07, 2008, 06:38:36 PMKlop . . .
QuoteSo you are going to start in on the Iowa jokes now.  Watch out brother, we already ran one of your great ones off, we can do it again.

Not so much . . . I once yelled all night for the sun to come up . . . it did . . . do I get credit for that?

I'm guessing OB will continue to make personal appearances at local D3 sporting contests, especially Oxy events . . . and will come back to the board when he feels ready.

Yes, I am indeed shaking in my snowshoes for the day Klopenhiemer runs me out of town with his posse.  It makes every posse feel like a big man when he lays claim to something he had little to do with. 

And Tooth, as for OxyBob, I think you should add a The to the name.  It has a more ominous feel to it.  One day RFB will be telling his little ones horror stories of TheOxyBob.  Apparently he is what shook Cal Lu's kicker this year as the clock ticked down, he heard TheOxyBob was a mere 20 yards away on TheOxySideline. 

Tough days for Tiger Football.


Snoop...Great post and I agree with you all the way.  It was not my intention to run OB away and he ran away because of me, then good riddance.  I never really could come up with anything to match his wit.  He did not delete himself as all his posts were gone and he was signing in and out all morning.  

Something has to be going on.  If he is making himself a marter then good riddance.  There is no way that OB would ride into the sunset this way unless he just got orders that he has 6 months to live, which to pray to God that is not the case.  

Shouldabeen is right regarding the polictical boards.  He really took a hard line and made some comments that were totally off the wall.  

This was OB's decision if he choses not to come back.  PC already said that he did not ban him for the boards.  There have been far worse uproars in my tenure on this board that what has gone on here.  That last time I checked me, him and Snoop have went back and forth for some time now.  
"If Rome was built in a day, then we would have hired their contractor"


Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on November 07, 2008, 06:19:17 PM
If the prior posts are gone then he hit the D button.

Bummer deal, I enjoyed slingin it back and forth with Bob--and believe me we did some of that over time.

Peace out

I actually think he was on for several hours this morning removing each of his posts prior to deleting his account.  Thus--no messages remain and his name no longer comes up when you search for it.
Go Cats!

Sabretooth Tiger

Klop . . . west of the Missouri it's spelled "martyr" . . .


Quote from: Klopenhiemer on November 07, 2008, 06:54:11 PM
Snoop...Great post and I agree with you all the way.  It was not my intention to run OB away and he ran away because of me, then good riddance.  I never really could come up with anything to match his wit.  He did not delete himself as all his posts were gone and he was signing in and out all morning.  

Something has to be going on.  If he is making himself a marter then good riddance.  There is no way that OB would ride into the sunset this way unless he just got orders that he has 6 months to live, which to pray to God that is not the case.  

Shouldabeen is right regarding the polictical boards.  He really took a hard line and made some comments that were totally off the wall.  

Whoa now...I was complimenting him on his political board work. 


I wish he would have left a will and a list of his favorite charities.


or links to all his resource web sites. Man that guy was the best ever at research. Already miss him.
Quote from: Shouldabeen71 on November 07, 2008, 07:17:39 PM
I wish he would have left a will and a list of his favorite charities.
There's only one way to find out if a man is honest...ask him. If he says 'yes,' you know he is a crook.


Quote from: Sabretooth Tiger on November 07, 2008, 07:06:21 PM
Klop . . . west of the Missouri it's spelled "martyr" . . .

I am east of Missouri friend.  Im a Chicago boy...Out here we do thing a bit different. 
"If Rome was built in a day, then we would have hired their contractor"


Quote from: Shouldabeen71 on November 07, 2008, 07:13:21 PM
Quote from: Klopenhiemer on November 07, 2008, 06:54:11 PM
Snoop...Great post and I agree with you all the way.  It was not my intention to run OB away and he ran away because of me, then good riddance.  I never really could come up with anything to match his wit.  He did not delete himself as all his posts were gone and he was signing in and out all morning.  

Something has to be going on.  If he is making himself a marter then good riddance.  There is no way that OB would ride into the sunset this way unless he just got orders that he has 6 months to live, which to pray to God that is not the case.  

Shouldabeen is right regarding the polictical boards.  He really took a hard line and made some comments that were totally off the wall.  

Whoa now...I was complimenting him on his political board work. 

Weird way of sending a compliment. 
"If Rome was built in a day, then we would have hired their contractor"


Quote from: DAW on November 07, 2008, 04:16:29 PM
Quote from: Gray Fox on November 07, 2008, 04:00:50 PM
This is a sad day for the SCIAC football and basketball boards in particular and the d3 boards in general.

I only had the pleasure of meeting him once, and I hope that someday I will see him again.

He is not the first good poster I have seen chased away.  "diehardfan" is the other, although she lurks often and sometimes makes some rare posts under a new handle.

These boards lose their appeal when posters like these choose to leave voluntarily.

I couldn't agree with you more GF.  A majority of us (including myself) are just homers on this board.  Bob brought alot of insight to all teams.  I personally will miss him if he doesn't come back.

My feelings, too.

This is ridiculous. I feel like a quasi-member of the SCIAC, because they are our fellow conference out here in the wasteland of the west, and OB was one of the most creative posters, even if he offended people from time to time. The guy is an Internet genius.

Once when I went on a board in another area, I was told to get off, as it was their private board, and I wasn't welcome. I never went back. We're not like that out here. As DOC says, "We're a kinder, gentler Wildcat nation," and the SCIAC is, also. So who the heck are these people to come to the SCIAC board and insult one of the senior members like this?

That would be like Dutchfan1 coming to the NWC board, swearing at Wildcat11 and calling him a bunch of names. That wouldn't happen!

Believe me, folks, you didn't chase him off. Don't flatter yourselves. He probably just got sick of your stupid comments and needed a dose of sanity.

Come back, OxyBob.
Two words:  THE STREAK

OXY Oswald


Tough days for Tiger Football.


You all are going to tell me that my comments about picking on Iowans was the source of this?
Coco I have a great level of respect for you but if someone constantly bashed on your home state would you get tired of it?
PC even siad it was getting old and to leave the untanned Iowans along. If OB is as tough as his internet image then he would not have deleted himself and run off.
I personally figured you all would expect more from him.
"If Rome was built in a day, then we would have hired their contractor"

Sabretooth Tiger

I'm confused Klop . . . are you an untanned Iowan or a pasty Chicagoan?

Mr. Ypsi

Quote from: Sabretooth Tiger on November 07, 2008, 10:34:52 PM
I'm confused Klop . . . are you an untanned Iowan or a pasty Chicagoan?

As far as I understand - both!

Personally I'm an as-yet tanned Michigander - the pallor won't totally set in 'til about January! :D

I'm disappointed that OB went away.  Overall, I thought he was far more positive than negative.  But let's be clear on one thing - no one 'drove' him away.  When several people whom he had harassed for years stood up to him, he chose to slink away.  Which confirms my original assessment - bullies are typically cowards when someone stands up to them.

BTW, I do want to apologize to everyone for the f-bombs.  That is definitely not me, and will not happen again.  But I had asked OB several times politely to lay off, and nothing happened.  When he attacked yet again on the 5th, I snapped.  While my post was inappropriate, it did finally accomplish what politeness had not.  But I never wanted OB to leave completely, just to stop the harassment.  Completely leaving was HIS choice, not my intention.

D O.C.

A progression to the best of my recollection:

QuoteI don't usually say this to political allies, but F**K YOU.
you are a bully, a liar, and a generally pathetic excuse for for a human being.

QuoteI don't know Klopenheimer, but we all seem to know that you are an a$$hole.

QuoteYour shtick has worn terribly thin.  Do yourself a favor and go f**k yourself - it may be the only pleasure you will ever get.

QuoteAnd Snoop is absolutely correct - you ARE a stalker (I've seen it also).  You are truly pathetic.   :(

Quoteas Pat Rileys father told him before he died, "Sometimes you have to stand up and kick someone's a$$ no matter what the consequences might be"

QuotePerhaps you should avoid the slander?

And the phrase that's really gone unaddressed that's coupled with all the other junk

Quote....the truth be told.......I was trying to avoid OB at all costs.  I had forgotten my 9mm.    ;)
Personally, I have no use for the political boards. The day before the election I peeked in.  I try to stay off the religion board as well.

Ed. note: The quotes were from 3 different posters in a short span.