FB: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

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Quote from: OxyBob on September 15, 2006, 11:36:47 AM
CRZK said:

>>Now for the big one.  First of all through my sources I have a copy of Coach Maynards pregame speech tommorrow.<<

The best part of the video is that the crazy coach's team is nicknamed the Bulldogs. Coincidence? I think not.


The video is funny and was meant as a joke. I get that. Just make sure that you don't go too far when it comes to taking shots at Redlands coaching staff.


The video was very funny. However, those who watched the game did not see it as lopsided as the score. As reported earlier, there were many mistakes on the sideline in addition to those on the field. Redlands beat themselves. Mistakes can be corrected and as was stated in the media after the game, the coaching staff did blame themselves, which says to me they recognized that several of their decisions stopped the offensive's momentum "the few times they had it".

Hopefully tomorrow night will be a different story.


Dawgs Go Deep.
Where on earth do you get the idea to comment on the punter stabing as a Claremont-esque incident? Do you know anything about the SCIAC let alone Claremont and the 5 institutions which Claremont encompases? I think not. The only things you may know are what you "get" from the other bloggers in here who are Redlands and Oxy fans. Furthermore, you are living vicariously through your daughter at Redlands. You know absolutely nothing about the SCIAC, the schools in it, or anything having to do with their culture. If you want to talk about stabbings? That is more of something that would happen at a LaVerne or in the neighborhoods surrounding Oxy in East LA. Maybe even out in Redlands and the wonderful San Bernadino area. I assume you were discussing CMC/CMS specifically in your post. Please, get your facts straight, grow up, and actually visit a place before you decide to spout off about something you know ABSOLUTELY nothing about. The typical student and football player at Claremont Mudd is 99.9% more like to engage you in a philisophical discussion about international political and economic affairs, spend his summer on Wall Street working for an international Investment Bank, or work at a defense contractor in engineering projects, than engage himself in mere JUCO-esque thuggery. Although, since you cannot even spell the word "one" (spelled pne), I would not expect you to know this.
Maybe I come off as elitest in this post. However, I let those comments slide off my back, and stick to my comments.

As for the CMS/ Kenyon game- Kenyon has been exposed as a fraud. However, we should have seen this coming. Allowing as many points as they did to Grinell? Terrible. Stanley has a long way to go in building the program to see another run at a NCAC title. What they do from here on out this year will determine whether or not theycan make a run next year or in several years. It is a shame, since there is quite alot of talent on the squad. CMS (Claremont) - An interesting start. I was expecting a much closer game. The defense came to play against KC and played almost 3 quarters of shutout ball against a talented QB, and 2 RB's. Sharp performance from the QB on O and a plethora of talented freshmen. Having a week off right away could be a problem. However, if attitudes stay positive, the focus remains, fumbles are reduced, and the offense becomes even more creative, expect CMS to make a run at Redlands and Cal Lu. Remember, the CMS Cal Lu game of last year was a slugfest and closer than the mild spread of the score indicated.

Predictions for the week:
Colorado College and Lewis and Clark suffer extreme losses and both are forced to forfeit their seasons again.

Eye of da TIGER

Dawgs it looks like you have an admirer!!  haha what a first post by that guy!! ;D
4 is the smallest composite number, its proper divisors being 1 and 2. 4 is the smallest squared prime. 4 is the only number in the English language for which the number of letters in its name is equal to the number itself. 4 is also the number of titles in a row the tigers will have in '07!! Go Oxy


Quote from: EastCoastStag on September 15, 2006, 01:49:23 PM
Dawgs Go Deep.
Where on earth do you get the idea to comment on the punter stabing as a Claremont-esque incident? Do you know anything about the SCIAC let alone Claremont and the 5 institutions which Claremont encompases? I think not. The only things you may know are what you "get" from the other bloggers in here who are Redlands and Oxy fans. Furthermore, you are living vicariously through your daughter at Redlands. You know absolutely nothing about the SCIAC, the schools in it, or anything having to do with their culture. If you want to talk about stabbings? That is more of something that would happen at a LaVerne or in the neighborhoods surrounding Oxy in East LA. Maybe even out in Redlands and the wonderful San Bernadino area. I assume you were discussing CMC/CMS specifically in your post. Please, get your facts straight, grow up, and actually visit a place before you decide to spout off about something you know ABSOLUTELY nothing about. The typical student and football player at Claremont Mudd is 99.9% more like to engage you in a philisophical discussion about international political and economic affairs, spend his summer on Wall Street working for an international Investment Bank, or work at a defense contractor in engineering projects, than engage himself in mere JUCO-esque thuggery. Although, since you cannot even spell the word "one" (spelled pne), I would not expect you to know this.
Maybe I come off as elitest in this post. However, I let those comments slide off my back, and stick to my comments.

As for the CMS/ Kenyon game- Kenyon has been exposed as a fraud. However, we should have seen this coming. Allowing as many points as they did to Grinell? Terrible. Stanley has a long way to go in building the program to see another run at a NCAC title. What they do from here on out this year will determine whether or not theycan make a run next year or in several years. It is a shame, since there is quite alot of talent on the squad. CMS (Claremont) - An interesting start. I was expecting a much closer game. The defense came to play against KC and played almost 3 quarters of shutout ball against a talented QB, and 2 RB's. Sharp performance from the QB on O and a plethora of talented freshmen. Having a week off right away could be a problem. However, if attitudes stay positive, the focus remains, fumbles are reduced, and the offense becomes even more creative, expect CMS to make a run at Redlands and Cal Lu. Remember, the CMS Cal Lu game of last year was a slugfest and closer than the mild spread of the score indicated.

Predictions for the week:
Colorado College and Lewis and Clark suffer extreme losses and both are forced to forfeit their seasons again.

Wow, talk about coming out with guns blazing. Tell us how you really feel. Just kidding, welcome to post patterns.


You heard 'em guys - no more making fun of ANY SCIAC schools, players, their families, friends, fellow alumni/ae and/or affliated institutions are allowed on this board EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah right - hey ECS - if you came to an internet chat site to have "philosophical discussions" you might as well take your 1 post and beat it. 

Most things here are said tongue n' cheek and busting chops is par for the course - any and every school is fair game. 

If you can't take a joke, which your one and only post demonstrates, don't come on in here and rain on our parade. 


Quote from: EastCoastStag on September 15, 2006, 01:49:23 PM
However, if attitudes stay positive, the focus remains, fumbles are reduced, and the offense becomes even more creative, expect CMS to make a run at Redlands and Cal Lu. Remember, the CMS Cal Lu game of last year was a slugfest and closer than the mild spread of the score indicated.

Welcome to the board, please hang around and try to avoid the "one and done" syndrome that seems to afflict posters from Claremont, Pomona, Whittier and LaVerne.  I think everybody on this board appreciates the additional perspective.

As for CMS challenging Cal Lu and Redlands (and Oxy for that matter - the Tigers are good but not a lock for the title), well I'm a little skeptical about that.  CMS is always a tough opponent because they play tough, disciplined, smart football - but I think their current talent level will make it difficult for them to sustain a run through the conference that's good enough for first or second place.


Quote from: EastCoastStag on September 15, 2006, 01:49:23 PM

Maybe I come off as elitest in this post.
Predictions for the week:

Colorado College and Lewis and Clark suffer extreme losses and both are forced to forfeit their seasons again.

That sounds about right. 

You should do your homework before criticizing others.  CC didn't forfeit their season last year.  Or perhaps you can try to remember how much more relaxing west coast living is, calm down, remove the wedged panties from your crack and use this board for friendly banter like everyone else.

If you choose the later, welcome aboard....it's great to have a fan of the fighting reindeer adding some perspective.


Oh Pumpkin,
I am so sorry I hurt your poor little feelings. Christ. I am not raining on your poor little parade. I enjoy seeing the banter in here, mostly between passionate, if not obsessed Redlands and Oxy fans. You really think I am going to stand down to some 2-bit punk like yourself? Think again.. that is if you can. Fun is tongue n' cheek and generally good natured. I'll rain on my own school all I want, and frequently will. However, you seem to be upset that finally someone from Claremont decided not to stand by and take the abuse dished out all too frequently. Moreover, I have no desire to end your "fun", it is certainly amusing at the least.
Back to the "joke" problem. Jokes and humor are based in truth (at least partly). So, if someone is going to spout off about a problem with a team, player, school, or conference, it should at least be based in some sort of fact. There is a difference between joke and slander. Although, I highly doubt you can tell the difference. So, just as I said before- GROW UP. Get ahold of yourself, and please don't think I could ever be intimidated by someone as insignificant as yourself.
Football philosophy, maybe I'll find it in here.
So, go ahead- take your shots at all institutions- I'll join in. But at least base them in some sort of actual knowlege. Otherwise, you can take your lousy posts and go shove them as well.
In closing, apparently you are the one who can't take humor when it is direct at themselves... you sound exactly like what you bash- a person who can't adjust to change and is deathly scared of what they know nothing about.
Please.. don't waste my time Pumpkin.

Oxy Bob,
Good call- I believe she is still in jail. She got 1.5 years I believe... what a nutcase. Surprised she wasn't a Pitzer actually. However, if you are an upper middle class person of European descent, I wouldn't put it past Dunn nailing your car and attempting to pass it off on someone else.

Yes, I know that CC didn't forfeit their season, instead they joined the SCAC (I believe). You are hung up on the "again" in my post. I was merely suggesting they both suffer terribly and are forced to forfeit- CC for the 1st time and LC for the second.
ps- those are your mom's panties. I'll give them back this weekend.


Well, I don't think they are ready for a run at a title. The frosh need to mature more. However, with Redlands, Oxy, and Cal Lu all getting ready to slug it out... the Stags should be more than capable (if last Saturday is an accurate representation of the team) of giving Redlands and Cal Lu hard games that could result in a loss or two. Will they challange Oxy? I won't make a claim on that since I am an eternal optimist about my team. But, I stand by my confidence in their ability to play well enough to win against Redlands and Cal Lu. Played well last year against Cal Lu and 2 years ago almost pulled out a gutsy come from behind win at Redlands. Personally, I believe that Cal Lu has the best chance to pull off the upset of Oxy. Redlands has always seemed overly cocky, self-obsessed, and prone to underperforming. Although they play Trinity well over the years, I see them as SCIAC champs in their minds only.
As for Oxy- if they are the SCIAC rep, they need to get much better. Their run in 2004 was pretty good, however, the massacre at Linfield last year hurt the entire SCIAC. Granted, there was a guy named Elliot on the other side who now plays for the Chargers (and started ahead of Alex Smith at Utah if I remember correctly).
As for the SCIAC as a whole, I would love for more schools to step up to the challange and play east coast and midwest teams. The NCAC is a great conference with Witt (winningest program in DIII history), Wabash, Wooster, and OWU. Wisconsin? Bring on some UW's. ODC? Bridgewater anyone? the SCAC? The SCIAC needs to establish itself outside of the west and should sign deals with these conferences to show the rest of the country that DIII out here is of a quality caliber.

Bob- I preferred to stone the blitz on the line and gain yards for my mates in the backfield.

Sabretooth Tiger

OK boys, let's not gang up on Claremont Man Almost . . . I mean Men's . . . I mean McKenna . . . it's CalTech that deserves some really cheap shots:


Worst College Team (all-time): For sustained ineptitude, it's difficult, if not impossible, to underrate the Beavers of the California Institute of Technology. From 1893, when Caltech lost its first game 60--4 (a sign of things to come) through 1977, the Beavers won 107 games, lost 322, and tied 16. And they were worse than their record indicated, because in recent years many of their games have been against the junior varsity teams of other colleges. While Caltech ranks among the top schools in the nation for excellence in science and technology, it has never offered football scholarships. About the closest coach Tom Gutman has come to recruiting, according to a Wall Street Journal story, was "lurking in the bushes" around the school while students played intramural touch football. The Caltech players were said to be the only ones in the nation whose IQs (above 140 on the average) approached their weights. The team's highlights were few. In 1967 Caltech defeated California State University at San Diego, 34--31, a humiliation that caused San Diego to give up football. Small player turnouts hurt Caltech. Coach Gutman recalled one "fabulous" first-half performance which ended with Caltech leading Pomona College, 28--27. "But since our guys had to play both offense and defense, as usual, we were physically worn down in the second half," he added. Final score: Pomona 74, Caltech 28. The turnout for 1977 was so small, in fact, that the school dropped football from its program indefinitely. Missing, too, will be the Beavers' inspiring cheer:

Secant, cosine, tangent, sine
Logarithm, logarithm,
Hyperbolic sine
3 point 1 4 1 5 9
Slipstick, sliderule

Nor will the school's first-down cheer be heard.

Punt, punt, punt,
Punt, punt, punt,

Oxy Tigers devour the Colorado College Tigers
Leopards lose their spots to the 'Rats . . . Aarrgghhh Matey . . . .
Bulldogs nip the Texas Tigers . . . unless, of course, they become puppy chow . . .
The 'Hens run wagon wheels over the Pios . . .
The Poets in a fierce battle of wits with a college named after an ancient city somewhere east of Barstow
The Kingsmen stomping the Bearkitties, earning a reprimand from PETA.

enjoy the weekend kids, drink responsibly, yell loudly

io triumphe


NCAC good conference? Maybe during the '60s and '70s before d3 picked up a lot of former NAIA teams ...


Would somebody please smite ECS?  I have to wait until tomorrow to hit him again.

Sabretooth Tiger

Quote from: rockcat on September 15, 2006, 03:41:27 PM
Would somebody please smite ECS?  I have to wait until tomorrow to hit him again.

Seek and ye shall find . . . ask and ye shall receive.

ECS . . . don't be talkin' about mommas or you'll dig yourself a hole from which you'll never emerge.




Quote from: Sabretooth Tiger on September 15, 2006, 03:05:05 PM
OK boys, let's not gang up on Claremont Man Almost . . . I mean Men's . . . I mean McKenna . . . it's CalTech that deserves some really cheap shots:

Tooth...I'm with ya.  But, CalTech has been a non-factor for so long it's just mean to say anything about them.  Besides, they are all smart enough to know that if your team sucks you should keep your mouth shut.  Maybe someone should pass that memo to the newbie.

I'll give him some credit for not lurking in the shadows anymore.