FB: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:20:13 AM

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Gig Harbor Cat

Since I don't enjoy soccer  clean games or otherwise, it doesnt matter what color of card the sissy ref pulls out.  As for the edge it can be found in the Linfield playbook.
I prefer to not major in minors.  Lets Play ball

Phone it in


dawg gone it

GHC.......I'm worried...now that I am a potential client...shouldnt you be looking up good investments or something????? ;)

Gig Harbor Cat

dawg gone it

Gig Harbor Cat

Gray Fox

Quote from: dawg gone it on October 09, 2006, 06:36:58 PM
Grey Fox......Bob who? ;)

and....Fox old buddy....... dawgs is my former self before my legal name change.
Sorry, :-[ I can relate because it's GrAy Fox.  Grey is a fox of a different color. (Well, not exactly.)
Fierce When Roused

Football Fan-atic

When a player purposesly fouls another player because he was beaten by him, he loses twice, once by the other player and once by himself because he just announced to the world that he was beaten and could only
compete by fouling.  I don't think it is even cheating - it is just self degradation.  Just suck it up like a man and come back stronger next time.  that's all I'm saying.  (I though I was done.)

Gig Harbor Cat

So is the second player in the video below cheating or just cleaning up the tackle????


He's also announcing that his team isn't down the 7 points he just saved them because there may be no next time..and by the way...soccer isn't a sport.  It's been proven with the scientific method...

dawg gone it

Gig...cheating.....definetly cheating. ;)

and GrAy fox.......thank God I didnt mispell it this time and leave out the R!!!! ;) :D :D :D


No I knew that bit of info.  I was wodering what the post saying Oxy was going to pull a La Verne meant...  I was trying to be funny.  Guess it didn't work.
Hail to the Orange!!!


Hail to the Orange!!!


I think RFB likes to Refer to a La Verne team who had success in the mid 90's for about 3 years and has not been the same since. However, RFB doesn't understand that the Program at Oxy will do fine next year. Oxy's young O-line did better than 5 returning Redlands linemen. This will be a huge plus for Oxy's Q.b. next year.

But getting back to the present ,as i tried to mention to RFB, Oxy will need to reload and get ready for another game. La Verne looks to come back inform like they did last year at the Rock to prove a point. Oxy will need to handle their business, Not "mill around like sheep"( all you former Oxy players know what i mean by that""haha) and be ready with extra intensity. Some will say that this will be an easy game, but all fun and games should be left until the 4th quarter when the score is Oxy 49 La Verne 20.
"Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination."--Vin Scully

"I don't really care," he said with an impish smile. "It's all about the Dodgers. I don't think anyone really watches hockey anymore.".....Tiger Woods


Quote from: OxyBob on October 09, 2006, 05:05:16 PM
CRZK said:

I must protest the mention of soccer in a discussion about football. Soccer is not a real sport. It can't be a sport if a tie score is an acceptable outcome, or if the game is decided not by scoring a legitimate goal but instead with penalty kicks, which is like playing 9 innings of a baseball game to a tie and then deciding the winner using Home Run Derby. Every "foul" in soccer is the same: One player trips another player. The tripped player immediately plops to the ground as if just shot with a high-powered deer rifle. The referee rummages around in his shirt pocket and produces a yellow or red card, depending on the ref's mood, and points at the tripper, duly chastising him. While that's going on the tripped player writhes on the ground, his mouth yawning wide open, while he clutches his calf as if in excrutiating pain. A couple guys with a stretcher finally trudge out onto the field, but when they reach the tripped player he miraculously gets up, is all better, and is ready to play again. They continue playing the game, which ends up 1-0 or 0-0. Sorry, not a sport.


Oxybob: I have a very good friend that both plays and coaches soccer....I mean it is his whole life. For the hell of it I sent him a copy of your soccer analogy, knowing he would have MUCH to say in defense of soccer. Here it is for all to enjoy...


Here you can 'rip' this guy a new one by taking apart his 'reasoning'

"I must protest the mention of soccer in a discussion about football. Soccer is not a real sport."

It is the ONLY true WORLD SPORT played by more than 160 nations with 1 WORLD CHAMPION - let the BCS try to figure that out!

"It can't be a sport if a tie score is an acceptable outcome, or if the game is decided not by scoring a legitimate goal but instead with penalty kicks, which is like playing 9 innings of a baseball game to a tie and then deciding the winner using Home Run Derby."

Ties are an acceptable outcome in football as well, unless it is a playoff and like in soccer a winner will be found. But unlike OT in football, soccer's OVERTIME is another 30 minutes (games are 90 mins WITHOUT TIMEOUTS) so after 120 mins of soccer with a total of 20 min breaks (15 for half and 5 min between the 2 OT periods) - PKs are the only humane way to settle a tie in playoffs - see this years World Cup final between France and Italy.

"Every "foul" in soccer is the same: One player trips another player. The tripped player immediately plops to the ground as if just shot with a high-powered deer rifle."

Unlike football the soccer athletes are not wearing Combat approved Kevlar from head to toe. Come on, they even call them FLAK Jackets! All that separates soccer players from the cleats with with 2" metal studs is a 1/8" strip of plastic over their shins (which usually don't work at all, and most would not wear them except for the rules require them) and for sure no cups! The ball is clocked easily at over 60mph and faster on some 'set plays' with a free kick. Lets see a cornerback take that in the face on a regular basis without the use of helmet!

"The referee rummages around in his shirt pocket and produces a yellow or red card,"

Yellows are in the shirt pocket, reds are in the rear short pockets. The soccer ref is the only ref that will RUN between 5 and 7 MILES in a game. Lets see those fat bastards behind home plate walk farther than the dugout! I will give some props to the side refs covering the 'bomb' plays - but they still get their 40 second 'break' between plays, time outs, commercial breaks, change of possession - need I go on?

"depending on the ref's mood, and points at the tripper, duly chastising him. While that's going on the tripped player writhes on the ground, his mouth yawning wide open, while he clutches his calf as if in excruciating pain. A couple guys with a stretcher finally trudge out onto the field, but when they reach the tripped player he miraculously gets up, is all better, and is ready to play again."

True when you take a good smack it does take a few moments to shake it off. It is never uncommon to see stitches applied on the sidelines for bleeders because unlike football where you SUB entire units to perform a special skill set (3rd and long, 4th and inches, punts, field goal tries and so forth) - the soccer team can MAX sub 3 players during the 120 min potential game, and 1 is usually held in reserve in case the keeper goes down, because he does not have the luxury of sliding to stay safe when is making a play on the field of play.

"They continue playing the game, which ends up 1-0 or 0-0. Sorry, not a sport."

So the Bears, Ravens, Denver, Colts post HUGE lopsided games (or for that matter ANYONE who plays the Raiders!) and that is called sport? And a game that is decided by the closest of margins is not a sport in which for 90 mins 22 players leave it all on the field and 1 of 20 or so shots goes into the back of net.

I would have to say 'sport' for you my friend is deciding on which LIGHT BEER to consume as your fat ass sits in a recliner for 3 plus hours to watch 60 minutes of football.

I love to watch Football and have followed my team ('Fins) thru the highs and lows since 1972 and have seen every game on the west coast since I started making my own money.

But I UNDERSTAND what is sport and what is entertainment...


Oxybob, I will be happy to forward your rebuttle to my friend....
