FB: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:20:13 AM

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dawgs go deep

I dont know how you can look at this kids numbers alone and evaluate him.  As the backup he comes in when the game is over, there is a big difference between having to complete a pass to make a critical 1st down etc,.......and just throwing it around when the game is over.

He may be the next coming of John Elway, all I am saying is from the numbers you posted, there is no way to tell.

Now if you actually saw him play or even practice, you would be able to combine that with his numbers and make a guess.

Being a good Qb really boils down to being able to make the right read and deliver a catchable ball under pressure.


A couple of thoughts. 

Of course I would rather discuss SCIAC rather then our "friends" from Linfield.  But again the reality is that whoever wins the SCIAC (Oxy of course) will again probably have to face NWC (Linfield) no later than the 2nd round of playoffs.

That being said I would give the benefit of the doubt to this Benzel kid.  His #'s are low because I suspect by the time they put him in the game was already decided and he probably was told to limit his passes to keep the score from getting out of hand.  I would also suspect he played alot against the 1st team Linfield defense for the past several years.  Given that he has probably seen some pretty good pressure (I know it is just practice but it counts for something).

I took some good natured ribbing from the Linfield faithful for "leave no doubt" but until I/we come up with something better I think that should still be the SCIAC/Oxy theme for this year.  A three-peat for Oxy and another credibility building session in the post season.

dawgs go deep

As I posted earlier, in reading the game summary, (which are not always accurate), on the Redlands website, it appeared that the Oxy-Redlands game was extremely close and could have gone either way. 

From what I have found out Redlands has gotten stronger and has a pretty good incoming class with a couple of kids who could have gone D1.  I know Oxy lost a lot of starters and, I have read the Oxy posts that dont think this is a big deal, but, how much the lost starters will hurt them remains to be seen.  I would not say there is a slam dunk favorite to win the SCIAC.  I would have to believe that Oxy's preseason rating has to a lot do with the success they had last year.  I would give an edge to Oxy because of their rating and they are the reigning champs.... just dont put the trophy in the case yet! ;D

Sabretooth Tiger

Re Benzel:  The kid is 6'3", 200 lbs, was very successful in high school, has backed up the best DIII quarterback in the nation over the past couple of years, is at a football powerhouse whose new coach was promoted from within.

Now I don't expect Benzel to be the second coming of Elliott . . . in fact, I don't expect that he'll be close to Collins . . . the point is I don't see Linfield taking a big hit because of the switch.  They may not have the same point spreads as the last couple of years, but that doesn't mean that they won't get the wins.

As for discussing NWC on the SCIAC board, the NWC is the only other west coast DIII conference, the fans are very knowledgable, there are Linfield fans who live here in the area so that they can talk SCIAC stuff, the Benzel info was posted in response to a question, and that's the polite thing to do . . . and given that the present discussion on our board is limited to Oxy/Redlands with a dash of LaVerne, I prefer the substantive discussion about NWC to the rah rahs and puffing that seems to dominate this "pre-season not much going on climate" of our board . . . at least there's some action.

Getting back to SCIAC, I think that Andy Collins has the chance to step it up and be an All-American this year if the offense gels with a couple of sticky hand receivers and a good performance by the O'line.  Would love to see my Tigers meet Linfield in the West Region again . . . preferably in a second or better yet third round game . . . and see how things go, especially given the returning strength of Oxy's defense and the departure of Elliot and Casey.

We know that the Tigers will first take care of business down here.  The first three games are home against Lewis & Clark, Colorado College and conference rival Claremont so hopefully the kids will be successful and get a good tune-up before heading out to Runner for the October 7 date with the Bulldogs.

Io Triumphe 

D O.C.

QuoteOf course I would rather discuss SCIAC rather then our "friends" from Linfield.

Thank-you.  I was looking for a polite way to move that biz off your board.

I will post info for dgd on the NWC board.

This one has lit up much earlier than the past couple of seasons and...
so will ticket sales.

Redlands has a heck of an opening schedule is what I can think right now. OXYCollins I know all about. CLU picking up where they left off will be interesting.
Darkhorses? Nope, just a trifecta.

El Tigre

Quote from: dawgs go deep on June 29, 2006, 01:23:34 PM
I would have to believe that Oxy's preseason rating has to a lot do with the success they had last year.  I would give an edge to Oxy because of their rating and they are the reigning champs.... just dont put the trophy in the case yet! ;D

Being a member/starter of the 2004 and 2005 season I can assure you that our preseason ranking from the amazing 2004 season had nothing to do with our success in the 2005 season because everyone knows a preseason rating does not mean a thing if you come out and loss.  Rather our success came from the dedication and athletic ability of every member of our team ... from the starts to the scout team freshman.  We made it a rule last season not to bring the memories of the past onto the field.  We believed that relishing in the past would only pull us down rather than up. Coach Widolff joined in our efforts by stripping us of our rings and locking them up until after the season.  I know that the 2006 team is already doing this.  I know they will be focusing on just playing conference football before they ever think about playoffs or Linfield.   

dawgs go deep

I didnt start the topic of Benzel, just made a comment! >:(


If the kid from Crespi HS does go to Redlands, he will make an impact.  He is 6'3" about 235 and is a beast.  I watched him play his jr and sr years at Crespi and in the Shrine game and, he has a very strong and accurate arm and ....loves to run over people.  I think the Redlands staff will try to change that.  

From what I can gather up to this point, Redlands likes to throw the ball in a short controlled passing game.  Crespi ran a very similar offense , the 4 wide spread and he executed the offense very well.  

As I previously posted his dad told me Louisville was calling and making some very strong promises.  I dont know what will happen there.  I sure hope he goes to Redlands so I can continue to watch him play.  He also told me that Oxy recruited him from the start of his junior season but he had no interest!!!!!!  They came to several games and were really interested.   His dad said at the time he was only considering D1 and 1AA offers.

From the web site it appears that Redlands will have a strong O line which would greatly help a young qb mature.  

I know that there is a strong winning tradition at Redlnds and a very good coaching staff.  Hopefully they can revive the winning tradions this year and win the SCIAC, and maybe a playoff game or two! ;)

I am really anxious to get over the newbie status and stop getting hammered! ;)  El Tigre, I was referring to the 2006 preseason ranking.....IMO  the rankings are at least partially based on last years performance.


What I know about Benzel comes from a friend who is a former All-American QB at Linfield.  Benzel was his backup.

I agree with Sabre about Collins.  He is probably the best athlete in DIII.  In fact, he probably has been the last couple of years.   I think he would have been recognized more at the national level if Oxy would have advanced deeper into the playoffs last year.  I don't think many people who vote on things like All-American could have seen him play but he is a special athlete.

El Tigre

I am sorry that I miss read the last post, but same goes for this season then.  Preseason ranking are just really superficial statistics that give people like us something to banter back and forth about until the opening kick off.  I am not exactly sure, but I feel like Pat or some other person could give more insight into how the preseason ranking are given out.  I feel that most of it would come from the success of the previous season if not all.  However, they might account for how many starters were lost and how many incoming freshman they got, but even then those numbers are not always set in stone.

Anyone else have information regarding the preseason rankings?

dawgs go deep

some of the factors in determing preseason rankings are.....
last sesons performance
number of returing starters and what positions they play....
how much experience back up players from the previous year have
incoming recruits
and the ugly "P" word....politics! :D :D :D :D :D

D O.C.

dawgs go deep...I replied to a point of interest for you on the NWC board.
The NWC board is dominated by LINFIELD backers with some respected PLU veterans (they won one too) and an occasional Willamette visitor, who just become overwhelmed. This is why people stray onto this other West Coast board. We also have been matched in playoffs the past 2 seasons
But forget those LINFIELD guys. You want to go here:
or here
because LINFIELD has never beaten those programs yet.

But you know you can't help but be impressed by this:
"LINFIELD players in the coaching ranks
Raul Lara Varsity Head Coach Long Beach Poly High"

dawgs go deep

Thanks DenSLA for the great info......

As to Poly's coach, with all the great athletes he has had....I wonder why he hasnt had more CIF championships..........! ???

They always seem to get beat by teams with less athletic talent but more disipline on the field.  a good example was last year when they lost to Servite.

Gray Fox

If the Crespi kid goes to Louisville, I hope you will still post here and attend the games.  This board was really dead until you appeared.
Fierce When Roused

D O.C.

uh oh
I guess I just see 'em when they beat Mater Dei.

This can't hurt to be associated with:
QuoteMay 11, 2005

LONG BEACH, Calif. -- Polytechnic Senior High School in Long Beach is the nation's top sports high school, according to today's issue of Sports Illustrated.

dawgs go deep

Gray fox, THANKS MAN.......I havnt had many nice things said to me so far......Im here for the next 4 years, my daughter is going to Redlands so......Im a fan, thats how I became a Crespi fan, my daughter cheered for them.  I really love watching this kid play...he just lays it all out all the time.  I wish him the best, I hope, for selfish reasons he BECOMES A DAWG!!!!!!!!

DenSLA...I think you are proving my point....the most athletes anywhere....so many big name D1 guys....it just has not equated to CIF championships for them in football.