FB: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

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Sabretooth Tiger

Quote from: dawgs go deep on September 11, 2006, 11:31:16 AM
Dear tooth and Oswald,

Lets talk about the gutter.  Because that is exactly whree Oswalds comment came from.  There is simply no need to make the absolutly stupid comment that he did, maybe it was Accidental, but it wasnt right.  Comment on the paly of a kid all you wnat but dont make fun a player on this board, this baord was not initiated for that. I responded to Oswald's comment to let him know what its like.

. . . .  Oswalds comment was totally uncalled for and vicious.

It seems ok for you Oxy guys to say just about anything you want in any way you want on this board.  When someone responds to one of your insulting comments, he gets jumped by the Oxy posters.  As far as Im concerned Oswald was out of line.  I called him out for it.

Oswald's comment was:  "If he does travel they might need to book him two seats on the plane... the Redlands roster has him listed at 260 lbs.  That's a big frickin' offensive-linem*ahem*quarterback."

"Gutter" . . . "Vicious" . . . puhleeze . . .

1.  260 is big for a qb;
2.  If he's not 260, then it's the Redland's roster that is being made light of;
3.  There is nothing that I see that is a personal attack on frosh Wabby . . . I find it hard to believe that a lawyer would find anything in that statement "vicious" . . . except to the extent to which you are using hyperbole to spin your argument to your client's advantage?   ;D

If you want to see vicious, take a look on the NWC board and the abuse that one of the posters is heaping on Benzel for his performance against WOU . . . perhaps you could swing into action for that poor kid?

So DGD . . . I still think that your comments to Oswald were personal and mean while his were not.  Now if you were Wabby's daddy, then I'd understand the emotional reaction . . . but let's not start those rumors again . . .  ;)



What a tough lost for La Vern. In seeing them during the summer, I felt that they were ready to pull down Puget Sound.  So close yet so far.

Tooth---I told you. Never underestimate the staggs. They find ways to pull off some surprises. Way to go on their victory.

Up next, Oxy claws its way to another victory over the wannabe tigers from colorado. This week, look for a real battle between both defenses. As one poster noted about CC's defense, if they are returning a lot more starters, then this shoudl be another step for Oxy's O.

Btw---I thinking about starting a taco truck challenge for saturdays game at the Rock. The challenge will start an hr or two before the game to see where we can find the best taco's around. After saturdays game, i paid a re-visit to old leo's truck to get the taste back in the system, but left disappointed yet again.  
"Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination."--Vin Scully

"I don't really care," he said with an impish smile. "It's all about the Dodgers. I don't think anyone really watches hockey anymore.".....Tiger Woods


Why don't we all just stop talking about Wabby. He is a freshmen that is adjusting to college life as well as football. He has plenty to deal with right now and does not need people here commenting about him.

dawgs go deep

Tooth....I wasnt the one who started talking about the kid...Grey Fox asked if he was going to travel,  ...then your buddy Oswald came up with his insulting comment. 

Im not his dad, I know the family and really like th kid.  I wuld have been just as defensive about any other kid on this board, whether a UR player or not, talk all you want about performance or lack there of, no need to be insulting.  End of Story.

RFB...you are right.


Redlands Posters need to have some thick skin..Its a message board things will get said and people/teams will be insulted..Everything posted on here will not be good humored fun...This is football,,if u want good humored fun go to a soccer chat room..We are all men here im assuming..

dawgs go deep

El Tigre

  I will have to agree with the rest in that nothing Oswald said was that bad.  It was a simple joke at the information he came across whether it is true or not.  I know I am bias since I am good friends with him.  I think you reaction was a little uncalled for.  I think a thicker skin is need from you if you are going to continue on this board.  ** :o PLEASE DON'T JUMP ON MY CASE OVER THE COMMENT ;)** ... we are all here posting to have fun and take breaks from our 9-5!

dawgs go deep

El Tigre.......I have a hard time when adults insult kids....I may have over reacted becasue I know and like the kid, but the remark was wrong.  Any comment directed at me is fine, I do have thick skin.  I feel responsible for the Wabby comments because I brought his name to the board, in what I thought was an informative manner in order to spark some conversation.  Unfortunatly, he has paid the price for I guess what was my mistake.

I was only responding to Grey fox's post, then,  Osy made his remark. 

To comment on a players performance is one thing, to make personal remarks is not acceptable.  I thought Osy's remak fell into the latter category. 

People on this board are just wait to find a mistake in a post.  The All State thing for example.  Excuse me for not laying out the entire all state picture. I thought his accomplishment was still significant.

Anyway........lets talk d3 football.  This board isnt about how I feel about someone.


I'd like to submit my opinion as a fairly objective outside observer of the RU/Whitworth game Saturday night.   I have a friend who is an alum and former player who invited me to the game and I follow RU football because of him. 

I'd like to refute Dawgsgodeep's analysis that pass blocking was inadequate mostly in blitz situations.  It was inadequate all night and adequate only if one was throwing a screen pass on every passing attempt.  To opine otherwise one would have to have been observing this game from the snack bar or the restroom.  Certainly one could not have been in the stands actually watching what was transpiring and come to the conclusion that you did! 

The O line provided what I would call sieve blocking.  The QB's rarely had time to throw without being pressured and when pressured Saras was much more adept and accurate (9-16-2-101/.563) showed a stronger arm and made much  better choices in general.  Selway (6-11-2-45/.545) more often than not threw passes wide or in the dirt  to open receivers.  Once even ran to the sidelines taking a 9 yd loss when he clearly could have thrown OB and not lost a yard.  Receivers had great difficulty getting clear of defenders which may be why it may have appeared to you that passes were thrown into coverage.  Saras had 2 int's, one was from a pass interrupted when his blocking fullback, one Freshman, George Foreman IV (or VI or VII, whatever), just didn't block the rusher and Saras took it full speed on the chin and the shin.  The other was a timing pass to the end zone and blown pattern by the receiver who ran an out instead of a deep fly route to the end zone (remember there were just seconds remaining in the game and Redlands was somewhere around the Whitworth 42, 3rd and long.  Why would one run an out pattern when it is clearly deep pass situation?)

The INT's thrown by Selway, on the other hand, were thrown directly into the waiting arms of a defender when there was virtually no pressure on him and no receiver within 5 yards of the ball.  Selway was all too ready to tuck and run as soon as he determined his primary receiver was covered.   Saras completed passes in some very tough situations (i.e.: an awesome shovel pass after scrambling to his left and made just before getting hammered on the sidelines, a play which resulted in a first down instead of a loss.) 

Selway was a great, very productive receiver last year and would make an extremely valuable contribution to the team if they played him there this year.  He does not, IMHO, have the decision making skills necessary to play QB at the college level whereas I think Saras has demonstrated, through his play last year for Redlands and what he was able to do last night, that he is the guy.   (Heck, RU came close to winning the Oxy game last year with Saras at the helm).  There are many more situations that would demonstrate the superiority of Saras over Selway but to enumerate them here would take up way too much space.   And for those who think that putting in the untested, tenderfoot freshman is the solution, just demonstrates their ignorance. 

I think that the major problem with the game and the play from the Redlands side of the ball was that Offensive Coordinator is better suited to be dispensing ice cream from a Good Humor truck rather than calling plays for a football team at any level.   As reported in the local press, he or the staff collectively, made a pre-game decision to insert the second QB into the game at a pre-determined time (i.e.: the third series of each half) no matter how the flow of the game is going.  It doesn't take a great football mind to see how bush league that kind of thinking is.  I doubt if a Pop Warner coach would do something that amateurish.  He found ways of stifling the momentum his team was gaining at every turn.  The first notable occasion was on the 4th and inches at the Whitworth 22 where, after just marching 60+ yds down the field from their own 14 yard line, decided he would show his team the lack of confidence he had in them and take 3 pts instead of putting faith in them and maintaining the momentum by going for it.  I have no doubt they could have made it and I believe it was a turning point in the game for both teams.  The next occasion is when he decided to change QB's cementing the idea in his charges that he had no confidence in them.  Other instances were plentiful throughout the game.

I and a few others around me in the stands were further amazed when in any given situation we would jokingly opine what was the dumbest play call that could be in that situation and sure enough that is what he called.  For instance:  1:18 left to play in the 1st half, Redlands takes over on a punt on their own 18.  We postulated the dumbest call would be a run into the center of the field, which, for obvious reasons would not have been part of what should have been a 2:00 strategy.  Sure enough, that is precisely what the call was.  It went like that all night long, call after call.  If it were my call I would fire the OC immediately.  He is inept and as incompetent as they come and has been so for at least the last two years.

You also say that you feel that defense "did a great job".  I recall commenting about mid way through the third quarter that finally a defensive lineman's name was actually called for making a tackle.  Richardson's name was called out on most of the tackles being made but in the UR secondary!!  Thank God he was there or it would have been a bloodbath.  The D certainly did an adequate job and I agree that they were on the field WAY to much and may have had a better chance of it had not the O been so ineffective because of an inept job of execution by an OC who's capabilities to execute a competitive game plan would fail miserably at even the high school freshman level.  He is a disgrace!!

The "Return to Dominance" will have to wait until UR replaces their OC with one who understands the game of football and won't subvert his teams efforts on the field.  I apologize for the length of this post.  There is much more I could have shared but would have made this even more insufferable. 

El Tigre

I understand, but still I am 300lbs and if that was said about me it wouldn't hurt me.  To be honest I don't think he was personally attacking him regardless of what you think.  It was just some whitty banter that you took to the heart and then personally attacked Oswald.  Dont you know two wrongs dont make a right? It is okay that you dont like it when adults insult kids, but you have to realize that we are fresh out of college.  I am the youngest between Eye, Oswald and myself at only 21.  We are only 2-3 years older than the kid.  It's not like we are in our 40s. (not making light of anyones age on here) I would have no problem cracking the same joke to our buddies that still play.  Just different views thats all!

Any early predictions for this Saturday?

Sabretooth Tiger

Oxy over CC by 27
Redlands over Trinity by 3
Whitworth over LaVerne by 28
Cal Lu over Willamette by 21
Linfield over UMHB by 3

others tbd

El Tigre

Is Willamete still running the same type of offense they did when Oxy played them in the playoffs in 2004?  If so does anyone think that will be a problem for Cal Lu?


Quote from: Watchman on September 11, 2006, 02:38:56 PM
I'd like to submit my opinion as a fairly objective outside observer of the RU/Whitworth game Saturday night.   I have a friend who is an alum and former player who invited me to the game and I follow RU football because of him. 

I'd like to refute Dawgsgodeep's analysis that pass blocking was inadequate mostly in blitz situations.  It was inadequate all night and adequate only if one was throwing a screen pass on every passing attempt.  To opine otherwise one would have to have been observing this game from the snack bar or the restroom.  Certainly one could not have been in the stands actually watching what was transpiring and come to the conclusion that you did! 

The O line provided what I would call sieve blocking.  The QB's rarely had time to throw without being pressured and when pressured Saras was much more adept and accurate (9-16-2-101/.563) showed a stronger arm and made much  better choices in general.  Selway (6-11-2-45/.545) more often than not threw passes wide or in the dirt  to open receivers.  Once even ran to the sidelines taking a 9 yd loss when he clearly could have thrown OB and not lost a yard.  Receivers had great difficulty getting clear of defenders which may be why it may have appeared to you that passes were thrown into coverage.  Saras had 2 int's, one was from a pass interrupted when his blocking fullback, one Freshman, George Foreman IV (or VI or VII, whatever), just didn't block the rusher and Saras took it full speed on the chin and the shin.  The other was a timing pass to the end zone and blown pattern by the receiver who ran an out instead of a deep fly route to the end zone (remember there were just seconds remaining in the game and Redlands was somewhere around the Whitworth 42, 3rd and long.  Why would one run an out pattern when it is clearly deep pass situation?)

The INT's thrown by Selway, on the other hand, were thrown directly into the waiting arms of a defender when there was virtually no pressure on him and no receiver within 5 yards of the ball.  Selway was all too ready to tuck and run as soon as he determined his primary receiver was covered.   Saras completed passes in some very tough situations (i.e.: an awesome shovel pass after scrambling to his left and made just before getting hammered on the sidelines, a play which resulted in a first down instead of a loss.) 

Selway was a great, very productive receiver last year and would make an extremely valuable contribution to the team if they played him there this year.  He does not, IMHO, have the decision making skills necessary to play QB at the college level whereas I think Saras has demonstrated, through his play last year for Redlands and what he was able to do last night, that he is the guy.   (Heck, RU came close to winning the Oxy game last year with Saras at the helm).  There are many more situations that would demonstrate the superiority of Saras over Selway but to enumerate them here would take up way too much space.   And for those who think that putting in the untested, tenderfoot freshman is the solution, just demonstrates their ignorance. 

I think that the major problem with the game and the play from the Redlands side of the ball was that Offensive Coordinator is better suited to be dispensing ice cream from a Good Humor truck rather than calling plays for a football team at any level.   As reported in the local press, he or the staff collectively, made a pre-game decision to insert the second QB into the game at a pre-determined time (i.e.: the third series of each half) no matter how the flow of the game is going.  It doesn't take a great football mind to see how bush league that kind of thinking is.  I doubt if a Pop Warner coach would do something that amateurish.  He found ways of stifling the momentum his team was gaining at every turn.  The first notable occasion was on the 4th and inches at the Whitworth 22 where, after just marching 60+ yds down the field from their own 14 yard line, decided he would show his team the lack of confidence he had in them and take 3 pts instead of putting faith in them and maintaining the momentum by going for it.  I have no doubt they could have made it and I believe it was a turning point in the game for both teams.  The next occasion is when he decided to change QB's cementing the idea in his charges that he had no confidence in them.  Other instances were plentiful throughout the game.

I and a few others around me in the stands were further amazed when in any given situation we would jokingly opine what was the dumbest play call that could be in that situation and sure enough that is what he called.  For instance:  1:18 left to play in the 1st half, Redlands takes over on a punt on their own 18.  We postulated the dumbest call would be a run into the center of the field, which, for obvious reasons would not have been part of what should have been a 2:00 strategy.  Sure enough, that is precisely what the call was.  It went like that all night long, call after call.  If it were my call I would fire the OC immediately.  He is inept and as incompetent as they come and has been so for at least the last two years.

You also say that you feel that defense "did a great job".  I recall commenting about mid way through the third quarter that finally a defensive lineman's name was actually called for making a tackle.  Richardson's name was called out on most of the tackles being made but in the UR secondary!!  Thank God he was there or it would have been a bloodbath.  The D certainly did an adequate job and I agree that they were on the field WAY to much and may have had a better chance of it had not the O been so ineffective because of an inept job of execution by an OC who's capabilities to execute a competitive game plan would fail miserably at even the high school freshman level.  He is a disgrace!!

The "Return to Dominance" will have to wait until UR replaces their OC with one who understands the game of football and won't subvert his teams efforts on the field.  I apologize for the length of this post.  There is much more I could have shared but would have made this even more insufferable. 

Wow, pretty harsh first post. Tell us how you really feel. Just kidding, welcome to post patterns.


Quote from: Sabretooth Tiger on September 11, 2006, 02:59:50 PM
Oxy over CC by 27
Redlands over Trinity by 3
Whitworth over LaVerne by 28
Cal Lu over Willamette by 21
Linfield over UMHB by 3

others tbd

Linfield is playing Hardin-Simmons.

Sabretooth Tiger

The impression that I have is that Willamette isn't the team that we saw in '04.  Any NWC comments?