FB: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

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Sabretooth Tiger

dawg gone it


You are wrong to make such a post.  Especially when the guy doesnt have a chance to defend himself.  Stay positive, things will get better.  Negativity breeds more negativity.


Quote from: redlandsfan on October 01, 2006, 11:16:08 AM

You have no right to say such harsh things about coach O'Boyle at all.  I played for the guy and I will tell you he has  the best football mind of any coach I ever played for.  Keep in mind he was a defensive cord. for many years, and was asked to take over the offense two years ago.  I think you are a joke to this board, because you don't understand that the talent is down at Redlands this year.  I went to games last year where O'Boyle would get a lot of credit on his play calling abilities, but he had talent to work with last year.

You're the typical guy who uses messages boards to bring some type of meaning to your life.  You are one of those people who would never say any of this in an open conversation, but because your identity can be hidden you take it upon yourself to sound like a booster donating $1 million a year to the program.  Like your statements mean anything at Redlands.....its a joke.   

It's a down year for Redlands, that's a given, but if your going to add fuel to the fire just know that I wont stand for it.

First of all Redlandsfan, you don't know a thing about me or who I am so don't try your psychological analysis on me. I am only a fan of UR football, know the game well and I can identify the problem.  I am frustrated with what I see and particularly  that the coaches APPEAR to be dealing only with the symptoms while the real cause of the offense's problem is ignored. Nobody is trying to add fuel to the fire. I only want the real problem dealt with, not the symptoms. Look at how the defense has improved. The difference is coaching. Are you telling me "Redlandsfan" that the defensive players are good athletes and the offense players are garbage? I don't think so. Many of these guys were here last year and O'Boyle did the same repetitive and simplistic play calling. The difference last year was the play calling wasn't as limited as this year. Remember, Saras was the QB most of last year and Redlands had a passing game.

Guys, let me clarify my comments from the previous post and give a "partial apology". Behind the scenes, O'Boyle may be the best thing since sliced bread. I don't know him and I have never had a conversation with him. I am ONLY commenting on what I see on the field; ie, his decision making and offensive management DURING THE GAME, particularly the play calling, is pathetic. This is college football, not Pop Warner. O'Boyle has apparently convinced Maynard the QB's are the problem for the offense so they try Beaver to see if he can get the passing game going. Instead they stop passing entirely and throw only ONE PASS THE WHOLE FIRST HALF. Two of their top three QB's are injured and one is out for the season (hopefully Beaver will be OK). How much longer will the team deal with 3rd and long passing ONLY. O'Boyle's repetitive and mediocre play calling is a severe problem. It is putting the QB's at risk. The offensive players appear to be discusted and the morale appears in the dumps. Did any of you look at their faces after the game?

Hey "Redlandsfan", do you want to count on one hand how many different running plays he called over and over again, how many different passing plays, how often did he spread the defense and how often he TRIED to go long to open up other opportunities? Think about this before you blindly come to O'Boyles defense.
To top it off, they tell the media they will no longer pass anymore and only when absolutely necessary, as was annouced on the radio in last night's coverage. What  will O'Boyle's offensive game plan be for Occidental next week, CALL IN SICK?

At the least, Redlands needs to remove the actual play by play calling during the game from O'Boyle's responsibility.



Now you have proven to me that you know a ton about football, thanks for clearing that up.  If you were knowledgeable about football, and were up to date with offensive game plans in 2006...most team run the zone play.  To the average fan (like you) it looks like the same play each time, and its up to the backs/line to choose an alley to run through.  If you watch any big time program whether its college, or pro, that's what they run...the zone.  They may sprinkle a dive, an option, or a power play, but for most teams its 90% zone.  Claremont, Oxy, PP, and all the Northwest schools we played when I was at Redlands run it to death.  I think you have a lot of research to do before you speak to people who know the game well. 

Once again, its the message boards that allow you to be included in these conversations.  There is nothing I dislike more than people who always complain about coaches, but know very little about the sport.  If you have valid points I would agree with you, but saying people should be fired just because you deem them as "Pop Warner" is trash.  Just to remind you, you are speaking about the same coach who a few years back while at a powerhouse NAIA school was voted the national assistant coach of the year.

Stick to what you know, and stop embarrassing yourself.


Quote from: redlandsfan on October 01, 2006, 09:11:44 PM

Now you have proven to me that you know a ton about football, thanks for clearing that up.  If you were knowledgeable about football, and were up to date with offensive game plans in 2006...most team run the zone play.  To the average fan (like you) it looks like the same play each time, and its up to the backs/line to choose an alley to run through.  If you watch any big time program whether its college, or pro, that's what they run...the zone.  They may sprinkle a dive, an option, or a power play, but for most teams its 90% zone.  Claremont, Oxy, PP, and all the Northwest schools we played when I was at Redlands run it to death.  I think you have a lot of research to do before you speak to people who know the game well. 

Once again, its the message boards that allow you to be included in these conversations.  There is nothing I dislike more than people who always complain about coaches, but know very little about the sport.  If you have valid points I would agree with you, but saying people should be fired just because you deem them as "Pop Warner" is trash.  Just to remind you, you are speaking about the same coach who a few years back while at a powerhouse NAIA school was voted the national assistant coach of the year.

Stick to what you know, and stop embarrassing yourself.

Redlandsfan...Thank you for your expertise in describing to me the subtle areas of football for which I know nothing about. Thank you also for your evaluation of my personality as regards posting on this website.

Go ask any of the Redlands offensive backfield and they will confirm to you it is the same few plays over and over again.

As regards O'Boyle's resume, this in no way gives him the credentials to be an OC. Also, as regards my comment for firing him, I clarified it stating he needs to be removed from the play calling responsibility as his game decisions are lacking, to say the least. Again my apologies for considering the "halfback pass /double pass" (sorry for the layman's terms as you have already pointed out I am not very sophisticated in these matters) with 1.50 minutes left in the game as NOT being the most intelligent or opportune play to call!

The issue is identifying and correcting the problem with the Bulldog's offense and getting on my ass will not accomplish that. You are obviously an O'Boyle fan. I'm sorry I do not share your sentiment.  You are very welcome to your opinion as I am to mine.

On a point of interest, since you played for the team, can you shed some light as to the history of O'Boyle's predecessor at OC. From bits and pieces on previous posts, apparently the OC prior to O'Boyle was also the Head Coach prior to Maynard. Then he became the OC as Maynard became Head Coach. From the time line you write about, you apparently were on the team during this era. What do you feel is the primary difference between the way he managed the offense compared to how O'Boyle manages it today?



Let me clear one thing up right now.  When I was at Redlands I played defense, and the OC was Keith Pebley.  Before Pebley it was Miller.  You are correct, Miller was once the head coach before Maynard came to Redlands, but from what I have heard he was terrible as a head coach.  He is a great OC, and when he was at Redlands they put up serious numbers on the offensive side of the ball.  When I played at Redlands our OC was not a rocket scientist, but we had serious talent.  We had the best QB in the league, the best running back, and 3 great offensive linemen.  We also had a ton of depth at wide receiver.  My point is there is little talent on campus right now at Redlands.  You said something interesting to me in your last post, "Ask a Redlands running back, and they will tell you Redlands has multiple running plays (paraphrase)."  That means you're close to a player, possibly a parent, and if that's the case it's hard to accept your comments because your points maybe skewed.

I am glad you voice your opinions, but I believe you do it in a tacky fashion, and you should stop looking at the program with tunnel vision and look at it for what it is.  The team is down this year, some could argue they have been down for three years, but bashing them is not the answer, and I won't allow it.

Finally, if your son does play for Redlands and has issues, maybe he should meet with the coaches and express his concerns rather than running home to tell pops about Redlands diverse running game playbook. 


I keep reading on this board that there is tons of talent at Redlands..and the post above says they do not have talent?? I would have to agree with Redlandsfan that they have been down the last couple years..


First off, what a great Job Cal Lu did on the Leo's this saturday. ;D

I stand corrected on thinking that Cal Lu would not be awake or ready for this past saturday's game. Yet, they showed that they are ready to be the next contender for the SCIAC Crown. If they keep this up, look for the Oxy- Cal Lu game to be the game of the Year within the SCIAC.

Wow--- The "return to confusion" came back to bite and haunt the Pups of UOR. The Offensive side of the team needs to pull it together for this week's game. At least the Defense is doing their best to keep them in the game. They should start to study and be ready for an Oxy team that is making them their number 1 target all week long.

To bad for the stags who came in to the Rock still dazed and confused from their trip to UPS last saturday. Although, this game was not a blow out, at least everyone on the Oxy team got a chance to get ready for this week's game against the Bulldog nation. Great job to the Tigers for putting on a great performance in their 1st step to the SCIAC crown.

Big week for the tigers. This will be one of their biggest games and test of the year. As they prepair to review their own film, Redlands film from the past games and reports about UOR, expect to see a team that will be focused and ready to win saturday. As long as the tigers stay focused, come out with intensity and a sense of urgency and do well within their own system, look for the Score to be in favor of the tigers..Sorry pups, there is still ways to go into you turn to dogs.....( sat. early prediction: Oxy 48- Redlands 14).

"Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination."--Vin Scully

"I don't really care," he said with an impish smile. "It's all about the Dodgers. I don't think anyone really watches hockey anymore.".....Tiger Woods


Quote from: redlandsfan on October 02, 2006, 11:00:28 AM

Let me clear one thing up right now.  When I was at Redlands I played defense, and the OC was Keith Pebley.  Before Pebley it was Miller.  You are correct, Miller was once the head coach before Maynard came to Redlands, but from what I have heard he was terrible as a head coach.  He is a great OC, and when he was at Redlands they put up serious numbers on the offensive side of the ball.  When I played at Redlands our OC was not a rocket scientist, but we had serious talent.  We had the best QB in the league, the best running back, and 3 great offensive linemen.  We also had a ton of depth at wide receiver.  My point is there is little talent on campus right now at Redlands.  You said something interesting to me in your last post, "Ask a Redlands running back, and they will tell you Redlands has multiple running plays (paraphrase)."  That means you're close to a player, possibly a parent, and if that's the case it's hard to accept your comments because your points maybe skewed.

I am glad you voice your opinions, but I believe you do it in a tacky fashion, and you should stop looking at the program with tunnel vision and look at it for what it is.  The team is down this year, some could argue they have been down for three years, but bashing them is not the answer, and I won't allow it.

Finally, if your son does play for Redlands and has issues, maybe he should meet with the coaches and express his concerns rather than running home to tell pops about Redlands diverse running game playbook. 


Thanks for the history. It was Miller that I was thinking of as I heard he was great as an OC but not as a Head Coach. As regards asking a backfield player about the play calling, that comment was for your benefit as you obviously have ties to the team as a former player. I am only a fan that enjoys their games...nothing more. I hear the comments in the stands which reinforces my thinking. I certainly don't think all of us are ignorant about the game. The lack of play calling diversity is so damn obvious to me I cannot believe anyone would argue otherwise.

I will not disagree with anyone about holes in the talent. However, lacking talent doesn't prevent successful play calling to take advantage of the talent at hand. My comment about "Pop Warner" was for two issues: 1) calling running plays between the tackles EVERY 1st and 2nd down, then pass on 3rd and long, and 2) The plays are VERY FEW and lack creativity. Then they bitch about the QB's being the problem.
If you recall, three QB's have been on the field and unless I have been watching a different game than you, they all appear to have similar problems. Are all three QB's garbage or is there a common denominator that is the REAL source of the problem? I will let you figure that one out.

However, those who think the play calling is outstanding and not repetitive... well, I don't have an answer for you. Give some thought to this: In each of the first three games, Redlands moved the ball during the first quarter. Then their success got progressively worse. Is it possible that after the 1st quarter, the other teams realized Redlands was running the same thing over and over. It then becomes a "piece of cake" to defend against.

And to Smittyboy's post about lacking talent the past two years, there is something else that has been in place the last two years, the same OC...is there any cause and effect here???

In any event, I have explained myself and my comments to the best of my ability. I am sure some of you will disagree. but that is human nature. If we all were in agreement, then ALL of us would think Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were outstanding Presidents....ooops, did I just open another can of worms?

Eye of da TIGER

ECS said:

"as for my own game. Oxy's D lacks last years intensity. Really, should CC have put up that much offense? However, younger O-line. Offensive output drops and D allows more points than would like or would like to admit. Opportunity is there for CMS offensively. D improved as well. Opportunity is there IF the team permits themselves to take advantage of it. IF the bye week and poor showing against UPS holds, not so good. W or L, the game is about establish tempo and whatwill define their performances for the rest of the season. No prediction of score or outcome, remain optimistic."

"I won't give Oxy a 30+. That's putting us well below CC against your snubs,"

Well it was 29 pts and sorry dude it looks like your beloved CMS belongs in a category well below Colorado College, right next to Lewis and Clark.  Unfortunately for CMS, the defensive intensity is alive and well. Oxy looks ready for its showdown with Redlands, but unfortunately it looks like we are all going to have to wait until Oct. 28 for the Oxy vs Cal Lu game to see who is going to take the SCIAC crown. Although I will say that Im excited to go to the Runner for this weekends game to witness the turmoil that is the Redlands football team for myself.  I still dont believe it!  ???
4 is the smallest composite number, its proper divisors being 1 and 2. 4 is the smallest squared prime. 4 is the only number in the English language for which the number of letters in its name is equal to the number itself. 4 is also the number of titles in a row the tigers will have in '07!! Go Oxy

dawg gone it

I think Oxy Bob should change his screen name to ........"Google Bob". :D :D


I have not posted in a while, but I can no longer sit here and listen to the crap being spewed out of your mouth DawgFan1.  Oboyle is not the problem, nor is lack of talent.  Nothing is really wrong with the offense other than the continuity of players.  Playing three QB's in three games is brutal add on to that the oline has had some early season injuries, so the continuity is not there.  One thing I do know is that Maynard and crew will have the Bulldogs ready for the Tigers on Saturday.  Last thing, if being simplistic on offense is a problem, than many coaches would have never won any football games.  I.E. Lombardi with the Packer Sweep.


Quote from: DawgHeaven on October 02, 2006, 02:10:03 PM
I have not posted in a while, but I can no longer sit here and listen to the crap being spewed out of your mouth DawgFan1.  Oboyle is not the problem, nor is lack of talent.  Nothing is really wrong with the offense other than the continuity of players.  Playing three QB's in three games is brutal add on to that the oline has had some early season injuries, so the continuity is not there.  One thing I do know is that Maynard and crew will have the Bulldogs ready for the Tigers on Saturday.  Last thing, if being simplistic on offense is a problem, than many coaches would have never won any football games.  I.E. Lombardi with the Packer Sweep.

Dawgheaven: I am glad my comments brought you back on board. I am in agreement talent has not been the problem. I have been defending the talent and commented "if" an offense is lacking talent, you adjust to make the best use of what you have.  Yes there are a few holes but this is the case with any team.

The issue with three QBs is a major issue for the reasons you state. In addition, if the coaches don't display confidence in a QB, how will the players?

As regards simplicity, no this isn't the problem. However, predictability and repetitiveness is a problem and this is what I have been complaining about. Did Lombardi run the Packard Sweep EVERY 1st and 2nd down?


You also get an article about Bush when you type in "stupidest person ever"  :D

I noted that Jimmy Carter showed up too in addition to Bush... it's a little unfair to call the former president who won a Nobel Peace Prize a miserable failure, but okay...

I thought it was pretty clever trick these webguys played to make google show up like that. Maybe I will have to do the same to make Wheaton show up as "best team ever." :)
Wait, dunks are only worth two points?!?!!!? Why does anyone do them? - diehardfan
What are Parkers now supposed to chant after every NP vs WC game, "Let's go enjoy tobacco products off-campus? - Gregory Sager
We all read it, but we don't take anything you say seriously - Luke Kasten

RIP WheatonC


RedlandsFan - I appreciate the compliment on one of the 3 outstanding offensive lineman during your time there.  :)  I assumed you were including me.  Very thoughtful of you.

"Go play intramurals, Brother!  Go play intramurals."
-Dan Hawkins,   University of Colorado