FB: Empire 8

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Quote from: Frank Rossi on November 27, 2006, 03:33:08 PM
Quote from: profs_fan on November 27, 2006, 03:29:07 PM
Oh no.  I read the stats of SJF.  They are bigger and faster that RU.  They have an All American running back.  They have bigger offensive and defensive linemen.  Their whole team is bigger and faster than RU.  However their webmaster cannot spell physical correctly. This is a chink in the SJF steel body and will effect the final score.

Last year we went to Union, they were undefeated and a great running back, wide out and quarterback from Heaven.  Our 3rd string running back gained over 130 yards.  Their All American running back less than 60 yards.

We arrived at Union before  the gates opened for seating.  I had a coffee in my hand and went to the right side of the Stadium, and attempted to see the field.  The field was snow free but the area to the right of the Stadium had snow over ice and I slipped, spilled my coffee and could not sit the whole game and could not drive the whole way home.  The inside of my right leg turned black and blue.  Had to have X-rays and CAT scans of my left leg.  My New Jersey lawyer collected $35K from their insurance company.

Before the Delaware Valley game (they were also Undefeated) we arrived about 45 minutes before game time.  Neither side of their field  had a ramp into the bleachers for handicapped persons in a wheelchair.  I have a Handicapped tag on my car for bilateral knee replacements.  Can you guess how much I collected from Delaware Valley College and we won?  Their field was a poor excuse for an Ag. College.

Now onto SJF.

I will be 60 in June of 2007.  I have 3 daughters, 3 grand daugthers, and 4 great grandaugthers.

Well what will happen at SJF.  Myself and a long time Rowan fan will arrive on Friday.  We will arrive with 4 New Jersey lawyers with New York certifications.

We will challange the parking places for Rowan and Handicapped spaces according to New Jersey laws.    

My three daughters graduated HS from a Catholic HS.

My youngest graduated from St. Joseph University in Philly.

And I. :-X

Jose -

Put away your lawyer business card...You can't practice in NJ on his behalf, and you've got a conflict of interest!

That was actually pretty funny.  +k.  I really should have gotten into Plaintiffs work.  Look at this guy, a lawyer was lucky enough to befriend a klutz and has make 70 grand out of it.  What am I doing not working on contingency?  You a PI guy Frank?


Quote from: realistic on November 27, 2006, 03:26:08 PM
Quote from: maxpower on November 27, 2006, 03:01:02 PM
Quote from: fisheralum91 on November 27, 2006, 02:58:13 PM
max- that sounds sacrelegious!
Nicks was the only place back in the day- i couldnt imagine not getting the WHOLE EXPERIENCE!

Lotta funny stories from that place, but I can do without the WHOLE EXPERIENCE now.

max - is it like hitting Short Stop at 2am?

Oh man... I don't know. Tough to walk in the neighborhood Nick's is in, and you certainly wouldn't walk there at 5 AM drinking scotch like we used to do on the way to Short Stop... plus it's hard to feel anything but safe in Ithaca.

Two different animals. Nothing but love for short stop, but never had a knife pulled on me there. Plus a plate just cannot be beat by anything in Ithaca, especially for drunk food, with all due respect to Gino's, Sammy's, and the SS.

Quote from: profs_fan on November 27, 2006, 03:29:07 PM
Oh no.  I read the stats of SJF.  They are bigger and faster that RU.  They have an All American running back.  They have bigger offensive and defensive linemen.  Their whole team is bigger and faster than RU.  However their webmaster cannot spell physical correctly. This is a chink in the SJF steel body and will effect the final score.

Last year we went to Union, they were undefeated and a great running back, wide out and quarterback from Heaven.  Our 3rd string running back gained over 130 yards.  Their All American running back less than 60 yards.

We arrived at Union before  the gates opened for seating.  I had a coffee in my hand and went to the right side of the Stadium, and attempted to see the field.  The field was snow free but the area to the right of the Stadium had snow over ice and I slipped, spilled my coffee and could not sit the whole game and could not drive the whole way home.  The inside of my right leg turned black and blue.  Had to have X-rays and CAT scans of my left leg.  My New Jersey lawyer collected $35K from their insurance company.

Before the Delaware Valley game (they were also Undefeated) we arrived about 45 minutes before game time.  Neither side of their field  had a ramp into the bleachers for handicapped persons in a wheelchair.  I have a Handicapped tag on my car for bilateral knee replacements.  Can you guess how much I collected from Delaware Valley College and we won?  Their field was a poor excuse for an Ag. College.

Now onto SJF.

I will be 60 in June of 2007.  I have 3 daughters, 3 grand daugthers, and 4 great grandaugthers.

Well what will happen at SJF.  Myself and a long time Rowan fan will arrive on Friday.  We will arrive with 4 New Jersey lawyers with New York certifications.

We will challange the parking places for Rowan and Handicapped spaces according to New Jersey laws.     

My three daughters graduated HS from a Catholic HS.

My youngest graduated from St. Joseph University in Philly.

And I. :-X

I don't care how old you are, or how prolifically you reproduce or sue for your own dumbass mistakes. That post was damn idiotic. Also, challenging anything in New York according to New jersey state law sounds like a stupid thing... Jose or Frank correct me if I am wrong on that.

Aren't you the same guy that wrote that pointless-ass post about your 85-year-old mother after whining about the MSU game like all other Rowan posters? Why don't you stay over on the NJAC board buddy.


Quote from: rowanlb92 on November 27, 2006, 02:21:31 PM
Quote from: joseqviper on November 27, 2006, 10:49:59 AM
Quote from: BobNapoleone on November 27, 2006, 10:41:04 AM
Quote from: fisheralum91 on November 27, 2006, 09:47:28 AM
lets not get ahead of ourselves-----
enjoy the game this week first!!
Yell like crazy!
Students will be back so there should be a better crowd right?

Anybody know if Rowan supporters travel well......I heard Fisher fans stepped it up at Springfield with 500 plus.....

They travel from the cell block to the yard and back in droves.


I tried for a weekend leave from house arrest.  My probation officer is a Montclair Grad.  He said no deal!

But from past experience, I would expect 700 to 1200 Rowan supporters on Saturday!

I forgot to respond to this before.  That was actually pretty funny LB92.  I rather expected a caustic response.  Glad to see we all have our senses of humor this early in the week.


here here again!!


I may be wrong on this one too, but I believe the expression is "hear hear". I'd be willing to defer to my elders on such a turn of phrase though....


twas a play on the stupidity of the rantings of a prof fan- yet i can see the confusion- sorry---hear hear


killin me max!

who is this guy?


+k to you for calmly inserting my foot into my mouth.


and a plus k for you!

i see you have dealt with this "young" man before?


Quote from: profs_fan on November 06, 2006, 04:27:14 PM
What is the Cortaca Cup about?  Has to be a good story and some history worth knowing about. 

The Cortland fans and parents at the game were class acts and top shelve.

I told several after the game I hope we don't run into them in the playoffs.

What type of injury does Rowan's LB Garren have?

Hopefully Rowan will be playing on the 25th and Please at home.  I have been invited to a Bar Mitzpha (spelling?) for a relative by marriage by my wife's, brother's wife's sister's son.  Got that.  The dad is a Psychiatrist.

Is it ok to give wife a large check and tell her to tell the Doc I got called into work on an emergency?

Speaking of Psychiatrists...for all mem reading this who have children and may go through a divorce.  More then likely if you want custody (remember the money follows the kids and the kids stay in the house) some shirnk will be appointed to do an evaluation and charge $8-10k, you (will the dad will pay) for him and mom's lawyer.

I had 17 evaluations with psychologists and two psychiatrists.  "ogists" make you take pen and pencil tests, draw a family, and tell what the ink blots look like. The "trists" do all the writing, no tests.

After the "trist" gets you name, education, years married and family background (writing on a yellow legal pad) he then asks the big question.....do you ever hear voices in your head?  The guys I met during the process divorce always stated the voices they heard was the wife's nagging.  (bad advice)

I told the "trist" yes.  He sat up, looked at me and wanted what to know what the voices said.  I told hom that this was a "Managed Health Care Problem"  He shrugged his shoulders as to not know what I was talking about.

I told him the voices in my heads spoke in Spanish and my HMO would not allow me to take Spanish classes so I could understand what the voices were saying.  Even if I learned Spanish how would I know if the voices were telling the truth?         

So anyway, you may know a man who goes through a nasty divorce to make sure you do one thing.  If mom has the kids and interferes with dad's relationship with the kids, send each kid a card and a check (made out to the kids) for every holiday. birthday, special event, graduation go to all and sporting event they play in.  (Get several disguises wigs, extra large cloths with stuffing and never speak at the events.  However take pictures of each and every event and put them in photo albums.)  KEEP COPIES OF THE CHECKS AND THE CARDS.

The ex told the my daughters I sent them no cards, no gifts and wasn't interested in their sporting activities.

For ten years none of my 3 daughters were allowed to come to Rowan events.  My two oldest have seen the photo albums and all the cancelled checks and copies of cards with the date under "Love Always, Dad."

The two oldest have nothing to do with their mother.  My ex is no longer involved with our grand daughter.  Hopefully my youngest will ask to see the album, cards and cancelled checks.

There is a big guy (or gal) up there in sky that gets you through the toughest of time.   

Hopefully both of them will come to game Friday night.     

This was the post that led me to lose a lot of karma on the NJAC board. If you peruse his "last posts" you will see a veritable sea of long-windedness. Guy loves to wax poetic about the meaning of life, football, and of course mention his daughters, which I hear he has. (Does this guy have daughters?) Finally you're a junior member of this board, FA91!


wow-rantings of somebody about to be sent to a home....

and "junior member"



Come on FA91... where's that smoking jacket? J/K.

I was wrong above, THIS is the post that led to my karma loss... although the other one ain't bad:

Quote from: profs_fan on November 01, 2006, 11:17:58 PM
My mother is going to be 85 in January.  She had been listening to Prof f-ball for a long time on an old one speaker plug in radio.  For the last several years on an old Sony boom box with a manual tuner.  I taped the tuner to 89.7 a few years back because she couldn't read the turner anymore.  It gave out. She now has a newer sony stero boom box with both a cassette and CD and a digital tuner.  Now she never changes the station.

Mom told me last week that the Prof's were playing like the Eagles but winning more games. (She is also an Eagles fan)  She also knew that the Prof's made it to the final four 2 of the past three years.  She also knew the Prof's were in the Stagg bowl 5 times.  I have been giving her the brackets of the D3 playoffs for many years.  She records the scores in the brackets from the Sunday Courier Post sports section.   I hope I still have the facilities and passion to be a Profs fan when I am 85.

I call her from the Prof's games when I am all over the country and she knows the score and knows about the fumbles, interceptions, long pass plays, long runs and dumb penalties.  She wears either an old GSC tee shirt or old GSC zippered sweat shirt when it gets chilly during game time. 

Mom has never said anything questioning the coaches, players or choice of play calling at GSC or Rowan.  Don't mention TO in front of her.  She will chase you out of the house.

Mom grew up through the depression.  She is the most even tempered and balanced person I know. Her prized possession is a picture of 4 generations of females.  Mom, my sister, my sister's daughter and a great grand daughter.  Hopefully I can get my three daughters and grand daughter together for another 4 generation picture.

Mom would probable get upset with some of the posts herein.  She might want to tongue lash a few of the off the wall posts.

Coaches coach, players play, officials officiate and fans cheer and support their team no matter what.

During the last 15-20 years the Prof's have had much more success than any pro football team.  The young men that play for the Prof's and other D3 schools put their bodies at risk for our support and for their love of the game.  I'm sure our coaches coach for the same reasons the players play.   

Hopefully the BEAST has another TOP OF THEIR GAME performance left in their tank and it plays out Saturday.

(IMO, Rowan administration needs to do major work on the football stadium.  Hardware from the boards and iron work needs to be replaced every year.  Nuts and bolts can be found under the stands every week. What really needs to be done is to replace the wood boards with metal or to cap them with metal.  Rest rooms for women are totally inadaquate.
With the major investment of the new turf, the rest of the stadium needs upgrades.  The use of spot-a-pots for homecoming was a major problem for women.  Permanent restrooms need to be constructed inside the stadium fences.  My wife, two daughters with two friends from UD, grand daughter and son in law left at  half time because of the condition of the women's room and the spot a pots.)


here are some great lyrics to a great song that Profs_Fan should take to heart
I'll Sue Ya by Weird Al

I sued Taco Bell
'Cause I ate half a million Chalupas
And I got fat!

I sued Panasonic
They never said I shouldn't use their microwave
To dry off my cat

Huh, I sued Earthlink
'Cause I called them up
N' they had the nerve to put me on hold

I sued Starbucks
'Cause I spilled a Frappucino in my lap
And brrr, it was cold!

I sued Toys'R'Us
'Cause I swallowed a Nerf ball
And nearly choked to death

Ugh, I sued PetCo
'Cause I ate a bag of kitty litter
And now I got bad breath!

I sued Coca-Cola, yo
'Cause I put my finger down in a bottle
And it got stuck!

I sued Delta Airlines
'Cause they sold me a ticket to New Jersey
I went there, and it sucked!


If you stand me up on a date
If you deliver my pizza 30 seconds late

I'm gonna sue, sue
Yes, I'm gonna sue
Sue, sue, yeah that's what I'm gonna do
I'm gonna sue, sue
Yes, I'm gonna sue
Sue, sue, yeah I might even sue you!


I sued Duracell
They never told me not to shove that double-A
Right up my nose

I sued Home Depot
'Cause they sold me a hammer
Which they knew I might drop on my toes

I sued Dell Computers
'Cause I took a bath with my laptop
Now it doesn't work

I sued Fruit of the Loom
'Cause when I wear their tightie-whities on my head
I look like a jerk

I sued Verizon
'Cause I get all depressed
Any time my cell phone is roaming

I sued Colorado
'Cause you know, I think it looks a little bit too much
Like Wyoming

I sued Neiman Marcus
'Cause they put up their Christmas decorations
Way out of season

I sued Ben Affleck
Aw, do I even need a reason?


If I sprain my ankle
While I'm robbing your place

If I hurt my knuckles
When I punch you in the face

I'm gonna sue, sue
Yes, I'm gonna sue
Sue, sue, yeah that's what I'm gonna do
I'm gonna sue, sue
Yes, I'm gonna sue
Sue, sue, that's right I'm gonna sue you


I'll sue ya!
I'll take all of your money
I'll sue ya!
If you even look at me funny

I'll sue ya!
I'll take all of your money
I'll sue ya!
If you even look at me funny

I'll sue ya!
I'll take all of your money
I'll sue ya!
If you even look at me funny

I'll sue ya!
I'll take all of your money
I'll sue ya!
If you even look at me funny

I'll sue ya!
Ha-ha ha ha-haa
I'll sue ya!
What'chall think of that?

I'll sue ya!
Ha-ha ha ha-haa
Boo ya!
I'll sue ya!


p.s.  as much as the Rowan fans bother me...I'd feel bad if they were all murdered on the way to tahoes
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.



Holy cow is this guy for real?


not you super----profs fan....