FB: Empire 8

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Quote from: pg04 on September 10, 2007, 12:06:09 AM
I agree mostly, other than the fact that O'Reilly almost lets no one talk if he disagrees with what they are saying, or completely ignores them. 

Have you seen Hardball?  Chris Matthews does the same thing.  But guests have to know that, whether it's going on Hardball, or the O'Reilly factor.  Countdown is more of an Entertainment Tonight meets MSNBC, in my opinion.  Although I do find it entertaining, especially his blatant hatred of Bill and "Fox Noise".

"i can't wait to line up on saterday and see if your boys are as tough as you guys build them up to be."


Who is Allagash?  A very long time lurker (1999-2000) on D3Football......and my blood is Maroon


Quote from: tecmobowler on September 09, 2007, 08:32:30 PM

Linebacker may be the one spot that makes me a bit nervous.  Scalice is the leader of the defense, and a beast.  That being said, I think the outside's are still figuring out what they're doing in the 3-4 at times, and are missing some coverages.

This is the first time in my IC tenure that the linebackers are the concern.   In all the years past IC has been overflowing with LB's and TE's.  I guess its nice change.  When they understand the 3-4 better we are gonna be GOOD.  Luckily we have Hartwick before Fisher to practice.  

I too agree with Tecmo and IMJK on our kick off issue.  We recruited two very good high school kickers and neither of the booted off.  Is this just a Welch trick?  Do we not want them out there on Kick Offs due to lack of experience?  WHAT THE HECK IS GOIN ON HERE!  A LB took the kick off at one point.  ugh...

Offensively....I was a little nervous in the 1st.  Down 7-6 got me a little scurred.  It was interesting to see Baez get some hand offs early.   In the past he has been used mostly in the second half to add the lighting.

Then there was the rain delay where dubbz consumed many a beverage to stay warm.... this is where the game turns cloudy.

 Donovan finished with around 150 on the day with 2 tds... not too shabby.  but, where was Bam Bam????   Isn't he a 5th year too?  The big Ox wasnt in the wish bone when we were pinched on the 2.  weird.

The punt return was fun to watch.  CHIER!!  

FDC note.... Dubbz sold t-shirts like it was his job.  Mr. N we need more.... possibly 2 or 5 YL or YM's thrown in there.  


Nice work FDC on recruiting new members.

I am not too worried about the Bombers.  If watching 20 years of Gator Football has taught me anything it's that playing two cupcakes to open is less about just how sharp you look than it is about getting out some kinks, trying some new things, and letting some backups get some game snaps.

Our season starts on September 22.


Good Morning to the E8PP

JK- great job w/ the recruiting efforts & t sales 

Dubbz- thanks for the game recap it sounded like you made sure there wasn't a pbr left unfinished in the parking lot.  good work.

Upstate- The Bills suck... JP is horrible.  MIOH can't decide which would be worse to have on my team... Eli or JP. 

Eli- Grow a pair... "Bruised Shoulder" (take notes from guys like Pennington, McNair, Favre, and your brother)

JK/MIYH- Cutler put up a pretty good line and led 2 nice drives late... I'm exited about the future in Denver.

Welcome to the boards 84!  Always nice to have more bombers aboard.

tecmo- thanks for the bombers updates... you should have quit @ 3-0

PC- MIOH cought a few mins of the webcast after many pbr's late sat evening... from what MIOH remembers he was very impressed. 

Go Bombers


thoughts on the weekend.

IC looked shaky at times, but I agree with Q in that the performance against Kings isn't what we should expect all weekend.

Nice job by the FDC.  You guys were shown a couple times on the ICTV broadcast but weren't really mentioned.  When I lost my audio, I put on the ICB boradcast with the video and the ICB guys were very complimentary.

I thought the IC-Kings rain/thunder delay was interesting...but did you see the C-State/Mo-ville game?  It didn't end until almost 1am.

Jonny Utah

The ouside LBs in that 3-4 are great positions.  Should be an easy read.  They either blitz on the outside (no chance of getting hooked) or they play a little zone in the flat.  You just have to make sure you can take on that FB block everyonce in a while and make a play on the RB in the open field.


I know I missed the first week, but i dont have the internet at my new house yet, so the chumming shall commence today, while i should be finishing my lesson plans in preparation for the 25 kids i'm about to "teach".
That said, AU goes 10-0 this season.  Keeley is regarded as the best player in the E8, and i talk a lot of junk.  What?
Switching gears, maninyellowhat, i brought up the post patterns screen and just about pissed myself when i saw gatto juggling as your icon.  I had forgot about that.  I'm on tilt.
Cant wait till saterday.


Hey Pep,
I notice that Manzer is not listed in any AU stats from the Thiel game.  Is there some news about him that I have missed?



not so rowdy bomber

Quote from: realistic on September 10, 2007, 09:34:26 AM
Nice job by the FDC.  You guys were shown a couple times on the ICTV broadcast but weren't really mentioned.  When I lost my audio, I put on the ICB boradcast with the video and the ICB guys were very complimentary.

Brunch shift punchin' in.

NSRB had an eventful "EHHH  FOOTBALLL" weekend. 
Concrete Mixer Rodeo a Great Success!


Colts Win!!

Bombers Win!

.. oh yeah, and Penn State won. (Notre Dame lost! and Michigan lost... again!  0-3?  Whose it gonna be?!)

-Recruit IC Mens Club Soccer team player to do kick-offs.  NSRB cannot get angry at a tailback for doing kick-offs poorly... only FL kickers.  Since the inception of IC Mens Club Soccer there are more players than a soccer team could ever use in 4 years that tryout... NSRB thinks they can stand to lose one good leg.
-FDC chant "Make it Rain!" worked all too well.  Its kinda scarry.
-NSRB is happy to report that he is not the one who shouted "I facebooked your Mom" at a Kings player, garnering many sharp looks from Bomber moms down in front.
-Fucillo HUGE crowd at Butterfield for the first 27 mins.  of the game. 

not so huge after the rain delay.
As for the FDC, WICB had great coverage and mention the yellow shirts many times prior to kick-off.  Glad to see some old faces, and make some new friends.
-Pep band decided to play funeral durges... maybe this was some new tactic...  didnt work.  AU Pep... we may need a guest conductor come Fisher game.
-Dubbz was 4-O'd the majority of the game, and Dubbz's puppy was neat to see, but Lady Dubbz had to stay in the press area for game since Puppys arent allowed in the "L" section at Butterfield.

-NSRB got free tix and VIP tailgating to Bills game... (NSRB loves the Job)
Lady NSRB got lost from Amherst to Ralph Wilson, so we were a little late getting to see Steve Tasker and the Jills at the VIP tailgating, and missed not only the kickoff return, but the final field goal as well...  good thing i'm a Colts fan. 

(btw, there is a world of hate in Buffalo.  Those people hate everything.  The opposing team, their own team, the coaches, the refs, the rain, they even hate it when its not raining, they hate Bronco fans, and other Bills fans, and the guy behind me even said he hated fried dough.  Quote from another Bills fan. "you can't hate fried dough? that is a staple food in many people's diet, thats like saying you hate free money, or free drinks at the bar, or omg thats like saying you hate santa.... you can't hate santa man!...."  Oh but they do.

Congrats to Alfred, Springfield, and Fish folks... way to keep things interesting.

Pictures Courtesy of ESPN and Ithaca Journal.
For some great Ithaca / Kings  pictures check out the gallery:


Quote from: saxontad on September 10, 2007, 11:18:21 AM
Hey Pep,
I notice that Manzer is not listed in any AU stats from the Thiel game.  Is there some news about him that I have missed?



Good call, saxontad. Manzer reportedly got banged up a bit at the F&M scrimmage. Keeley threw to him perhaps once or twice Saterday, but Pep would say he wasn't at 100%. In fact, Pep was surprised to see him suited up, thought he would sit that game. Nevertheless, AU is deep in receivers and Keeley spread it around nicely. You'll no doubt be hearing from Mr. Man....zer.
On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


Quote from: chris7sarge on September 10, 2007, 10:10:45 AM
I know I missed the first week, but i dont have the internet at my new house yet, so the chumming shall commence today, while i should be finishing my lesson plans in preparation for the 25 kids i'm about to "teach".
That said, AU goes 10-0 this season.  Keeley is regarded as the best player in the E8, and i talk a lot of junk.  What?
Switching gears, maninyellowhat, i brought up the post patterns screen and just about pissed myself when i saw gatto juggling as your icon.  I had forgot about that.  I'm on tilt.
Cant wait till saterday.

Welcome back, Sarge! Pep knew the AU posters would start to appear once the season got underway. Got the Scarlet and Brown coming down from SargeLand this week...

Yeah, these Bomber boys (MIYH) will never forget Gatto, but then, Sarge, you've always had bladder control problems, right?

To NSRB, regarding "-Pep band decided to play funeral durges... maybe this was some new tactic...  didnt work.  AU Pep... we may need a guest conductor come Fisher game."    ....As Pep has posted many times, Pep couldn't direct himself out of a paper bag. IC may need someone from FDC to take over the pep band and get it out of the hands of the music department. AU's band, while sounding pretty good on Saterday, is less concerned about the music and more concerned about what's happening on the field and responding appropriately. Music profs/majors don't always know the difference. But, NSRB, Pep will be at Merrill Field Sept. 22 as AU goes after Mr. Sharpe.

While Pep understands the magnitude of the IC-Fisher clash, Pep believes the AU-SC skirmish is equally significant to the E8 picture.
On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


hey FDC... this guy look familiar???

Jackass.                       Poofer Popped collar too

(here is the link if you cant really see who it is http://athletics.sjfc.edu/roster.asp?playerid=162&sport=3 )

not so rowdy bomber

just curious where NSRB lost the karma point?

-length of post
-Notre Dame comment
-Michigan comment
-Bills commentary
-4-O'd Dubbz comment
-Congrating Fish/AU/Pride on their respective wins
or is there a spiteful Astros fan out there?

knew it was too good to last.  first time ever getting double digit K.

Pep, didnt realize 9/22 was your Springfield game day.  NSRB understands (by no means was he trying to take away from your big day, might be the biggest day of the year in the E8.  As for FDC coup d'état... we'll hold off a little longer, maybe NSRB and FDC was a little harsh on the band, after all it was the first home game... they just better have their act together for the Fish Derby in Butterfield Bayou.

-any comments on the 71- 7 C'State game...NSRB sure hopes the Bombers got their "monarch" butterflies out for the season... sounds like a tough road ahead.


Quote from: not so rowdy bomber on September 10, 2007, 01:50:04 PM
-any comments on the 71- 7 C'State game... I sure home the Bombers got their "monarch" butterflies out for the season... sounds like a tough road ahead.

Well.  It was 71 points vs Morrisville, a 2nd year program.  I wouldn't take too much away from the score.  I would give c-state credit on withstanding 2 delays and a game that ended just before 1am and still put up the points.  But, cortland lost Alex Smith and someone else I think....  The QB loss will hurt come NJAC games.