FB: Empire 8

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:21 AM

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I had a dream last night that RPI beat Fisher 35-31. When I woke up I was sad... because I know RPI will beat Fisher by more than that!


Go Saxons....
                 and Bommmas.....

       get that bus rollin'....we're headed to Union!

E8 rolls this weekend..leave no doubt..see YOU in the blaechers!
"We bust ours so we can beat yours..."



GO E8 !!!!!!!

GO BOMBERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Man, posting in that LL room has caused my karma to drop 8 points. And they say we're the karma killers?! I think people take a little too much stock in karma, though.
A 2004 graduate of the "almighty legendary" Ithaca College. Goooooo Bombers.

Jonny Utah

go bombers....I posted this chart a few days back.....

I came up with this chart on kharma in response to people complaining about theirs.  Too much kharma isnt necessarly a good thing.

Kharma Scale

+50 Kharma or above- Pat Coleman or another administrators that people are afraid to smite because they think d3football.com people will find out about it and do bad things to them.  They will roam every board on postpatterns, gaining respect and fear from posters across the land.

+20 to +50 Kharma-These are the types of guys that have funny comments, witty posts, sarcastic responces to unfunny posts, and a general positive mood on the board.  About 25% of their posts are actually about football, and 75% of thier posts are on one board.  They use words like "assless chaps" or "poop" a lot and they make people snarf at work.  They proudly dedicate a good portion of their workday to postpatterns, even if their job performance suffers from it.

+5 to +20 Kharma These are the guys who are pretty funny, generally positive and who usually know quite a bit about football and will bring up good points in discussions on the boards.  They won't kiss ass, but they won't spew ignorance either.

-5 to +5 Kharma  These are the dirtdogs of d3football.com.  They arent afraid of pointing out stupid posts.  They will antoganize posters that deserve it.  They have the time to go back to september posts from other posters to point out stupid things they said.  They will often go to other boards to look for stupid things people say and then laugh at them.  They aren't nice, but they bring the goods.  They speak the truth even though the truth hurts.  And they will be in your face about it.  A cocky lot this group is.

-25 to -5 Kharma  These are the cavemen of d3football.com.  They spew negative posts like snow in a blizzard.  They put down other posters.  They put down teams.  They blame every loss their team has on field conditions or injuries.  They usually whine and instead of bringing up facts or stats to back up their arguments they say things like "I heard [your team here]s quarterback is gay".  They rarely apologize about stupid things they say, and their posts 95 percent of the time are about other posters and not football.

-25 Kharma or below These are the people who have an agenda.  They want to get a coach fired.  They want to bring up personal things about people on the website.  They rub it in your face if thier team is good and disapear when their team is gone.  They will make up fake email adresses and get more fake usernames.  They are a sorry bunch of characters who might be unemployed and spend their time thinking about how to find out where "montclairfan99" lives so they can mail them dead fish and rotten eggs.  This is a lot to avoid at all costs


Yeah, I think I have posted twice in the last 24 hours, and my karma took a serious hit.  Guess they didn't like it when I posted the self esteem link to check out when they were upset their karma was going down. :-\

Anyways, good luck to the Bombers tomorrow, and safe travels to all headed there.  See ya in the Bleachers!



And that post cost me -2 in karma!



Bro, i was at a plus 6 a month ago now im in the crapper


I just started posting during the IC/Cortland game & I'm already -3.    ???


I think they probably had Private Messages going back and forth to strike back at the E8, since their karma was hitting the fan as well, lol.  Ah well, what can ya do?


Quote from: bomber27 on November 18, 2005, 11:32:46 AM
Bro, i was at a plus 6 a month ago now im in the crapper

at least it took a month for you to get there.  I posted three comments and in 4 days my karma went down 17 points.  Sometimes its not even the LL posters or those from other boards.  Rather, its our fellow E8 posters who we thought were friends.  They stand next to us in the bleachers cheering for our team.  They eat food with us and drink beer together in the Tailgate zone.  then when they return to their computers  and SMITE SMITE SMITE.  Boo to you E8 smiters.  take care of your own.

See you in Union Gobombers.  I also have bleacher creature seats.

Go Bombers!


Hoe do you even smite anyone, do you have to have a certain amount of posts?

GO BOMBERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!


yes, I think you need 200 posts to be able to smite


Just read Ithaca's game notes for Saturday (well, not all them since there are 83 pages), here is my favorite note going into Saturday.  I think I will throw this on the LL Board too and feel the wrath for bringing up the past:

ITHACA AS SPOILER: This afternoon gives Ithaca a chance to ruin Union's undefeated season by knocking the 10-0 Flying Dutchmen out of the
NCAA playoffs. The Bombers have posted postseason wins to spoil the unbeaten seasons of 13 teams since 1975, including three times against
Union. In the last chance that Ithaca had to do so, the Bombers posted a 28-10 win at 8-0 Rensselaer in the second round of the 2001 NCAA

(beating an undefeated team in their season-ending game)
Date Spoiler Victim Score
11/22/75 ITHACA Widener § 23-14
11/17/79 ITHACA Dubuque § 27-7
11/24/79 ITHACA Carnegie-Mellon § 15-6
12/1/79 ITHACA Wittenberg § 14-10
11/23/85 ITHACA Union § 13-12
11/22/86 ITHACA Union § 24-17 OT
11/26/88 ITHACA Cortland § 24-17
12/3/88 ITHACA Ferrum § 62-28
11/30/91 ITHACA Union § 35-23
12/14/91 ITHACA Dayton § 34-20
11/26/94 ITHACA Plymouth State § 22-7
11/23/96 ITHACA Worcester State ‡ 27-21
11/24/01 ITHACA at Rensselaer § 28-10
§ NCAA Playoff Game
‡ ECAC Playoff Game


Now THAT is a Yea boy!

Go Bombers