FB: Empire 8

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:21 AM

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Bombsaway, I was 12 - 5 last week for NCAA, ill be ok i think.

SJF fans, ya'll have had a very good run and you are a good team.  I think we said that we wouldn't bring up history (2-1 vs IC last three)  it was a piss pounding before that.  Then we get the historians in on it and then we have amess.  Let's stay in the now. 


Quote from: bombsaway on October 04, 2006, 08:07:09 PM

SJF, you've been good at football for like 3 years, and good at basketball for not much longer, don't try to compare yourselves to IC, when you get enrollment that surpases any rochester area high school, maybe then you'll start making a splash in northeast athletics.

Correct me if i'm wrong but hasn't fisher been pretty decent at basketball historically as well?  Also I have never been a fan of people constantly constantly referencing their pasts as a way to demean other teams.  Yes give respect for what was accomplished but it does not mean anything as to how good a team currently is.  It's just getting annoying.  


mmm k bomber27 typed that simultaneously with my post, and it comforts me that at least one Ithaca person tends to agree with me lol


I respect that B27, that's a good run right there, maybe I'll be coming to you for advice, but when all else fails, bet the farm on Boise St. to cover... and stay away from the advice of Gbombers15.... he'll send you down a dark path
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Dearest Ithacan's, I speak to you tonight with a heavy heart.  It would seem a great local land mark that defined out collegiate careers has decided to pack up shop.  It has just been reported (some of you may have seen already) that the historic "Rogan's Corner" will be closing down for good.

This may come as a shock to many of us who leaned on the establishment for beer, subs, pizza, and over priced gasoline.  Even when King Subs bullied their way into Rogan's, we still kept going back.  In the later years they increased their anti-fake ID technology, which came with student outrage, but still, we went back.  You could always count on them to sponsor your ICTV program and provide your crew with complimentary sheet pizzas. 

Sure the staff wasn't always equiped with the utmost intelligence, or even a full mouth of teeth, but they cared.  They sold every instant lotto ticket with a smile, and sold every bear with a wink, as if they knew the terror you were about to unleash on south hill. 

Today, we say goodbye.  A fond farewell to a friend who was always there for us...as long as it was between 9am and midnight.  Not as far up 96 as Big Al's, and not as far as college town like the pita pit, Rogan's was in just the right spot, and with every meal devoured, they hit the right spot. 

The true tragedy is not the closing itself, but the thousands of IC students that will serve their time on south hill and never know the splendor of this local treasure.  Sure they'll get their DP Dough, sure they'll get their shortstop, but they'll never have the imaginative creations you could only find at that little place on 96B.  It is up to those who have passed through the finger print covered doors to keep the memories alive and help those who never had a chance, gain appreciation for a place that gave so much, and asked very little in return...  >:( bombs.......a............way.........

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Quote from: bombsaway on October 04, 2006, 09:08:32 PM
I respect that B27, that's a good run right there, maybe I'll be coming to you for advice, but when all else fails, bet the farm on Boise St. to cover... and stay away from the advice of Gbombers15.... he'll send you down a dark path

A) That's not true. I pick ten games each week and my winning % is over .630

B) Boise State has been a trendy pick for years. The team now is the Buckeyes...covered their last 12 in a row. O-H...

C) GB15's pick of the week: LSU to roll up on the Gators. Sorry, Jose, LSU is too good and UF is too hurt.
A 2004 graduate of the "almighty legendary" Ithaca College. Goooooo Bombers.


Not much football Chatter this week.  I'm not too optimistic if Lynch has not returned at RB, and Zack luke doesn't make a 180 degree turn around.  Could be ugly otherwise. 

Anyway, where did the two other port posters go? Not on the ACFC board because no one goes there! No representation at all for the port here! 


Who's the other besides FLA10?


I think the name was bportrocks or something... shows up once in a blue moon. Oh well I guess I'll have to "hold it down" on the late late shift. 


Oh my god bombsaway, you can't be serious.  I can't get my stinger when I come now.  When is it closing?  I am distraught. 

Booby, its cool, I like that this year there is some common ground amongst us all.

Gobombers, any advice will be listened to, my pickem pool is your pickem pool


I'd like to say something about beer league softball.  I had a double header tonight and I am the youngest guy by like 10 years on the team.  Now maybe I am just too competative but the guy who plays third(our coach) should want to win right?  Well, he sticks me in LC, yes LC.  Not a single ball was hit to me while he booted 3 balls and cost us the game.  I am a third baseman.  He let me play 1 inning where I climbed the fence to catch a foul ball then took me out becaus ehe didn't wnt me to show him up.  I guess my question is, does winning come after pride or should he want to put the best players on the field????  I am a tad bitter and told him to have a nice day in not those terms after the game. 


Quote from: bombsaway on October 04, 2006, 09:24:19 PM
This may come as a shock to many of us who leaned on the establishment for beer, subs, pizza, and over priced gasoline. 

Not to mention a pretty darn good breakfast sandwich & Beer Pong balls w/ the Rogans logo on them (which will become a collectors item now).

However, They also had the slowest gas pumps in the world... I hope Big Al takes over and starts a monopoly on South Hill. 

David Wright is my Mancrush                     


Jose Q,

The FDC may soon need an official spokesperson & legal counsel. 


Or there's the other side of the coin


It's official... we are a legit organization.  Once faculty w/ tenure start to complain about you... you know your on the right path. 

But, Aren't there better things to protest about @ IC these days...

Whatever happened to the good ole days of breaking into the admissions office to protest dinning services?

Or staging a "die in" to show that the whole Iraq thing was all just "blood for oil"

Uncle Dave is Angry that you would attck his beloved group! 

Positive Cheers Only


Punchin' in boys!! good gracious what an opening to the morning!!


Punchin' in. Go Bombers!
Thousands of fans join in the revelry, showing their Bomber pride and support for the football team. Some fans take the rowdiness a little too far, however, by starting fights, damaging property and tipping Port-a-Potties. -Ithacan, November 10th