FB: Empire 8

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:21 AM

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Is it just me or does anybody else get kind of creeped out by the way Saxon73 conveys his thoughts? The perfect structure, the plethora of "big" words.... Say "yo" or "wassup my dammie" once in a while Saxon, it will make me feel better. 


AU 24-Bart 10
SJF 55-UC 13
IC 27-SC 35


Welp, i'm off to play practice, then it's off to a soggy Butterfield.

Go Bombers!
Thousands of fans join in the revelry, showing their Bomber pride and support for the football team. Some fans take the rowdiness a little too far, however, by starting fights, damaging property and tipping Port-a-Potties. -Ithacan, November 10th

Rowdy Rowdy Bomber

Oh you know it!   Gonna be the Soggy Bottom Boys today! Muddar Muddar mo Muddah meee mi mo muddah... muuuuhdahr!

(to the tune of The Lion Sleeps tonight...")  On the Field... the Butterfield, the Lions sleep tonight! 

or should we go Disney...(Circle of life)"daaaaaaaa,  IThacaaaaaaaaa......vava victory.......(whispers vava victory)... Daaaaaaaa.....   bombers....... gonnna geeeeeeet some more.....touchdowns.. na na..."


Ithaca webcast?

Go Pride!


I would just give it to you, but that "hey pride" was the last straw. Now you have to sift through the one-two previous pages of posts!


Rowdy, +k for citing my favorite movie.


Quote from: maxpower on October 28, 2006, 12:23:41 PM
I would just give it to you, but that "hey pride" was the last straw. Now you have to sift through the one-two previous pages of posts!

Well technically he didn't say hey pride. 


Definitely looks sloppy on the field at Butterfield from what I've seen so far on the webcast. 


YO Bobby,

Sorry I'm not of your generation, but I'll try.  30 years of engineering including co's like Philips and Motorola and eventually a VP of Eng at a smaller company wired my neurons to  be precise and specific.

I will look for an updated dictionary and thesaurus and study up to alter my lexicon.

I can dig it.  It'll be out of sight.  Can I say I hope Alfred gives Hobart a hosin'

" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


Springfield loses yardage on their first drive, must punt!

P.S.  The punt is blocked, and Ithaca takes it for a TD!  7-0 early.


That field is HORRIBLE....

Springfield looks sooooo SLOW.....


Home field advantage at it's best. 


Great play call, a long pass into bombers territory...keep the defense honest I suppose.


Quote from: portgrad2004 on October 28, 2006, 01:07:37 PM
Home field advantage at it's best. 

Exactly. I wonder how many people will be retracting their "the field doesn't matter" statements.
A 2004 graduate of the "almighty legendary" Ithaca College. Goooooo Bombers.