FB: Empire 8

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:21 AM

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" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


Nice catch  - TGP did go with the SLU score for S's and G's.

Realistically it will probably be around a 3-7 pt differential on the final.


PepBand, Bud

Apparently someone did not understand the concept of "proxy"

It was just intended as a vote of confidence as used in voting at corporate annual meetings for members of the Board of Directors etc.

I'm sorry someone took it the wrong way.

" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


In Mr. Milton Berle fashion, Bart will "pull out enough to win"

"In case you didn't know, Berle was famous in Hollywood circles for being more endowed than anyone else. Basically, he was the Dirk Diggler of Hollywood. Anyway, the famous story about Berle (maybe an urban legend, maybe not) was that somebody challenged him to a "who's bigger?" contest once, and Berle soundly defeated the guy, then bragged to someone else in the room, "I only pulled out enough to win." I've heard this story 20 different ways but that's always how it ends."

Rowdy Rowdy Bomber


.... juuuust happened to come across these goodies... 

for the Pumpkin Heads... of course.
Go Bombers


Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on October 27, 2006, 05:22:02 PM
Basically, he was the Dirk Diggler of Hollywood.

Where was Dirk Diggler located? Doesn't most porn come out of Hollywood too?

Isn't that like saying Milton Berle is such a good actor, he's the Wayne Gretzky of hockey?

Bill McCabe

What's the weather forecast for SC-IC?  Good luck to both teams.

Rowdy Rowdy Bomber

Quote from: joseqviper on October 27, 2006, 11:42:00 AM
Quote from: Tags on October 27, 2006, 11:38:02 AM
Quote from: joseqviper on October 27, 2006, 09:04:34 AM
Delaney's got a good preview story up:


Raymond's quote is telling.  Tags/Upstate/Superman/anyone else that was there, is it true that Fisher wasn't tackling well?


It's true... Fisher didn't tackle very well. But sharpe is really difficult to bring down, you'll need to hit him & wait for help.

As far as the line, they're a decent size - Sharpe is a lot smaller than I thought he'd be and he does blend in behind the line ... that's a lot of why it's hard to see what's going on until he's already 5 yards up the field.

+k for my anticipating my second questions which would have been, were Fisher's tackling problems related to Sharpe being good?

DT 99 PAT SHORTELL (SO., 6-5, 273)
69 John Ward (Fr., 6-1, 240)
DE 98 EDYAKUBIAN (SR., 6-2, 255)
91 Steve Brutus (Jr., 6-2, 245)
DE 95 MIKENICOL (SR., 6-3, 265)
89 ROODYJOSEPH(JR., 6-4, 248)
OLB 45 BRIANHESS (JR. 6-0, 213)
43 Sean Richey (So., 6-1, 220)
ILB 47 ANDREW MADIGAN (SR., 5-11, 195)
71 Jeff Creeden (Fr., 5-10, 200)
ILB 51 TOMCAPORALE (SO., 5-7, 195
37 Ian Johnson (Sr., 6-1, 217)
OLB 37 IANJOHNSON(SR., 6-1, 217)
52 Jason Bakoulis (Jr., 6-4, 225)
SS 34 KEVIN FESSETTE (SR., 5-8, 183)
44 Greg Webster (So., 5-9, 185)
CB 3 JOE HARASYMIAK (JR., 5-11, 185)
17 Brian Bert (Jr., 5-9, 170)
FS 29 LUCAS MACIARELLO (SR., 5-11, 185)
9 Jason Antonucci (So., 5-11, 186)
CB 1 PAULZALENSKI (JR., 5-10, 175)
24 Dwight Hazelwood (Sr., 6-0 200) Offense

SE 88 BRIANROSE (Sr., 5-11, 185)
81 Erich Timmerman (Jr., 6-0, 185)
LT 77 JONMERCER (FR., 5-10, 240)
62 Sean Kemp (Jr. ,6-2, 250)
LG 64 ADAM FEIT (SR., 6-2, 250)
70 Chris Simister (So., 6-2, 275)
C 55 MIKEMESTIERI (SR.,6-0, 240)
73 Dan Conners (Jr., 5-10, 245)
RG 73 DANCONNERS (Jr., 5-10, 245)
56 Chris Fee (Jr., 5-11, 265)
RT 63 NATEGERMAIN (SR., 6-2, 255)
61 Adam Sherman (Sr. 6-0 242)
TE 42 TIMFLEDDERJOHN (SR., 6-0, 225)
85 Mark Foster (So., 6-1, 210)
HB 30 TIM BROULLIARD (JR., 5-10, 180)
25 Aland Joseph (Sr., 5-10, 190)
HB 21 DERRONWALKER (JR., 5-9, 200)
20 Joe Czarnecki (Jr., 5-9, 185)
FB 46 ANDREWJACKSON (SO., 5-11, 245)
35 Dante Calabrese (Jr., 5-10, 205)
QB 5 CHRIS SHARPE (JR., 5-9, 204)
18 Justin Fernandez (So., 5-9, 180)

PK 15 CHRISBUSH (FR., 6-0, 180)
20 Joe Czarnecki (Jr., 5-9, 185)
KR 25 ALAND JOSEPH (SR., 5-10, 190)
21 DERRONWALKER (JR., 5-9, 200)
HLD 4       ANTHONYPAPACODA (SR.,5-11,194)
LS 34 KEVIN FESSETTE (SR., 5-8, 183)
PR 29 LUKEMACIARELLO (SR., 5-11, 185)
3 JOEHARASYMIAK (JR., 5-11, 185)
P 93 MIKE MAHONEY (JR., 6-2, 240)
95 Mike Nicol (Sr., 6-3, 265)
 Hopefeully the Tall Blue&Gold will be able to see OVER the OL... esp in the mudder muck.  




Saxon 73 here. If you recall we met briefly at the IC - AU game.  Hope all is going well, as I can see from your post.  What is the scoop on MIOH as I haven't seen him on the board.  I haven't been very active myself as age is trying to keep me down.  Had some health problems but am getting more active.


Saxon 73
" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


Quote from: maxpower on October 27, 2006, 06:19:58 PM
Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on October 27, 2006, 05:22:02 PM
Basically, he was the Dirk Diggler of Hollywood.

Where was Dirk Diggler located? Doesn't most porn come out of Hollywood too?

Isn't that like saying Milton Berle is such a good actor, he's the Wayne Gretzky of hockey?

Nope - Porn Capital USA is not Hollywood at all.  It is either Chatsworth or Van Nuys, CA in the San Fernando Valley, depending on who you ask.

What the author was alluding to was that Milton had "porn star-esque" characteristics.....


Quote from: Upstate on October 27, 2006, 04:49:07 PM
Wow you jump into a NJAC conversation and your K takes a plunge....

Night shift punchin in....

I try to stay away as much as possible from the NJAC, until I see any great injustices...all their Karma seems to be so low...those New Jersey people are very defensive and pessimistic!

Rowdy Rowdy Bomber

Quote from: Saxon73 on October 27, 2006, 06:35:31 PM

Saxon 73 here. If you recall we met briefly at the IC - AU game.  Hope all is going well, as I can see from your post.  What is the scoop on MIOH as I haven't seen him on the board.  I haven't been very active myself as age is trying to keep me down.  Had some health problems but am getting more active.


Saxon 73
Saxon73... glad to hear you're on the mend.  And of course I remember.  Always fun tailgaiting with the posters.  As for MIOH, he's a busy busy fellah.  He's actually out on the West Coast as we speak with MIYH.  Hasnt had much time due to the work life he has, and he's always on the road .. not much time or place to post.  He's well though.  Hope you fellas do well tomorrow.  Cant wait to see ya next week, not sure if i'll make the trip or not,  but Rowdy's gonna give it the 'ol Bomber try


Pumpkin has that about right.  I lived in Encino in the "valley" for 3 years some time ago and it wasn't much different
" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert



Doesn't look good for me making the game at Merrill Field unless something changes.  Hope I can make the Fisher game at end of regular season as it is quite a drive.  However, miracles can happen.

All the best this weekend!

Saxon 73
" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


For my ICbuds,

I believe Spf'ld can be stopped. However unless the def co-od is willing to do something really different Sp'fld knows what they may do.

After much careful consideration, I would play a 5-3 defense with some linebackers who are quicker, on the d-line.

You have to get to Sharpe fast and contain the outside.  Hit him every chance to wear him down.  Passing is the least of your worries and there is no need for double coverage as long as the d-backs are on their assignments.  It can be done.

This can be a real exiting E8 end of season
" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert