FB: Empire 8

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:21 AM

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have a good day guys, ill be back later tonight
Show me the Scotchman that doesn't love the thistle!
Show me the Englishman that doesn't love the rose!
Show me the true hearted son of old Springfield
who doesn't love the spot ! ! ! where the Massasoit flows!


Quote from: scgrad1999 on November 07, 2006, 11:08:35 AM
here is the one difference, SC didnt purposely put those SJF players out. IC purposely, from what i've been told, left the tarp off the field, and cut it short. Either way I understand thats the way the game goes but still that was a choice IC made, maybe not the best sportmanship, but hey they won right.

UHMMMMM....you're not serious right now, right?


Quote from: scgrad1999 on November 07, 2006, 11:08:35 AM
here is the one difference, SC didnt purposely put those SJF players out. IC purposely, from what i've been told, left the tarp off the field, and cut it short. Either way I understand thats the way the game goes but still that was a choice IC made, maybe not the best sportmanship, but hey they won right.


I started with -1 K as well

Thats a stretch....


Quote from: scgrad1999 on November 07, 2006, 11:08:35 AM
Quote from: Upstate on November 07, 2006, 10:53:21 AM
Quote from: fan of d3 on November 07, 2006, 08:33:28 AM
I'm not going to use that field as an excuse but its hard to overlook it when talking about him not being able to make any cuts and falling down about 3 times. 

Whoa turbo, your going to say its hard to overlook the field but a team having 3 defensive starters out can't say that having them playing would make a difference?

Pot meet Kettle....

here is the one difference, SC didnt purposely put those SJF players out. IC purposely, from what i've been told, left the tarp off the field, and cut it short. Either way I understand thats the way the game goes but still that was a choice IC made, maybe not the best sportmanship, but hey they won right.


I started with -1 K as well

Imagine what he would post if he knew that we were listening in to the visiting coaches' radio broadcasts.  Also, we paid Jeff Welch to give all SC's players a little Nyquil about 11:30 am so they would be groggy during the game.

P.S. IC also killed Kennedy and planned Watergate.


Beyond all of that....has anyone ever seen a College Field tarped?  A D-III college field tarped?

I know there was a SJU-UWSP game in the mud at St Johns that was the final straw to them getting the field turf....is that a conspiracy too SCgrad?


Well, it seems that the reverse jinx was successful last Saterday.  However, I can't go to the well again and because of the quick thinking of a couple IC fans I had to break out a song parody as well.  That's two bullets from my chamber in one week.  I would appeal to God, but even though AU began as a Seventh Day Baptist seminary I am leery to go that route when facing a school named after a Catholic Cardinal.  I'll save that one for the selection committee.

So, with that in mind, my rooting action needs to be the opposite of faith this week.  Brush off your Nietzsche and Kierkegaard and prepare yourselves for some King Alfred existentialism!

Since human beings are subjects in an indifferent, objective, often ambiguous, and absurd universe in which meaning is not provided by the natural order, but rather can be created, however provisionally and unstably, by human beings' actions and interpretations, the natural order of the national and regional rankings hold no sway over the outcome of this Saterday's game.  Instead, the steady support of the AU Pep Band will temporarily create a universe where the Alfred Saxons can beat Fisher, become E8 co-champions and earn an NCAA pool C bid.

The greatest truth is the one that we choose to act upon and like Nick Gatto grabbing a fumble before is lands out of bounds, the Saxons will actively assert their reality onto the Cardinals this Saterday.  I do not expect all the readers to accept my analysis since it is impossible for human minds to see the "big picture" or if it is possible we have not the means to do so currently.  However, the bigger picture of Saterday's showdown encompasses more than the rankings or results against common opponents and since existence precedes essence, the Saxon players find themselves alone in the world defining their existence by winning on Saterday!!!
Check out the official card game of the AU Pep Band - Str8 Eight!


Guys, this is my first post on here because I am a Springfield fan, but I'd just like to come out and say on a limb that I really think Springfield installing turf at their stadium was in bad sportsmanship, because it helps their offense. When a team uses home field advantage to their.... advantage it really takes the fun out of the game and I know Emporer Chuck Mitrano does not like that. I think all stadiums should have the exact same surface and look exactly the same, and we should also get rid of rivalries because it's not fair that Springfield doesn't have one!


great post AUKazoo... +k

fan of d3


I never said Cahill wasnt a close second.. he definitley is, Sharpe is just the best.


Quote from: Fisher_20_2004 on November 07, 2006, 11:00:33 AM
Hope I did ok for a first post. 

+k for a football related post without any anger to open up a posting career.  Nicely done.  I suspect people that are questioning Cahill's ability so much may have some genetic connection to the Napoleon-esque (NOTE I used a hyphen to distinguish between a short militaristic leader of France and the family of a certain Bomber CB) QB at SC.

Quote from: AUKaz00 on November 07, 2006, 11:25:05 AM
Well, it seems that the reverse jinx was successful last Saterday.  However, I can't go to the well again and because of the quick thinking of a couple IC fans I had to break out a song parody as well.  That’s two bullets from my chamber in one week.  I would appeal to God, but even though AU began as a Seventh Day Baptist seminary I am leery to go that route when facing a school named after a Catholic Cardinal.  I'll save that one for the selection committee.

So, with that in mind, my rooting action needs to be the opposite of faith this week.  Brush off your Nietzsche and Kierkegaard and prepare yourselves for some King Alfred existentialism!

Since human beings are subjects in an indifferent, objective, often ambiguous, and absurd universe in which meaning is not provided by the natural order, but rather can be created, however provisionally and unstably, by human beings' actions and interpretations, the natural order of the national and regional rankings hold no sway over the outcome of this Saterday's game.  Instead, the steady support of the AU Pep Band will temporarily create a universe where the Alfred Saxons can beat Fisher, become E8 co-champions and earn an NCAA pool C bid.

The greatest truth is the one that we choose to act upon and like Nick Gatto grabbing a fumble before is lands out of bounds, the Saxons will actively assert their reality onto the Cardinals this Saterday.  I do not expect all the readers to accept my analysis since it is impossible for human minds to see the "big picture" or if it is possible we have not the means to do so currently.  However, the bigger picture of Saterday's showdown encompasses more than the rankings or results against common opponents and since existence precedes essence, the Saxon players find themselves alone in the world defining their existence by winning on Saterday!!!

Probably the greatest post ever.  Seriously.  Three things that make it great.

1) Re living our mojo battle from Thursday...hilarious.

2) Relying on Nietzsche and Kierkegaard to make an existentialist argument that both mentions Gatto and uses "Saterday."  

3) Setting up some Cortland/Rowan posters to come in here and make fun of you because:
a. they think Nietzsche and Kierkegaard are characters from Star Trek;
b. they think Nietzsche and Kierkegaard are players at Alfred and are wasting their time with such an argument; or
c. their head just exploded and they got skull (not brains) all over their shool's dodgeballs.


Quote from: fan of d3 on November 07, 2006, 11:31:14 AM

I never said Cahill wasnt a close second.. he definitley is, Sharpe is just the best.

Ummm, yes you did.  You know we can still go back and read your previous posts right?

Quote from: fan of d3 on November 07, 2006, 08:33:28 AM
Maxpower...I'm sorry, you're still wrong.

Because kevin cahill had a great game against ithaca does not make him a better quarterback than sharpe.  First off, no one would run circles around him.  This kid has set every offensive record that springfield has ever even had.  He's gonna rush for 500 more yards than cahill ever did in one season and about 15 more touchdowns.  Because SC lost to IC does not mean he is not their best qb and its silly for you to say so.  Is Tom BRady not NEw Englands best quarterback because he threw 4 picks the other night? give me a break.  I'm not going to use that field as an excuse but its hard to overlook it when talking about him not being able to make any cuts and falling down about 3 times.  Also, didnt Springfield use their 3rd fullback? Maybe that had something to do with the collisions.  Please, you sound silly and any SC fan or anyone else will tell you SHarpe is the superior quarterback.


Quote from: Upstate on November 07, 2006, 11:17:59 AM
Quote from: scgrad1999 on November 07, 2006, 11:08:35 AM
here is the one difference, SC didnt purposely put those SJF players out. IC purposely, from what i've been told, left the tarp off the field, and cut it short. Either way I understand thats the way the game goes but still that was a choice IC made, maybe not the best sportmanship, but hey they won right.


I started with -1 K as well

It is called home field advantage for a reason I believe.  As for a tarp, IC football is the only team to play onthat feild so it will no be torn up, and I don't know many d3 schools that use a tarp on a football feild.  If IC did do that to SC, kudos to them, smart thinking. SC better shorten and chop their steps the next time the run on wet grass, it is the only thing that helps. 

On a side note, any chance in he1$ that Norwich stands a chance at an upset.  I mean they play better at home,grass feild and senior day.  I think probably not, but what do you say?

Thats a stretch....


Fish2004- you sound like a Utica native--can it be ?
Another Utica native fisher alum?  Besides me?



Being from Fisher, I naturally despise IC.  It is in our blood now, like the yankee/redsox hate.  At least for fisher it is.

HOWEVER, I would like to thank you for pointing out and sticking up for a newbie, maybe you guys are not so bad.  Off the feild that is, lol, on the feild I'd probably still hate you.  I hope the feelingis mutual with you too.

And for some reason i wrote a reply to a quote and it put my words within the quote of my last post,  I dont know why either.  Anyon know??  I am assuming just bad typingon my part


Quote from: fisheralum91 on November 07, 2006, 11:57:27 AM
Fish2004- you sound like a Utica native--can it be ?
Another Utica native fisher alum?  Besides me?

Oh yes in deedy it is a Utica native.  2001 graduate from good ole Notre Dame.  U a public grad or what??  Where you at now?