FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on November 15, 2006, 03:51:33 PM
Sorry to disgress, but the WTF?!?!? of the week has to go to the Red Sox (and TGP is a born and bred BoSox fan)

$51 MM just to talk to a guy who's never played MLB?!?!  BTW - TGP ain't buyin that the WBC was the same as playing MLB - it was basically an extension of pre-season grapefruit league ball.

U89 is with you TGP....U89 can't b!tch cause it aint his money, but $51M  just to talk to him??  U89 would not even pay $51K to 'talk' to Jenna Jameson.


Quote from: Union89 on November 15, 2006, 03:45:09 PM
Damn.....Rt & 'Gro taking the 'nerd' show on the road to......


BTW - it's been almost 2 hrs and no comeback after yet another great gro zinger.

guess it's true there's no comeback after getting chappelled!

Frank Rossi

Quote from: Union89 on November 15, 2006, 04:12:15 PM
Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on November 15, 2006, 03:51:33 PM
Sorry to disgress, but the WTF?!?!? of the week has to go to the Red Sox (and TGP is a born and bred BoSox fan)

$51 MM just to talk to a guy who's never played MLB?!?!  BTW - TGP ain't buyin that the WBC was the same as playing MLB - it was basically an extension of pre-season grapefruit league ball.

U89 is with you TGP....U89 can't b!tch cause it aint his money, but $51M  just to talk to him??  U89 would even pay $51K to 'talk' to Jenna Jameson.

Just talking can get you fired, even for $0.  See Grady Little, Game 7, 2003 ALCS, Red Sox-Yankees, with Pedro Martinez.


Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on November 15, 2006, 04:10:35 PM
One final TV show comment (and TGP will admit he couldn't resist pulling this from a certain sports columnist's site TGP frequents since TGP has had to look at Daybreak ads on the D3fb.com website all day):

"I couldn't help but notice the 352 promo spots for 'Daybreak.' My question is, when Taye Diggs is trying to explain to his girl that 'every morning I wake up and it's the same day,' shouldn't Diggs just tell her, 'You remember that movie "Groundhog's Day"? That's happening to me except it's a drama, not a comedy.' Is this really the best ABC can come up with to follow 'Lost'?"

TGP, U89 had not noticed the annoying 'DayBreak' pop-ups every time he reopens a page....the pop-up now startles U89 everytime....THX!!

Touchdown Tommy

LLPP Inc, let TDT clarify this 51Million dollar conversation.  First, the Sox only pay his parent club the Seibu Lions the 51.1 mill IF they can agree to a contract within 30 days.  If not, he returns to Japan to play next season and no money is paid.  Remember his MLB contract is on top of the 51 mill, but the Sox can basically offer him anything they want or he is forced to play in Japan again next season.  This is a negotiating ploy to keep him away from the Evil Empire in the Bronx.  Even if they don't sign him, at least he isn't in pinstripes next season.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on November 15, 2006, 04:19:27 PM
LLPP Inc, let TDT clarify this 51Million dollar conversation.  First, the Sox only pay his parent club the Seibu Lions the 51.1 mill IF they can agree to a contract within 30 days.  If not, he returns to Japan to play next season and no money is paid.  Remember his MLB contract is on top of the 51 mill, but the Sox can basically offer him anything they want or he is forced to play in Japan again next season.  This is a negotiating ploy to keep him away from the Evil Empire in the Bronx.  Even if they don't sign him, at least he isn't in pinstripes next season.

TDT you are wrong my friend......the Red Sox have a 30 day window to negotiate with him.....if they can not work out a contract with his agent Scott 'Biggest A-Hole in Sports' Boras, he returns to Japan and the Red Sox ARE indeed out the $51M.


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on November 15, 2006, 04:19:27 PM
LLPP Inc, let TDT clarify this 51Million dollar conversation.  First, the Sox only pay his parent club the Seibu Lions the 51.1 mill IF they can agree to a contract within 30 days.  If not, he returns to Japan to play next season and no money is paid.  Remember his MLB contract is on top of the 51 mill, but the Sox can basically offer him anything they want or he is forced to play in Japan again next season.  This is a negotiating ploy to keep him away from the Evil Empire in the Bronx.  Even if they don't sign him, at least he isn't in pinstripes next season.

TGP understands the deal.  And every Yankee fan buddy of TGP's has emailed over this article to hammer the point home.  


Did you see this one on dirtdogs?

'OK, Here's the Plan. We Get Mr. Matsuzaka
from the Lions by Paying a Ransom of...
$51.1 MILLION Dollars!'

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on November 15, 2006, 04:14:14 PM
Quote from: Union89 on November 15, 2006, 03:45:09 PM
Damn.....Rt & 'Gro taking the 'nerd' show on the road to......


BTW - it's been almost 2 hrs and no comeback after yet another great gro zinger.

guess it's true there's no comeback after getting chappelled!

seriously...did the LL bitch slap the cortland guy or what? The last 2 posts over there are RT's comeback and 'Gro's exclamation point - and these have been out for an erternty in PP time.

Re: TV

RT watched most of Prison Break's 1st season but then lost interest.

Reg - Come on, don't dis FNL. It's mindless but intriguing. AND the chics are smoking hot. Jericho is worth the watch. Not sure how it would appeal if Reg comes in mid-season. Basically, there were a bunch of nukes that wiped out US cities in an apparant terrorist attack. This one town, Jericho KS, survives intact and there's alot of subplots - prodigal son w/ a past returns to help run the town, prodigal son's brother having an affair, these 2 guys have the mayor as father who is facing internal strife in the town, mysterious new citizen surfaces who has some tie to the federal gov't and is in the loop on what's going on nationally, and lastly, there's a band of mercenaries trying to muscle in on the town.

Not sure how you have time to watch all those other shows, even with Tivo. RT has Tivo and the thing sits there, filled.....


The only positive involves the $51M not working against the Sox salary cap.

'Gro....you enjoying this baseball rap??

The Truth 00

nope, if they can't agree to the contract, they don't lose the money. seibu only gets the money if the sox sign him. i have your back tdt

TGP - you must like the sports guy. he's the best in the biz. read his article today ripping on doc rivers


TGP immediately lost interest during the 1st episode of PB when Mrs. TGP said she liked the show b/c the "leading men were so hot".

TGP excused himself and went into the den and turned on Skin-amax in retaliation.


TGP is a fan of Simmons - although TGP could do w/o all the NBA coverage.  Always a disappointment when TGP is looking forward to a mailbag, NFL or MLB article prior to the AM visit to the "VIP Room" and there's nothing but an article on the NBA.



U89 is wrong and apologizes for his ignorance on the $51M thing.


Gro would put Jerico on par with Prison break... minus the rang gape (words jumbled to protect the children that read LLPP). But for the same reason Gro doesn't watch lost or prison break, you need to catch it from the begining, there's still time reg.

And to borrow from the same columnist that TGP mentioned... prodigal son's brother looks like peyton manning with a beard.

Senor RedTackle

Truly nice work BudCrew...great writeup in Around the East. Guess you had to make up for picking Cortland to smoke us this Sat in the ECACs!!

Glad you could cover it and give props to the Shoozapalloza! So RT is "big" and Frank is "Italian"??...the boy is a master of the obvious...nice!!!

Great year to choose the Shoes
I attended my first RPI-Union game, played for the trophy of the Dutchman Shoes.

I arrived for the 1 p.m. kickoff about a half-hour early and parked in the J parking lot, just adjacent to the North Lot off of Peoples Avenue. I had talked to a couple of people beforehand from the message board who were going to be attending the game (and the tailgate before), who got me pointed in the right direction.

After picking up my media credential across the street, I came back across to see a white Ford parked sideways at the far end of the lot, and standing next to it was a big guy about 6-3 wearing a red RPI Dutchman Shoes shirt drinking a beer and another guy, Italian, in a maroon dress shirt, wearing headphones.

[What the hey, you can't post a link to it? Come on. :) http://www.d3football.com/aroundtheregion/east/2006/Great+year+to+choose+the+Shoes]