FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Quote from: jonny utah on November 18, 2005, 09:28:13 PM
Cornell was my safety school.

I've hung out in ithaca, on the cornell side... bunch of weirdo's... as are most Ivy's (I've been to Harvard, Yale, and Brown too). Good choice JU.



Now the Haakowees believe you are not as perplexed as you were recently.
" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


Quote from: Saxon73 on November 18, 2005, 09:49:07 PM

Now the Haakowees believe you are not as perplexed as you were recently.

Rolevio finds trying to understand that post to be completely perplexing.
In Search of Holladawg



Perhaps you have missed sevweral previous posts in the proper contexts.  Unfortunately the posts are given only in chronological order and unfortunately are not delivered in context uless you desire to do a lot of "homework"

Best wishes and available for consultation,  Saxon 73
" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


Anybody that picks Howard over O&A hasn't been paying attention. Howard peaked by the time his movie came out. W/O Billy and Jackie the Jokeman he's E entertainment.  Who cares.

He can't play the everyman with the hot model girlfriend. Plus he stole all his lesbian material from Steve Dahl in Chicago. And he stole "Butt Bongo" from other small market DJ's.

Take it from someone who's listened to Stern since the early 80's, he sucks now. Ain't gonna change with the move to Sirius.

Radio is an incestuous industry.  Stern didn't "invent" much when all is said and done.

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: Garnet on November 18, 2005, 11:39:26 AM
Hey Boston PP members have you been to any of these establishments and are you familiar with these employees?


wow Garnet.....RT wonders how he missed said bartenders when he was in Boston last week.


'Gro ~

You are going to be in the big CITY next weekend celebrating Thanksgiving......come party with the LL bretheren at Frank Bailey.......AJ and RT you boys in????  Union89 will bring the brew.......

Senor RedTackle

RT has been on "casual Friday haitus" today. RT not in peak form today after only 2 hours of sleep last night and a day of meetings and grunt work.

RT's evening didn't get any better....RT thought he'd go with his fiance to get some early Christmas shopping done. RT only managed to drop about $400 on himself for new ski clothing. Gonna be a lean X-mas w/ the RT family....ho ho ho

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: Union89 on November 18, 2005, 10:31:20 PM
'Gro ~

You are going to be in the big CITY next weekend celebrating Thanksgiving......come party with the LL bretheren at Frank Bailey.......AJ and RT you boys in????  Union89 will bring the brew.......

RT will be in Rochester for the dirty bird this Thur....should be interesting this year since RT is announcing his engagement to the family. Low odds on a Sat am return but RT may be motivated by said beers and the chance to see B. Russ and throw his ring this time


"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Senor RedTackle

Ok...it's a c-o-n-spiracy. RT logs on...makes a couple of innocuous posts at 10:38pm and takes a Karma hit.

U89...RT has his eyes on you. Feeling a foul wind from Boston.....


Rolevio is wondering how he managed to miss this post and these waitresses.  Rolevio would also suggest Lucky's in Southie as an institution with some waitresses that could make that list.

JT,  Rolevio thinks Jackie leaving the Stern Show was one of the best things that has ever happenned to the show.  (Granted Rolevio has only been listening on and off since the mid 90's).  Rolevio never liked him.

Rolevio hasn't heard O&A on XM, but they weren't nearly as good on WNEW as they were on WAAF.  Rolevio still liked them on WNEW but not as much.
In Search of Holladawg


JT wants to know where knightstalker got the upclose portrait of Audino.


Quote from: redtackle on November 18, 2005, 10:37:25 PM

RT will be in Rochester for the dirty bird this Thur....should be interesting this year since RT is announcing his engagement to the family. Low odds on a Sat am return but RT may be motivated by said beers and the chance to see B. Russ and throw his ring this time

Bobby doesn't know if bobby should send RT congrats? or condolences on the engagement.  

Actually, congrats.  Next step – Little RT's (if a little RT is possible...)


Real World Story..........


Union89:  "Who Dat??"

Married Friendosaurus Living Upstairs:  "Can you turn down the music......we're tryin' to sleep??"

Union89:  "It's Union/ithica week!!"

MFLU:  "Ok....but last week you said it was Union/RPI week....."

Union89 gives a blank look........tenant goes back upstairs and Union89 continues to listen to G n' R at about 27.....

Anyone want to move to Boston.......there may be a vacancy in Charlestown on the 2nd floor tomorrow???