FB: Liberty League

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Gro & TDT,
Please add Ford Focus to the list.....
Seriously, does Ford market these cars as raqce cars or something?  Every time I see one of them there is some tool who thinks (s)he is freaking Mark Martin weaving and bobbing in and out of traffic.  It literally makes me want to case them down and ram their bumper into their back seat....PS- your car sucks....please pull over and punch yourself in the ear.


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on February 09, 2007, 01:48:12 PM
Good idea Enginegro.  But lets take this one step further and include PT Cruisers and Mini Coopers.  TDT can't stand the "femi" doods who think they are driving some sweet whip...

REG: Happens to TDT on occasion.  For some reason when i chomp on a meatball in a submarine sammich and there is a hard unchewable piece of meat/grisel it absolutely repulses me.  Same thing for like a chicken breast with grizel on it.  Almost nothing worse....Well I suppose a turd would be worse...

RE: Lake Effect Snow

Can one of you RPI nerds explain the physics behind the "lake effect"?  Inquiring minds want to know why this occurs...

PT's, Focussesses, and Coopers are now included, good catch.

JT, gro was going to write that the VW bus is ok, but a bottle of shampoo must be kept in the glove box at all times.

Re: man meat (who wants some man meat??)
gro hates biting into fat on a steak. Gro likes his steak well done... therefore gro never gets the prime rib... yack!!


Quote from: JT on February 09, 2007, 02:13:39 PM
Quote from: 'gro on February 09, 2007, 01:16:33 PM
sorry if this pertains to any member of LLPP but gro is imposing the following man law:

Man shall not drive volkswagen beetles.

all those in voilation of this law please cease and desist immediately or turn in your Y chromasome to the nearest DMA (dept. of mantastic affairs) office

What about a VW bus... great for picking up hippie chicks.  JT's never had one but it is one of the cars he'd like to take a wack at rebuilding one of these days.  There was a guy in JT's old neighborhood that used to get three junkers (had a big garage) MG's, VW bugs, early 70's mustangs etc.  Then he'd rebuild and paint one car out of the three.  He hardly ever bought a part... everything either came from the junkers or the junk yard.

He'd drive it around for a while, then sell it for a net profit and start all over again with another model.

JT would never do something on that scale, but rebuilding a GTO or a SS late 60's to early 70's car to stock would be a cool hobby.

JT- News flash!!!
Keep an eye out for Barrett Jackson car auctions on TV.  Make sure you DVR it bc they are like 4 hours long each.  
You will find out that the guys that put these cars together rarely if ever make a profit on them.  They do it as a hobby and usually only get 60% of what they have into them. (in parts alone...not counting the years they take to build.
Secondly, the only cars that are worth any money are matching numbers cars....you don't find cars like that in NY/NJ....you have to travel further SW.

Reg plans on buying one a classic one of these days.  I built a '68 mustang a few years ago....and even when I was on a HS budget, I still lost money on the thing after dumping 6 months of work into it.  It was fun and fast, but what a PITA!!!


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on February 09, 2007, 12:40:41 PM
Pretty NASTY NAST there ICGrad.  I'd stick to those home cooked meals for a while.  Might want to pick up Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser.  You'll never look at the "all-american meal" the same again.

Thanks..saw Super Size Me (several times)  that kind of did it for me..  But I'll take a look and check it out.
Quote from: 'gro on February 09, 2007, 12:47:36 PM
other people's hair in your food, mmmmmmm.



Here is a numbers matching 1967 GTO....
For $46 large, you get a numbers matching, mint GTO with every part matching the way it rolled off the showroom floor.  Documented, original build sheet, etc.

Even if someone gave you a 1967 GTO with the original engine and tranny, there is no way you could even finish it for $25K

Here is a non-numbers matching car that looks to be in decent shape....$23k

EDIT- Regs point is.....Keep your day job.

Touchdown Tommy

REGULATOR: Nice call on the Ford Focus.  The thing that bugs TDT the most is that these azz clowns are the same ones who "pimp" out their whip with one of those annoying FART TUBE pipes.  Those loud pipes and big lift kits on trucks are a HUGE TDT pet peeve.  Seriously dood, you aren't sweet.  Your ride isn't sweet.  Now pull over so TDT can read you the RIOT act...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Reg, explain "numbers matching" to simple minded gro. gro thinks it means all the original parts.

Touchdown Tommy

REG: What kinda vintage whip are you looking at?  You want MUSCLE, POWER, STYLE, CLASSIC, etc...Sidenote: A completely ORIGINAL 1967 Pontiac Firebird Gold Convertible sits in the garage at PapaTDT's shack in Minnesota.  40 yrs old this year.  Pretty cool ride in the summertime...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: 'gro on February 09, 2007, 02:35:03 PM
Reg, explain "numbers matching" to simple minded gro. gro thinks it means all the original parts.

Numbers matching-
The car, engine, and transmission all have the same Vehicle ID number on them, that is it is the same engine and tranny that originally came in the car.

The other parts on a car aren't as important (e.g. fenders, hood, doors) however if you are putting a car together CORRECTLY, then you should either use a donor vehicle from the same year or find some that has NOS parts.
New Old Stock parts are parts that were made back when the car was made, however, for one reason or another were never sold.  You find these parts and you have found gold.

TDT- Sweet car man....That is great.

I am looking for a convertible something of the late 60 vintage preferably corvette (since I have only a small garage now) ....when I move at some point down the road, I am going to look for something like a GTO vert, Firebird vert etc.
It's too bad all the rappers ruined the image of the impalla....that is truely one of the classics.....


thanks for the info reg... you don't have to be ballin' to push around the impala.  I could see reg in this car.


Gro- Wrong color and way too new.....That is lame.

That is the kind of car that I am talking about being a classic....
Dr. Dre ruined that car once the "Rollin' in my six-fo" song came out.  People taint the american dream with hydraulics and airbags......



Quote from: regulator on February 09, 2007, 02:31:31 PM
Here is a numbers matching 1967 GTO....
For $46 large, you get a numbers matching, mint GTO with every part matching the way it rolled off the showroom floor.  Documented, original build sheet, etc.

Even if someone gave you a 1967 GTO with the original engine and tranny, there is no way you could even finish it for $25K

Here is a non-numbers matching car that looks to be in decent shape....$23k

EDIT- Regs point is.....Keep your day job.

The old guy told me he always made a few bucks. For example, JT thinks he bought three junkyard MG's same year at different yards for between 500-700 each.  One had the better body, one had the better engine, one had the better accessories.

Other expenses took it to about $2,800.  Worked on it all winter.  Drove it all spring and summer and sold it the fall for $4,000.

At least that's what he told JT.  The guy did all his own body work too.

JT's not going to start the car rebuilding thing until his first internet million comes in, and that is at least a fwe months away. :)


what about matchbox cars? gro might still have his stash in his parents attic.


Quote from: 'gro on February 09, 2007, 03:26:52 PM
what about matchbox cars? gro might still have his stash in his parents attic.

If you have the boxes they might be worth something.

Sir Spiedie

You boys with your GTO's and other DEEE-Troit Muscle cars will learn to fear my 1982 Mercedes 240D with 62, count em', 62 rompin, stompin horsepower! German engineering in the House!!!