FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Reason #55 why gro hates michael jordan...

he gave this dunk an 8

seriosly, this is the dunk contest. there are no 8's. It's like boxing 9 or 10. You only get an 8 if you hit someone in the nuts.  And the cat that dunked it is 5' 7"!!

Reason #19 - space jam, that was wack!

Touchdown Tommy

REG: You mean that MR doesn't like to do the "DEMO"??? That is TDT's favorite part, you get to break sh!t without a care in the world.  Sounds like you have quite an expansive Master Bath.  What is the ETA for the "new MR bath", 2019???  Might I also recommend that you go with a Frameless Shower door.  NOT the kind you get from Home Depot or Lowe's, but rather the kind from a professional glass company with only the mounting brackets and the glass.  Very sharp, chic, and the thicker the glass the better.  BTW: TDT didn't mean an offense about his observations of "high maintenance" just judging from some of the Regulator's finer posts on the impression he was giving of MR...

RE: Merger

TDT is putting the odds of that baby going thru at 20-1.  Lots of legal hurdles to jump still and this could result in a fairly large price hike.  While it is cool that all the sports programming would be on one network, the monopolized industry could have some negative implications....
Chasing MILFs since '82...

Touchdown Tommy

GRO: Shut up about your BOY Knickerbockers Nate R?  What a Homer you are.  Did you watch the contest? Jordan was ultra stingy.  Now while I realize that you can't give every dunk a 10 or where do you give the next "better" dunk.  TDT thought they really screwed Gerald Green when he dunked over Nate R. with the old school Dee Brown jerz on and the shielding of the eyes as he leapt over shorty near the foul line.  That dunk was siiiiiiiick....
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Gro believes that Jordan gave NR a higher score on his 2nd dunk (statue of liberty with David Lee holding the ball in the air) than the dunk I linked... 1st dunk was waaaay better therefore jordan is a poop head. Green deserved to win and did.


dwight howards sticker dunk was one of the better dunks there
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on February 19, 2007, 04:17:35 PM
REG: You mean that MR doesn't like to do the "DEMO"??? That is TDT's favorite part, you get to break sh!t without a care in the world.  Sounds like you have quite an expansive Master Bath.  What is the ETA for the "new MR bath", 2019???  Might I also recommend that you go with a Frameless Shower door.  NOT the kind you get from Home Depot or Lowe's, but rather the kind from a professional glass company with only the mounting brackets and the glass.  Very sharp, chic, and the thicker the glass the better.  BTW: TDT didn't mean an offense about his observations of "high maintenance" just judging from some of the Regulator's finer posts on the impression he was giving of MR...

ETA for operation pimp my bathroom is penciled in for Q4'07- Q1'08.  There are alot of things that she needs to figure out before we even think about this.... I can probably hold her off for a few weeks if I buy myself that new desk! 


Quote from: regulator on February 19, 2007, 03:56:02 PM


RE: Merger

TDT is putting the odds of that baby going thru at 20-1.  Lots of legal hurdles to jump still and this could result in a fairly large price hike.  While it is cool that all the sports programming would be on one network, the monopolized industry could have some negative implications....

Grad is very curious how this is going to end up.  Recently purchased a new car with 3 months free XM, I have 1 more month left.  Contemplating whether or not to sign up


IC....PopSuperman has XM and is happy...if you like ESPN or CNN it is a good idea to keep it esspecially with baseball season around the corner
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


Quote from: regulator on February 19, 2007, 02:46:50 PM
RE: picking up chicks when the odds are like 100:1

In the Revs last post he mentioned that he likes Jet Blue partially because of the youngish flight attendants. (and for other reasons)

This brings up a good topic for discussion in the LLPP.......
How is it that some dudes think that they can run game on chicks that have to deal with other dudes running game on them all day?  I mean dude do you SERIOUSLY think that the hooters waitress is in to you?  Do you know how many guys today alone tried to set up shop here?  Oh what about that smokin hot (well at least for being in an airplane) flight attendant, do you think that you are the first guy who has played the "funny guy trying to score" role?  Maybe you could get her digits between the time that she gives out the peanuts and the time she collects all of the plastic cups in a garbage bag.

Reg always gets a big kick out of guys doing this.......particularly at hooters or with a bartender......

Rev, even though I mentioned your name, I definately don't think you are one of these guys......but you guys must have friends that arae always like "Dood, this girl was all over me!!!....You should have seen her!! I am IN!"

Getting numbers of flight attendants is nearly impossible, and giving them numbers puts one in the "sad" category.

That said, it is possible to get numbers for girls who work the gate and for female passengers.

Scenario 1: The Rev exchanged numbers with a gal working at LAX.  the Rev spends the next month on the phone with the girl every night for a few hours, and has the sense that this girl might work out.  But then Rev goes out to LA, gets too drunk, too fast, and swipes the credit card in her cleavage.  The Rev and she part on not so friendly terms.  Oops!

Scenario 2: The Rev gets the number to a very cute gal on the plane back from Seoul and they still correspond.  The Rev plans not to swipe crd in her boobies.  Lesson learned.

Scenario 3: The Rev flew SW and spends the entire flight from PHX-BWI dealing with a male flight attendant who took a shining to Rev.  Upside: Rev got many free beers.  Downside: Male FA asked Rev if needed help in the rest room.  Rev said, "No, I think I can handle it." To which male FA responds, "Oh, I bet you can!!!"  Male FA also offers Rev many Wheat Thins with the advice that they will help keep the Rev "regular."  Hello Sailor!

--by and large, when Rev worked for America West (now US Airways) he always got the best service from Jet Blue.  Rev flew back to New York nearly every weekend for Hobart games in the 2004 season.  Rev thought JB was MUCH better than America West.  FA's and pilots all made a point of inviting Rev up to cockpit to say hi, shake hands, talk shop, etc.  FA's then let Rev hang out in the back and eat and drink as much as Rev wanted.  On Rev's own airline, Rev was treated shizzier than the passengers...and believe The Rev when he says that on America West, we treated pax like dog crap.  (After all, we already had their money and they were flying on tickets with major restrictions...so what are they going to do?  Complain?  HA HA Suckas!!!!)

BTW, Rev thinks odds of picking up an FA on a flight is even less than 100:1.  Odds of picking up a good-looking one are even slimmer.  American FA's are dogs.  You need to fly foreign carriers now to find the hotties.


Quote from: icgrad87 on February 19, 2007, 08:49:07 PM
Grad is very curious how this is going to end up.  Recently purchased a new car with 3 months free XM, I have 1 more month left.  Contemplating whether or not to sign up

The Rev heard that even if the merger is approved by the FCC, it may take up to a year to complete.  If you buy XM service, your contract will be honored.  The big question is whether or not the FCC will rescind the rule that there must be at least two satellite radio companies, thus opening the way for the merger.

The Rev thinks there is a good argument for rescinding the two-company minimum because satellite radio doesn't compete against itself, but against free radio, and internet radio, etc.  There's too much competition for an audience to justify denying the XM-Sirius merger.


TGP has had Sirius since late 2005/early 2006 and has been very pleased with the service.  Have XM on DirecTV (channels 800-99), and based on TGP's experience (and opinion) Sirius blows XM away in every category EXCEPT that XM has MLB (however, TGP circumvents this by just getting the MLB package on DirecTV so TGP can watch his beloved Red Sox - the best is when the NESN broadcast comes in and you get Remy with his wicked pissah Sawx accent - not to mention those classic New England small businesses that advertise on NESN - gotta love those mazzholes!)

Sirius has better music stations and playlists, talk radio/entertainment (including Playboy radio - not great but TGP knows one of the DJs), NFL, NASCAR - hell, Sirius even has the Natty (indoor) Lacrosse League!  B4 you know it Sirius will have a D3football.com channel.  Really, they cover everything.

XM made this merger b/c they knew they couldn't hang with Sirius content wise (and product dev wise - see Stiletto) in the long run. 


Quote from: regulator on February 19, 2007, 11:33:58 AM
Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on February 19, 2007, 10:15:39 AM
Quote from: regulator on February 19, 2007, 09:09:01 AM
Let me ask a question to the LLPP..... WHY are the SAME people ALWAYS SICK!!!
Without fail, every time you see this person, they are either hacking up a lung, wiping snot off their upper lip or just sound like crap in general?!?!?

Do these people have (young) kids?  Children have been known to keep parents sick from pre thru elementary school.....
TGP- Do they have kids.....yes and no.....
Regs brp's wife is a teacher....so obviously she is sick 24/7/340

There are other people....that don't have kids that are just freaking sick all the time. 

What does it mean when you say "fired up the pool"?  Do you have something special that the pool does?  Waterslide?  Filters?  Whirlpool?  bubbler?

TGP's pool (heat, filter, jacuzz, etc) can be turned on and off by a console in the house based either off "one-start menu" or a selection of choices.  No Grandpa style going outside and messing with the gauges and all that sheee.  Just push a button in a couple of mins (jacuzz) or a couple hours (pool) is heated up and ready to go. 


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on February 19, 2007, 12:48:02 PM
REG: Let TDT translate.  It means he has "drop it like its hot" crazy monkey sex with Mrs. TGP.

Riiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhht.....not sure whether to laugh or say WTF to that one, but given it's the LLPP, TGP will simply respond by saying that at least it would explain TGP's 2 kids in 2 years deal.

There must have been some jungle love goin on for that to happen....



happy fat tuesday all llpp'rs!!!!

Sir Spiedie

Spiedie loves his Sirius and recommends it. Get the sportster so you can carry it around.