FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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From the general football board:

Quote from: LLFtblMom on March 07, 2007, 09:41:09 AM
You see, as many others, I joined this board for info about the game of FOOTBALL, hence my respnse to INQBScout's request. I have however discovered, to my dismay, that my "home" board, the LL one, is a good old boys club where talking in the third person about their weekend escapades, alcohol consumption, female conquests, job hunts etc. is the norm. One sees little talk about the game. So I will continue to lurk until I can actually get involved in a real footbal discussion such as this one.

well, that is a good description of LLPP, but that shouldn't prevent anyone from coming in and talking football.  Lurk no more LLmom, jump in and add to the conversation.


Quote from: 'gro on March 07, 2007, 01:53:24 PM
From the general football board:

Quote from: LLFtblMom on March 07, 2007, 09:41:09 AM
You see, as many others, I joined this board for info about the game of FOOTBALL, hence my respnse to INQBScout's request. I have however discovered, to my dismay, that my "home" board, the LL one, is a good old boys club where talking in the third person about their weekend escapades, alcohol consumption, female conquests, job hunts etc. is the norm. One sees little talk about the game. So I will continue to lurk until I can actually get involved in a real footbal discussion such as this one.

well, that is a good description of LLPP, but that shouldn't prevent anyone from coming in and talking football.  Lurk no more LLmom, jump in and add to the conversation.

very true.  the LLPP is ALWAYS OPEN to chatting about football and league related issues.  just that the next season being 6 mos away, we often stray into these non-football sidebars to keep ourselves entertained during the off-season.


are you guys familiar with this?


Garnet came across this interview today and thought of the LLPP


'gro,   great find with the LLMom quote.  +K


here is a nother great video.


great 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' reference.


so Superman is waiting to see if his tickets to rock legands Kansas for saturday come through...Since superman works for the theater that they are playing he gets two comp tickets so lets hope that there are still enough decent tickets for superman
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.

Gray Fox

Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on March 07, 2007, 12:08:35 PM
The eagle answered: "Sure, why not." So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
Fierce When Roused

Touchdown Tommy

Alright REG here is the deal...

So TDT goes to the garage last Friday to ask them about the problem (fan was running nonstop and not turning off, thus it would eventually drain the battery).  They say make an appointment for Monday morning and "we'll take a look at it".  Done.  TDT spends the weekend popping his hood every time he drives/stops to turn on/off the fan to prevent overheating/prevent dead battery when I need to go somewhere next.

Monday morning I arrive at the auto garage at 8am sharp.  Hand the snatch secretary (Bich Gatekeeper) the keys and she says, "You know TDT you have to allow the vehicle to be here all day."  What? Are you kidding me?  I made an appointment.  Can't the Grease monkeys look at it quick give me a diagnosis, cost estimate, and timeframe for repair.  So not having arranged a ride I sit there doing some work (minus the internet), read the newspaper, read a couple magazines, etc.  I wanna poke my eyes out with hot pokers by 11am.  I go for lunch around 12:45pm at a Subway (not a decent restaurant in sight/sorta a rough neighborhood for Naples).  Come back, sit patiently, listen to how rude the secretary lady treats the customers in person and on the phone and am amazed.  People just want to know if their vehicles are done or if they can be picked up.  I don't ask for the "status" of my car/repair once all day long.  Just sit like a SHEEP watching reruns of ESPNEWS and wanna kill myself.  Finally 4:30pm, the owner/head mechanic comes out and tells TDT that it is a bad/burned out relay switch and that the wiring to the fan is bad/burned out.  Ok fine.  He says I will have to order the switch.  Fine, when can ya get it?  It will be here at noon tomorrow.  Ok fine.  How long will the install be?  About 2 hours.  Ok fine.  So I ask if Weds. morning at 8am will work.  I'll be outta there by 10am.  He says ok I'll schedule you for that. 

So I show up at 8am sharp.  Walk to a Burger King for some breakfast (again shady 'hood) and read newspapers/books til about 10:30am.  Still no call saying the car is done, you can come pick it up.  So TDT walks back to the shop, sits down quietly but is steaming mad now (have to be in Ft Myers at 1pm for an appt, FM is roughly 1-1.5 hours away this time of yr).  Patience is a virtue, but TDT has run out of them.  I just want my CAR fixed and back, don't even care how much it costs at this point.  Finally Grease Monkey comes out at 11:25am and says its done.  Great about F-ing time.  Paid the bill for $156 and got the hell outta there. 

What would the LLPP have done?

FYI: LD11 is alive and well. 
Chasing MILFs since '82...


pbr is worn out like pair of $2 shoes....back to work and databases...this work is for the birds....pbr needs a case of pbr and a hot rocks massage to ease the stress off of him

Sir Spiedie

Touchdown:   By far the biggest shock in that story was  the paltry repair bill. I expected something a lot worse. Next time make arrangements with one of your co-workers to swing by and take you to work. We do that for each other all the time and it sure makes life easier ;D

Sir Spiedie

Come out of lurking and declare your allegiance! The suspense is killing Spiedie.


TDT, you did what you had to do.  Yelling at the gatekeeper is like yelling at the lady behind the counter at the airport when your flight is late (from now on direct all airline complaints -- reguardless of origin -- the the rev).  You shoulda rented a sweet vespa scooter to whip around while the TDTmobile was in repair. At least the bill wasn't too high.


Gro was watching the big east bball tourney last night and who did gro see playing for St. Johns?  Anthony Mason Jr.   Son of the former Knicks enforcer and part time basketball player.

Patrick Ewing Jr. plays for Georgetown... do Oakley and Starks have any kids?


agreed....pbr wants llftblmom to come out and play.....we would even excuse not speaking in 3rd person for the first week.....



I really don't know what to say about this....actually I'm kind of speechless....

Let me get this straight- You actually sat....in a waiting room.....all day....for someone to diagnose your fan not turning off?  WOW
At no point during the day did you ask the receptionist what was happening?  After hour 1 if they weren't looking at my car, I would have just gotten in and taken it somewhere else.  What the hell were you thinking sticking around until 4:30?!?!

And then they put your car on the back burner AGAIN until they can get to it.  (I know this bc there is no way they spent 4 hours under the hood fixing it and handed you a bill for $156 with parts included.

You know the saying-
Fool me once, shame on you....Fool me tweece, shame on me.

Why didn't you listen to REG!!!?
If after you pop the hood it still doesnt shut down and you can't find anything online about it....then you should try ot bring it in somewhere....unless you can find out what is triggering that fan to run (usually a sensor) and replace it.


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on March 07, 2007, 08:59:46 PM
Alright REG here is the deal...

They say make an appointment for Monday morning and "we'll take a look at it".  Done. 

Monday morning I arrive at the auto garage at 8am sharp.  Hand the snatch secretary (Bich Gatekeeper) the keys and she says, "You know TDT you have to allow the vehicle to be here all day."  What? Are you kidding me?  I made an appointment. 

JT has learned a few things from repair shops:

1) If they say make an appointment, JT asks if appointments are honored or am I just leaving the car there all day.  JT experienced what TDT has, but JT snapped after two hours. He now asks how long will he be waiting.

2) When your car is left.  They say they'll call when its done or with a diagnosis or estimate.  They never call.  You have to call.  Everytime.  Doesn't matter where you go.

3) Customer Service is pretty much an oxymoron at these places.

Best place JT's been so far, is FMJT's Honda dealer.  Free Bagels, Coffee, Tea, magazines, and wifi work areas.  They are pretty good with appointments... although sometimes it appears that the work is not always FIFO.