FB: Liberty League

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Jonny Utah

Quote from: Jonny Utah on March 12, 2007, 08:02:48 PM
Hey Reg, do you still have that jetski you had posted earlier?  Ill give you $7,000 for it......

Sorry, never mind.

I actually had a friend that just bought 2 snowmobiles and 2 jetskis for his new summer/winter house up in maine.  And thats after he just sold 4 of the same on the internet and was able to upgrade. Think he paid like 20K for all 4. (used of course) after selling 4 for 30K


Quote from: regulator on March 12, 2007, 07:54:22 PM
Reg a little street credit or what?!?!....no......I get the "I know you knew what you were doing....I just wanted you to discuss things like that with me" BS.

In this situation it is best to know you are right, but to say, "Gee, I'm sorry, honey. Next time, we'll talk it over first."

Then she will feel like she's won (which is what wives want) and you still have the ca$h in-pocket.


Actually I kept yelling "Blang blang.....Blang balgn.....now tell me how right I was!!!!...."
"Now let me do my thing....you can worry about grocery shopping and manicures"

She drew the line when I took my wallet out of my pocket and started crumpling up $20 bills and was bouncing them off her head.....

I don't think she felt that she won this one.  next time I will listen  to the Rev.

TDT- Great score on the tickets.....There are some things in life that would be nice to see or do, but like the million dollar man Ted Debiasi taught Reg......"Everybody has a price for the million dollar man"  You want something bad enough that I have....you have to pay up.  Funny thing was, since the ski was at Regs Bros house, I wouldn't even let people look at it without committing the full price in cash for the ski.  "If you want to see it, you are going to have to pay $4000 for it.....I'm not taking offers and you arent getting a look unless you are taking it for that."


KS was able to use the name Rustyt-bone069.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: regulator on March 12, 2007, 07:54:22 PM

I don't know if you guys remember the post a while back (read 3 months) about my latest jet ski purchase, however, on Friday Reg listed the jet ski on Craigslist, thinking there was no way it was going to sell and if it did it would save the pain in the neck of driving it home illegally (MRs SUV doesnt have a trailer light kit).  
I bought it in December on Ebay for $2700 (MR was definately NOT impressed).  I haven't even ridden the thing yet and it is still up in Philly at Regs Bros house.  Anywhoo....I listed it at $4100 and had 3 people ready to show up with cash deposits on saturday.  Sold to the 1st guy that looked at it for the full shot.  Now, do you think MR would give Reg a little street credit or what?!?!....no......I get the "I know you knew what you were doing....I just wanted you to discuss things like that with me" BS.
RT- you should have bought the thing from me for $3400 when I offered it, you would have been able to ride it all summer and still broke even on it!

congrats... looks like reg has some cap $pace he can throw around this weekend eh? hmmmm?  Shoulda mentioned that one next week!!


Touchdown Tommy

Looks like enginegro is gonna be ordering some CAR BOMBS on Regulator's tab in NC.  Hope REG pays him back by introducing Gro to any and all Friendosauruses.

REG: Tell TDT about this craiglist.com.  I've been there a coupla times.  Have you had good success?  Bought and sold items?  Free (no commission) right??
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on March 12, 2007, 08:58:14 PM
Looks like enginegro is gonna be ordering some CAR BOMBS on Regulator's tab in NC.  Hope REG pays him back by introducing Gro to any and all Friendosauruses.

REG: Tell TDT about this craiglist.com.  I've been there a coupla times.  Have you had good success?  Bought and sold items?  Free (no commission) right??

No need to order those.  Car Bombs will be flowing like Aquafina at the House of LD11.(HoLD11)

My liver hurts already. 


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on March 12, 2007, 08:58:14 PM
Looks like enginegro is gonna be ordering some CAR BOMBS on Regulator's tab in NC.  Hope REG pays him back by introducing Gro to any and all Friendosauruses.

REG: Tell TDT about this craiglist.com.  I've been there a coupla times.  Have you had good success?  Bought and sold items?  Free (no commission) right??

#1- When Gro drinks anything besides O'doules, he always hung over and puking until 8pm the next day, LD11 can confirm this...."It's Science".

#2 Craigslist is basically a local electronic garage sale.  It is free to list, confidential and doesn't cost a cent in commission.  I don't know how they make money.  I listed Regs big boat on there and haven't heard a thing.  I thing that Craigslist is basically like a small local ebay.  People can buy mid-level dollar stuff that they can't buy on ebay because of shipping issues or it's not locally available.  I have made a couple emails to people but you get alot of people that just list stuff because you can for free, like what I did.  WHen I buy, it's typically from ebay, since you can go so far as to search the auctions within a certain distance of your zip.  Usually when someone lists on ebay, they really need to sell....and it's worth the loss in sales price for the quick turnaround.

E.g.- Masters Tickets.....gotta go to stub hub, ebay or another place with tons of action
You have a set of couches that you need to sell.....Craigslist.

Jonny Utah

And unlike ebay, women can also be purchased on craigslist.  I would not recomend purchasing the services of the women on there however.........long story but you just shouldnt.


Quote from: regulator on March 12, 2007, 09:36:32 PM
#1- When Gro drinks anything besides O'doules, he always hung over and puking until 8pm the next day, LD11 can confirm this...."It's Science".

The Science of Gro...

lets get the record straight... PHR's occur once in a blue moon (more now than they used to, but that is neither here nor there).  PHR's mean travel, which means gro doesn't get the hydration he needs prior to a weekend drinkathon.  When gro meets up with the boys, he's as excited as baxter when Ron Burgandy comes home.  Therefore, he opens the flood gates when it comes to consuming alcohol.

(Driving/Flying half a day) + (Lack of food/water) + (migrane headache from staring at Reg's lime green polo) + (straight vet-er-an drinking) = (Phone charger beating) + (LEVEL 6 hanGROver)

"I'll save you, Gro!!"

Jonny Utah

Does anyone else cringe watching ali G?  Man i love it.


Quote from: regulator on March 12, 2007, 08:41:48 PM
Actually I kept yelling "Blang blang.....Blang balgn.....now tell me how right I was!!!!...."
"Now let me do my thing....you can worry about grocery shopping and manicures"

She drew the line when I took my wallet out of my pocket and started crumpling up $20 bills and was bouncing them off her head.....

BOL!!!  Classic!


Quote from: Jonny Utah on March 12, 2007, 10:16:21 PM
Does anyone else cringe watching ali G?  Man i love it.

Ali G is one of The Rev's favorite shows.  The Rev is also a fan of the movie, Ali G Indahouse.

The Rev's favorite lines from Ali G's movie:

Pimp: These girls belong to me!
Ali G: Belong?!?  That is a very sexist way to be talking about these bitches.


Ali G: Jezzy, iz you wearing green? I knew it - you iz defected to the Iver 'Eath posse, innit? Come on - let's stab him!
Jezzy F: No, no - wait! Me mum, yeah, she put me yellow top in the wash with me brother's blue football socks even though they ain't colourfast.
Ali G: All right. But you tell that slag, that in the ghetto, washing non-colourfast synthetics at 60 degrees could cost you your life...


[at the Staines Women's Alliance meeting]
Ali G:  Yo! Me knows what you lezzies want.  Me is a big supporter of your cause.  After all, me 'as got many, many of your videos.
[seeing them get angry]
Why is you gettin' all eggy on me.  Is you on?

As far as the Ali G Show form HBO goes, it is a classic.  I love the episodes with Bhutros Bhutros Gali, Buzz Aldren and Pat Buchanan were awesome.  PB handled Ali very well.  Newt Gingrich did not and apparently sent letters to other republicans warning them about taking interviews with the production company that provided the front for Ali G.

Some of these Borat scenes from Ali G Show are great, too.  The one where he looks for a hobbay and goes to the Yoga, martial arts, and dance studios are outrageous.


Quote from: 'gro on March 12, 2007, 09:46:48 PM

"I'll save you, Gro!!"

+K for the picture of SuperGrover.

Sir Spiedie

Quote from: Jonny Utah on March 12, 2007, 08:04:49 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on March 12, 2007, 08:02:48 PM
Hey Reg, do you still have that jetski you had posted earlier?  Ill give you $7,000 for it......

Sorry, never mind.

I actually had a friend that just bought 2 snowmobiles and 2 jetskis for his new summer/winter house up in maine.  And thats after he just sold 4 of the same on the internet and was able to upgrade. Think he paid like 20K for all 4. (used of course) after selling 4 for 30K

What's the over/under on jet ski usage in Maine?   Two  weeks?