FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: Jonny Utah on April 14, 2007, 11:16:36 AM
RE: Imus

The wierd thing about this is how the whole thing got started.  There is this liberal radio watchdog group called "Media Matters" that started this whole thing.  This group has someone listen to dozens of media shows like Imus looking for politically incorrect comments and then taping them and sending them to other media outlets and political groups in order to spark an uproar over the programs themselves.  I guess there wasnt one actual complaint about the comment itself from listeners to radio staitions and their affialiates!  It was only after this watchdog group put the clips out and started things up that the ball got rolling.

Ill listen to Imus once in a while and I could swear that worse things get said on that show.  And I also bet that if I heard him say that I would have never have thought twice about it.  Bottom line it was funny.  Imus is a comedian (clown is fine too) who makes jokes.

Anyone see comedian Patrice O'neil on the Hannity and Combs show?  He also had a great point about the whole situation.  It was a joke, and Imus is basically a comedian and his show has humor.  He thought it was funny and its not right for comedians to be shut down because people think something is offensive.

I think its Imus' fault for even apologizing.  He should have just said it was a joke and thats it.

The main problem with this is now the bar goes even lower.  It will be even easier to get into trouble.   Imus has said far worse things and he made fun of everyone and everything.  These watchdog groups, Sharpton, and Jackson et al will be more empowered to restrict free speech.


JT and gal just got back from R&R in Seattle.  JT had a $99 companion fare to burn and Seattle fit all the restrictions.  Not a bad place to hang. It ain't a hot spot, but it wasn't a bad choice to chill for 5 days.

Seafood is top notch - raw oysters, fried oysters, dungeness crab, king crab, clams, salmon etc. JT highly recommennds the cioppino at the Fisherman down by the warf.

Pikes Market Place - saw the doods throwing the fish around, but go down to the other main fish monger cause his prices are cheaper.  They'll pack up seafood in a box and you check it in as luggage at the airport.  JT loaded up on the dungeness, claims, and huge shrimp. 

JT thinks the fish throwers are charging xtra for the show, plus they are right at the entrance too.

Parking totally sucks... no free parking to be had anywhere except Chinatown (we went for dimsum).  Hotel hit us for $18 per day and parking anywhere in town was about $3.00 per hour.

The Music Experience Museum was cool.  History of Jazz, Rock, and Hip Hop. Lotsa famous people's guitars, drums etc.  Then they have interactive stuff you can play with... guitars, drums, bass, pianos, mixers, dj turntables (scratching), vocals etc.  Takes about 3 hours to go through if you are a music fan.  JT recommends hitting it at about 12pm cause they have a bar/restaurant.  Happy hour is 4:30-6:30pm.  1/2 price beer and cocktails.  The food is very good too.  They have like 100 varieties of beer.


I can't beleive how much parking costs in Seattle!....That blows my mind!

The fish throwers can charge the premium because they are on the "must see" list when you go to seattle. 

Question: are there alot of bums begging for money?  Do they have any good begging strategies, i.e.- in Baltimore, the big thing last year was to come up to a tourist and the bum was dressed pretty nice.
-point to random car- Hi sir, my car needs a new tire and the tire place won't accept checks, I will write this check out to you if you give me the cash.....I can't believe this is happening to me.

Reg: :-\  ::)   "UMMMM, No, sorry"

This happened to Reg so many times that finally when this one lady hood rat came up to Reg with a little infant (for extra sympathy) that I asked her...."ok what one is your car without any gas?....could you show me the keys?.....ahhhhhh lady, a house key will not start a 2000 Saturn, sorry"

Touchdown Tommy

JT yea Seattle is a pretty cool town.  TDT was there in late September of 2003 and the temps were in the lower 80s (record breaking at the time for a normally very temperate climate).  TDT thought it was pretty neat how as you approached Sea-Tac Int'l you saw all the big beautiful mountains on both sides of the aircraft.  Did you and the lady have decent weather?  I assume the Mariners were outta town last week or we woulda heard about a trip to SafeCo Field...TDT believes he stayed at the Westin downtown, also went to Pike's Place Market about 57 times, did the Space Needle, and hit a few hole in the wall/grunge bars for some top notch music afterhours.

REG: Don't remember many bums specifically, only noticable spot that I recall was in the grassy park down near the Market and the harbor.  There were quite a few swilling booze at 10am on a Weds.  Funny to watch the cops monitor these azz clowns.  They mind their own bizness, but as soon as they bug a tourist they are on 'em like stink on sh!t.  Certainly nothing of the caliber of DC or San Francisco, however.

RE: Parking

That doesn't seem too outta line in comparison to other major cities.  TDT recalls it being upwards of 30 bones in Boston and even more in the NYC.  REG you need to get out more buddy!!!
Chasing MILFs since '82...


ohhh Gro got hit up by the trashy lady WITH the baby for gas money about 2 years ago. Out of state plates too "I don't know anyone around here".  Jeez, enough crying here's 2 bucks by now I don't care if your lying or not.

Downtown Atlanta has BUMquest... these cats will give you directions, usually to a place that is less than 3 blocks away and you already know where it is, then expect payment. For example

Bum sees 3 guys walking out of their hotel

bum: Where you guys going?
doods: Hooters (down the street)
bum: It's down the street on your left!
doods: Thanks
bum: got any money?

What ever happened to being a friendly citizen?  I blame this on the tipping industry in general. You have to tip everyone these days. Gro gets put up at the ritz in ATL, before you get out of your car you've got 17 bellhops trying to carry your overnight bag (it's on wheels fellas).


Quote from: regulator on April 18, 2007, 08:36:13 AM
I can't beleive how much parking costs in Seattle!....That blows my mind!

The fish throwers can charge the premium because they are on the "must see" list when you go to seattle. 

Question: are there alot of bums begging for money?  Do they have any good begging strategies, i.e.- in Baltimore, the big thing last year was to come up to a tourist and the bum was dressed pretty nice.
-point to random car- Hi sir, my car needs a new tire and the tire place won't accept checks, I will write this check out to you if you give me the cash.....I can't believe this is happening to me.

Reg: :-\  ::)   "UMMMM, No, sorry"

This happened to Reg so many times that finally when this one lady hood rat came up to Reg with a little infant (for extra sympathy) that I asked her...."ok what one is your car without any gas?....could you show me the keys?.....ahhhhhh lady, a house key will not start a 2000 Saturn, sorry"

Cops were generally not seen.  Seattle has quite a hippy culture. Biggest catch phrase was "No worries".

Waiter: Here's the check, take your time, no worries.

Bums and druggies were unusual in Seattle. They were all over downtown, especially the park by the warf.  The thing is that they all hang out together around sunset.  At least 25 or more.  In JT's experience bums usually fly solo or in pairs.  Last thing JT was gonna do was whip out a buck for one in front of 24 others.

The typical move was to front the best looking chick bum/druggie to ask for cash.  Best sign "Please help.  I'm displaced due to domestic violence."

Best bum purchase seen at a convience store.... two pints of Ben and Jerry's and a 12 pack of Natty light.

The weather was primarily overcast and in the 50's.  The Mariners were in town and both stadiums are right next to Chinatown.  We didn't go to a game, but we went to Quest for a food/wine/beer festival on Sunday.

Stopped by Pier 70 to check out the RW pad.  Was only able to peek in the window.


Quote from: regulator on April 18, 2007, 08:36:13 AM
I can't beleive how much parking costs in Seattle!....That blows my mind!

The fish throwers can charge the premium because they are on the "must see" list when you go to seattle. 

Question: are there alot of bums begging for money?  Do they have any good begging strategies, i.e.- in Baltimore, the big thing last year was to come up to a tourist and the bum was dressed pretty nice.
-point to random car- Hi sir, my car needs a new tire and the tire place won't accept checks, I will write this check out to you if you give me the cash.....I can't believe this is happening to me.

Reg: :-\  ::)   "UMMMM, No, sorry"

This happened to Reg so many times that finally when this one lady hood rat came up to Reg with a little infant (for extra sympathy) that I asked her...."ok what one is your car without any gas?....could you show me the keys?.....ahhhhhh lady, a house key will not start a 2000 Saturn, sorry"

I think the bums in Seattle were the most impressive i've seen.  They DO work for their money with some kind of funny line, or a fishing rod with a bucket ont he line with a sign reading 'FIshing for Beer Money'.  No shaking McDonald's cups with 13 pennies in it while you walk by, Boston style.  They were creative, and plentiful. 

Jonny Utah

westcoast bumbs put eastcoast bums to shame.  Although MA has a 5 cent deposit on cans and bottles so that helps them out.  Do you think Ohio Bumbs pack up once a year and head up to Michigan for the 10 cent deposit?  Michigan bums must make out pretty well.  Then again, if I were a bum, why the hell would I be in Michigan?  Thats what I dont understand.  I never understood why Florida isnt full of bums.  If I were a bum Id be in Florida. 


most bums are in santa monica as the temp is constant year round nice weather not too hot or cold or humid....when pbr was on santa monica pier they are everywhere trying to get $....pbr is sure tgp encounters them often out by him

Apple Jack

My favorite  bum in boston is the guy over by south station that stands in the middle of the road with his sign...."Hi i'm jim sober and homless blah blah blah, give me some money"  Anyway he is there every day and seems to make out well esp when its cold and around the holidays.  So I was driving by him the other day and he was off in his little grassy area talking on his cell phone. I wanted to taunt him but decided it wasnt worth the effort esp at 7 in the morning. 

I find pan handlers extremely annoying, almost as much as the hooker cards flipper in vegas.
On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland


Quote from: Apple Jack on April 18, 2007, 07:05:36 PM
My favorite  bum in boston is the guy over by south station that stands in the middle of the road with his sign...."Hi i'm jim sober and homless blah blah blah, give me some money"  Anyway he is there every day and seems to make out well esp when its cold and around the holidays.  So I was driving by him the other day and he was off in his little grassy area talking on his cell phone. I wanted to taunt him but decided it wasnt worth the effort esp at 7 in the morning. 

I find pan handlers extremely annoying, almost as much as the hooker cards flipper in vegas.

That guy is down at South Station now?  He used to be downtown in the theatre district everyday.  I was always amazed when it was like 8 degrees, he was out there with a frozen face and his camo jacket on.  Gotta admint, the dude was dedicated.  I think I threw a half of a turkey sandwich at him one time.

And to the little Mexican guys in vegas...

DUDE!!!  I see you there!  Just cause you snap those damn cads together, doesn'tmake me want one anymore, nor do I want one from the other 42 friends you have standing next to you.  If I need a hooker, I need ONE card!!!  In my most recent trip to Vegas, they now wear bright orange t-shirts with the # for the agency they are handing out cards for.  I wonder how much pay there is to do that.  I suppose I could handle that job...minus the fact that everyone hates you...

Apple Jack

That guy is down at South Station now?  He used to be downtown in the theatre district everyday.  I was always amazed when it was like 8 degrees, he was out there with a frozen face and his camo jacket on.  Gotta admint, the dude was dedicated.  I think I threw a half of a turkey sandwich at him one time.

And to the little Mexican guys in vegas...

DUDE!!!  I see you there!  Just cause you snap those damn cads together, doesn'tmake me want one anymore, nor do I want one from the other 42 friends you have standing next to you.  If I need a hooker, I need ONE card!!!  In my most recent trip to Vegas, they now wear bright orange t-shirts with the # for the agency they are handing out cards for.  I wonder how much pay there is to do that.  I suppose I could handle that job...minus the fact that everyone hates you...

I love how the t-shirts say girls in 20 minutes too...all I could think of was the guy from "something about marry " no not 7 minute abs ...6 minutes abs...how long till the comp comes out with girls in 15 minutes
On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland


Ted: That's right. That's - that's good. That's good. Unless, of course, somebody comes up with 6-Minute Abs. Then you're in trouble, huh?
[Hitchhiker convulses]
Hitchhiker: No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel.
Ted: That - good point.
Hitchhiker: 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 doors. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office.
Ted: Why?
Hitchhiker: 'Cause you're f*ckin' fired!


TGP's pic of the day:

Love the fan on the right......probably the last time the Warriors were good was when that guy was a teenager.

Kira & Jaxon's Dad

Quote from: Jonny Utah on April 18, 2007, 03:12:32 PM
If I were a bum Id be in Florida. 

We have our share in FL.  My neighbor, who is a sheriff's deputy, said that there is one local bum/panhandler who pays his mortgage with the donations he receives.
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