FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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I was a little upset by the 'BN' rating before the sopranos started, then really upset when vegas girl didn't go full monty.  Tony brought the A game to vegas (it helps when there are women out there that will do anything with a pulse and high net worth). I think Tony's life altering trip would have been a lot different if he was ballin on a budget.

the packers were stupid for not giving up a 4th rd pick for moss, but that's no reason for favre to take his ball and run home crying (remember that kid? why was the biggest crybaby ALWAYS the kid that brought the ball?).

Jonny Utah

Quote from: 'gro on May 14, 2007, 10:49:53 AM
I was a little upset by the 'BN' rating before the sopranos started, then really upset when vegas girl didn't go full monty.  

Gro you sick bastard.

(I was pissed too)


you can get those at Rockies games in Denver...


realistic..no pun intended


Quote from: realistic on May 14, 2007, 11:45:24 AM
you can get those at Rockies games in Denver...
Ah yes... rocky mountain oysters.


Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on May 13, 2007, 01:17:50 AM
Quote from: Senor RedTackle on May 12, 2007, 08:51:36 PM
RT should probably tell LLPP that this 'relationship' has been suspect for sometime and RT is not sure what to do. Most of RT's guy friends give the standard "can her azz" line but it's not that simple.

RT has been cohabitating for almost 2 years. There's definitely been some shared finances involved in the big pad RT bought last year. Fortunately, RT kept everything in his name. Although, RT thinks he made one mistake in lending her $6000 to help out w/ some credit cards...she's never once thanked RT or made any kind of mention of eventual repayment. In fact, she bitched at RT saying "you'll hold it over my head"..WTF??

RT also knew something was wrong a year ago when she busted out the picture frames in the house w/ her and the ex boyfriend. RT took umbrance with said pictures and the ex fiance said i was being over dramatic for having an issue w/ it because he was still a "friend" of hers. Who else lives w/ a chic who keeps pics of her and her ex in the house????

That's just the tip of the iceberg....

Can some of the LLPP members come to Saratoga w/ a sitdown w/ this girl???

My brother,

The LLPP does not need to talk to this girl, we need to talk to you.

You need to kick your ex-FMRT out of the house.  For real.  The Rev is a forgiving guy, but she has shown that she is not trustworthy.  And if she is not trustworthy, you need her out.  You might consider $6,000 a "sunk cost." Let her go with out paying back just to have her out of your hair.  Or, youmay consider tkaing her to small claims court.

The Rev recommends getting a lawyer PRONTO so that you can protect yourself.  The Rev envisions ex-FMRT throwing a restraining order on RT if RT kicks her out.

RT...protect yourself.  Protect yourself.  Protect yourself.

If there is a lawyer on LLPP, hire him.

Get out of this relationship. Cut ex-MNRT off.  Cut her off completely.  She can only corrspond with you through your lawyer.  She will pay back the $6,000.  She will not come near your house.  Do everything you have to do to make sure she does not take advantage of you any further, and especially make sure that she does not use the legal system to screw you over.

RT, the Rev really means no offense, but considering the few things you've mentioned about her (which are WEIRD) and considering how the current political-legal situation in the USA favors women, The Rev thinks RT needs to cover his own ass first, and worry about her feelings last.

Bravo! Said perfectly. +K


me thinks Rt needs a long weekend in vegas to clear his head and have some manly man time


LD11 has been hitting the bottle rather hard the last several weeks.  Always seems to be some type of fun event going on.  Anyway, on my way to golf yesterday, i had to get gas.  LD11 has been driving a company vehicle for several years and has a gas card that requires a 6 digit PIN.  I've had the same PIN for about 3 years now, and all of a sudden, yesterday, I drew a blank.  I STILL can't remember my PIN.  It's official, I am now getting dumber. 




Quote from: regulator on May 14, 2007, 01:42:23 PM
Check your PMs

It'll all come back.  I used the Corporate Card and i'll have to expense it.  STOOPID!!!



Touchdown Tommy

Quote from: Pat Coleman on May 11, 2007, 01:30:58 PM
Quote from: Union89 on May 11, 2007, 12:29:47 PM
LD, our long lost friend Kilted Rat is bucking for the HOF....that's why we haven't seen him in a while....sad but true.

That's odd. TDT swore nobody cared about the HOF. :)

Ask him Pat.  He couldn't careless (which most of the LLPP frat boy crew concurs) about your Hall of Shame.
Chasing MILFs since '82...