FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Naked Nott Run

Quote from: regulator on November 07, 2005, 09:41:56 AM
Quote from: redtackle on November 07, 2005, 09:02:12 AM
- over/under on RT car bombs this sat
- O/U on Frank Rossi mind boggling statistical posts this week
- odds Dawg wheels hot HRgirl from work

Regulator finds it much easier to open up the laptop and read/type on that instead of the blackberry.  He invested in one of those cop car laptop holders.

Secondly to odds-
Over under on the carbombs (assuming a 9:30am EST start)- 11
Frank's statistical posts- 7
Odds Dawg wheels hot HR girl- 15:1.....and here's why.
She knows that the dawg is sweating her worse than a sweating to the oldies tape played at 2X.  There is no way that she is going to fall for any type of verbal gymnastics.  What the dawg needs to do is to fall back in the cut and play the "mystery card"....let her come to the Dawg, DAWG!

Quote from: regulator on November 07, 2005, 11:38:01 AM
Is regulator the only one reading Naked Notts posts and laughing at how amature they are? Case in point-
Coach Queen
And this is only day 1!!!!

RT, a word the the wise,
If you plan on using those plastic shot glasses, you will also need straws to push the shot glass to the bottom of the Guiness.

Been there, done that.

NNR is absolutely baffled at how this unoriginal punk dares call NNR amature... NNR is bringing it, whether it be your cup of tea or NOTT... NNR has recieved praises on several on these amature posts and pitty the fool (MR T STYLE) who talks smack on NNR.

You have yet to post anything original during the UNION/RPI pregame show...

You made odds after Lewd did- unoriginal
You talked about tailgate after everyone mentioned car bombs- unoriginal
you talked about me and hung from RT's sack- unoriginal and needing shelter

I brought such terms as frozen cat turd, Runny Elephant nuggets, Fried Donkey turds (with lewds help) and QUEEF to life on the LL board....
I called Joe King, Joe Queen... still like this one
I made up the progress reports on posters...

RIP RPI is from a shirt Union made my sophmore year... sorry if amature hour isn't your cup of tea, but when your posts get you moved up from the T-ball league AKA the ELITE 8... You my friend have 0 ground to stand on... I once respected you... I still do... I wasnt mad at you before ... I am still not...
You are a flaming fish fart... Amature as it may be
I still love you though...geek
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"

Naked Nott Run

Union 82...stepping up... NNR likes it... RT why is your boy REG a hater... tell him to become a playa
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"

Naked Nott Run

OH PS...REG... I like your posting btw... just bustin balls!
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"

Senor RedTackle

RT has taken a pause out from his day to enjoy some NFL cheerleading drama..

RT wishes he was in said bathroom handing out paper towels for tips at the time this happened.

RT wondering how long the insanity of this Adkin's Diet charade will continue...RT doing well at customer meeting w/ his flank steak until crazy blueberry cobbler is wheeled out in front of RT. RT not a fan of how our corporate briefing center taunts RT with their high-carb desserts


Regulator is one of the meanest hataz LD11 has ever met.  Matching wits with him would be like anyone believing their pimp hand is as strong as LD11's.  Regulator is tough, he's mean, and he's dirty. 

So what you need to do is talk to YO SISTA!!!



Garnet was wondering how long it would take to see that story hit this board.  :D

As far as tailgating on campus at Union....it will be tough.  They usually block off the area right across from the rink for the booster club/parents. 

Other areas to tailgate are behind the fieldhouse and near Kappa Alpha.  The last area for parking/tailgating is very far from the field...the lot across from Ghepetto's

If 'Gro's parents don't mind, maybe you guys can tailgate at their house.  It sounds like they are only a five minute walk to the field.


Regulator is absolutely stunned...
naked comes right after me like a crackhead jumping on a 3/4 smoked newport!

#1 Reg invented odds back in nineteen naughty nine
#2 Reg brought up tailgate because he was curious...He has never been to a good tailgate at union
#3 Reg does not hang off nuts... but think that you should hold a class this afternoon with your students called "writing posts while staying classy"

Finally, who even brought up being mad?  If you get mad at someone for posting something mean about you on a WEBSITE, then you have slightly larger problems then that particular poster.

Love always,


Bobby is having visions of this weekends festivity's in glorious Schenectady.

First vision – RT keeps aTkins going until Saturday, when he is caught in this atkins busting pose...

More visions to come later.....

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Senor RedTackle

Quote from: BobbyBoucher on November 07, 2005, 01:35:46 PM
Bobby is having visions of this weekends festivity's in glorious Schenectady.

First vision – RT keeps aTkins going until Saturday, when he is caught in this atkins busting pose...

More visions to come later.....

RT is impressed...that's not a bad stab at trying to catch the elusive RT on celluoid.


Everyone knew that it was not destined to last..sort of like Michael Jackson avoiding young immigrant boys...RT caved in today when he stepped out to take a cell phone call. Right in front of RT was a table full of extra bluberry cobbler from lunch. RT did everything he could to avoid said delicacies....however, RT did not have the nipple clips and batteries from "Dodge Ball" to help avoid the temptation.

3 plates of cobbler later, RT has assumed his usual 'customer meeting position'...in his chair, laptop on lap, top button undone on pants to relax, full glass of Fresca by his side..



Bobby received this vision via e-mail but has been at a loss for how to apply it to Union - RPI week.  

Carbombs for the winning phrase....

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My prediction for RPI/Union:

RPI 28, Union 21 and RPI guys around the land will be thanking their lucky stars and kissing *our* (meaning Utica College) collective asses when RPI gets the AQ via the tiebreaker because UC's record is better than any other via the qualifying procedures.
Plus, a couple of family members attended RPI, so I will be an honorary RPI supporter this week.

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Naked Nott Run

First off NNR wasn't classless he was joking.

NNR wasnt trying to piss off REG... NNR as stated respects REG's posts, I was just screwin around as I am rarely serious... if offended for any reason my apologies. I look forward to your posts and was just throwing back fun insane crap
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"

Naked Nott Run

Quote from: budcrew08 on November 07, 2005, 02:23:18 PM
My prediction for RPI/Union:

RPI 28, Union 21 and RPI guys around the land will be thanking their lucky stars and kissing *our* (meaning Utica College) collective asses when RPI gets the AQ via the tiebreaker because UC's record is better than any other via the qualifying procedures.
Plus, a couple of family members attended RPI, so I will be an honorary RPI supporter this week.

someone is sad his team has no playoff hopes...in turn jumps on the bandwagon of a team his team lost to... ALLOWED
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


In a valiant effort to prepare himself for Union week, LewDogg11 snapped out of his Alcohol/Chicken Wing coma and showered for the first time since early Saturday evening.  

LewDogg11 was quoted as saying 'The Duckbutter was running heavy today.  I couldn't take it any longer.  I couldn't pee without getting a scented draft from my own balls.'

Reports are out that LewDogg11 is still in critical condition from the Playa Hata Reunion Weekend, but may be getting moved out of the Intensive Care Unit in the next day or two.  Stay Tuned for Further Updates!!!

duckbutter - (noun) - The thick condensate substance that forms underneath the testicles of a male after minutes, hours, or days of showering.  Often used as a weapon when shaking the hand of an enemy.


I just threw up into the can of fresca I was drinking after reading that.