FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Well, the "how you got there" post...great one.

Regulator was the one of the baddest fullbacks to hit the central NY area in a while.  After spreading my highlight video across the country, there were a bunch of coaches that were in constant contact via phone and pulling reg out of class.  Fast forward to the "final few"
Ithaca, RPI, Union, Hobart, Central Conn (I-AA) and a few others.

Went on all the site visits...
Ithaca- good college, they put me with a complete loser(from my area)...the only thing he could tell me about was that he was failing out and had a .39 GPA....real winner.  Had a good time, coaching staff seemed distant (maybe they had someone better than me there???)  Overall good school if you wanted to just play FB.

Union- This was my first recruiting visit, so I acted like a herb (all my dad could tell me is that "they have peope watching you....BLAH BLAH"
ANyway, it would have been a good time at the frat party we were at...but it was so clicky there!!!  WHat I cant talk to girls unless they know me???  what gives?
Met with Audino and let him know right away that Union was going to have to Ante up for me to go there.  Financial aid came....it sucked...talked to Audino and determined the U wasn't a fit.  (over 50% difference from other schools below)

Hobart- Went for a day trip with the OG (old girlfriend).  Had a young coach that was very excited about the program and the "indoor practice arena"...Not too impressed with the academics though....I don't know why....just a feeling.  Found out later that my coach won the "hottest mom/gf recruit award" because of me.  Decent financial aid, but I never followed up with them and they got the point.

Central conn- D1-AA I was promised an instant spot in the lineup.  And wouldn't have to pay anything for tuition with financial aid.....this was my backup choice.

Hartwick-  Final 2 runner up-
Cool college (my brother went here the year after me for baseball)...
I was very interested in this college where they told me they were building the offense "around regulator" for the next year.  Single back set with QB under center.  (mind you the 2 years before they broke every passing record and had about 221 rushing yards)...they REALLY came through with the financial aid becuase they really wanted me there...and I made them go back 3 times for more (playing them against RPI and Vice versa)  I would have had no problem going here.

RPI- Great school, nerdy kids that don't speak english....(they are fluent in IM and that one computer game)  
Bob Jojo was the best of the recruiting coaches across the board.....they really came through with the financial aid and I was VERY impress with the amount of Scholar Athletes on the team!...not one other school even mentioned this!
The deal closer was when the kinger came by my house and put the "soft close" (for you sales guys out there) on me.

I signed my commitment letter that day.

Oh yeah.....and that is when I determined that I was going to be a MGMT major and my lifetime dream of becoming a "sports physician" went out the window.  After that, I realized that all the wrapping of athletes feet with white tape before practice probably wasn't my cup of tea anyways.

Dr. xGSC

Doc feels like being Karma Klaus and spreading some positive Holiday Karma throughout to those who have been good posters.


If you do ANYTHING, give it your EVERYTHING!


Quote from: redtackle on November 28, 2005, 11:35:52 PM
Quote from: rolevio on November 28, 2005, 11:19:11 PM
Rolevio's Idiot Sighting of the Day
Mondays suck.  Mondays after a long weekend suck even more.  Rolevio showed up at work today where it took the boss until lunch to tell Rolevio he had until 4pm to do 2 days worth of work.   As Rolevio still has significant time on his lease, he decided not to thank the boss for waiting 4 hours to tell him when he was sleeping at his desk all morning.   Come 4pm Rolevio is told he needs to make copies and send the work which he did (which was ****ty but done enough to submit) to the client yet didnt tell Rolevio how many copies to make.  Rolevio tried to find out how many copies to make but boss snuck into meeting and wont come out.  Rolevio is then harassed by senior coworker who wants Rolevio to do work when he already declared he had no time at all.

Come  quarter of 5, Post Office is about to close, so Rolevio tosses 3 copies into an envelope and manages to rush to the post office at 10 miles below the speed limit because people don't know how to drive.

Rolevio gets to post office just in time, to find that the two windows are occupied,  the right window is with some clown who wants to ship 30 records, but individually packaged every record despite the fact they were all being shipped to the same place. 

So while that window was busy weighing and printing labels for all 30 records, Rolevio turned to the other window to find a lady with two sons, TRYING TO SHIP LIVESTOCK!  Rolevio has no idea why anyone would think it's a good idea to try to ship livestock overnight, but this lady is in that moronic minority.   

First Rolevio witnessed the lady giving the Postal employee a hard time because she arrived too late to ship livestock overnight.    Then Rolevio witnessed lady giving the postal employee  hard time over the weight of the boxes.  When Potal employee attempted to weight the box, the lady and one son kept tapping the box, because everyone knows you weight things by tapping them from the side so they skip off the platform a little.   Lady said it was to keep the chickens quiet because everyone knows chickens weigh more when they are talking. 

Rolevio then watched as lady gave the employee a hard time over the cost of shipping because with a surplus charge (to handle livestock) she was no longer making money on the deal.  And as everyone knows a local counter worker has the power to change the price a federal beuracracy charges for service.  By the way, it costs about $76 to send 20 pounds of chicken hatchlings from Massachusetts to Arkansaw express delivery.

As a parting amusement, Rolevio couldn't help but openly laugh in her face when the lady had a fit over the fact the USPS doesn't insure livestock shipments.  Apparently she didnt comprehend when you try to overnight or rush a delivery 1500 miles away, they toss the package into a plane cargohold that is unheated and the Postal service wont insure in case the animals freeze in flight.

Rolevio hates people.

Rolevio...classic post. RT was captivated and amused. Typically, when RT opens up the LL board and his eyes see a post of this length, the hairs on the back of RT's neck go up because he's immediately on the defensive thinking he has to read some treatise by Frank or JT or Frank Uible that includes loads of stats..

RT loves these "life story posts"...RT needs to contribute more of his amusing anctedotes to the board since there seems to be plenty of idocracy that RT is surrounded by every day.

The LL board will now become our forum for human drama in the offseason...

JT will try to be brief in future musings.  JT hasn't handed out any neg karma to the boys of the LL.  Its good to be back.

A few days in the sticks of Albany, GA for Turkey Day and a few days in Atlanta. Geez... Atlanta closes up early.  Tried going to this legendary "Southern cuisine" place on Monday night.  Should be open till 9PM.  Got there at 7:15PM and the place was already closing cause it was a slow day.  Wow!

Except for Saturday night, Atlanta's nightlife is pretty dead by 8pm.


Quote from: zachattack22 on November 29, 2005, 11:48:31 AM
RT and other wisemen....How would you handle this...In an administrative office setting, a slightly below average looking female in her 40's is promoted and ZA has to work daily with this person. This person is extremely jealous of ZA's relationships with the employees (business like, but very postivie) She is sneaky and although dysfunctional in many ways, has some talents that are constantly pointed out by a male high and mighty on the corporate ladder who has major influence....He has paved the way for her to achieve no matter how many workers she pisses off and ****s on.  Comes across as the most confident person in the world, but crumbles under pressure...Has made ZA's and many others lives at work absolutely miserable. Employees have gone way up the ladder to complain verbally and in writing, yet she appears untouchable. If she was a hot body, we would at least have some benefit....ZA is actually thinking of moving on....IF she were a guy...ZA would have already taken care of this matter with an old school clothesline!

Let me sum this up....If RT worked an 18 hour day and killed himself for the company, this would go unnoticed.  If this person ZA is referring to got called in to work 2 extra hours, the entire population of NY would know about it and she would be getting letters of praise and such and would most likely be told to go home early the next day to "rest up"....ZA never quits, and usually figures things out in the work place, however, she has survived this way for 3 years and its getting worse....

As a group you must undermine/sabotage her efforts before she gets promoted again.  Then its all over and I'd recommend greener pastures.  There must be ways to get her to implode and use her sneakiness against her.


LLPP ALL STARS... Eat all you want... fame and fortune awaits! [/b]

After watching the season finale of the biggest loser last night, gro has come to this conclusion... Gro needs to gain about 100 pounds. Once the weight is on, Gro can get on that show... lose the weight and some more, and win the cheddar in the end.

Gro would add some spice to a reletively dull show, macking the fat girls with low self esteem (they need love too, don't act like you haven't been hogging in your life)... maybe start a fight with a cast member, go to sea world take my pants off.


Quote from: EngiNegro on November 30, 2005, 11:50:12 AM
LLPP ALL STARS... Eat all you want... fame and fortune awaits! [/b]

After watching the season finale of the biggest loser last night, gro has come to this conclusion... Gro needs to gain about 100 pounds. Once the weight is on, Gro can get on that show... lose the weight and some more, and win the cheddar in the end.

Gro would add some spice to a reletively dull show, macking the fat girls with low self esteem (they need love too, don't act like you haven't been hogging in your life)... maybe start a fight with a cast member, go to sea world take my pants off.

Rolevio would watch that show!  America would be captivated.  Maybe one week the LLPP All-Star Bus could roll up to the show's house.
In Search of Holladawg


bigdvs's early take on this weeks east final, the del valers all come down with a nasty case of the runs and are so dehydrated it looks like the will have to forfiet, when (dun, dun, dun) the super LL team UNHOBRPI decked in zuba striped orange, garnet and red unis storms thje field and jacks Glassboro Mustardheads 72-3, thanks to the amazing coaching job done by 'Gro, RT, Frank Rossi and NNR. bigdvs as usually will be networking and getting drunk off of bigdvs's homebrew vino.

The only true currency in this bankrupt world... is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Frank Rossi

Quote from: rolevio on November 30, 2005, 01:20:31 PM
Quote from: EngiNegro on November 30, 2005, 11:50:12 AM
LLPP ALL STARS... Eat all you want... fame and fortune awaits! [/b]

After watching the season finale of the biggest loser last night, gro has come to this conclusion... Gro needs to gain about 100 pounds. Once the weight is on, Gro can get on that show... lose the weight and some more, and win the cheddar in the end.

Gro would add some spice to a reletively dull show, macking the fat girls with low self esteem (they need love too, don't act like you haven't been hogging in your life)... maybe start a fight with a cast member, go to sea world take my pants off.

Rolevio would watch that show!  America would be captivated.  Maybe one week the LLPP All-Star Bus could roll up to the show's house.

And then, Ty Pennington and the "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" crew can come over, escort Gro out of his front door into the crying arms of Richard Simmons, and five days later invite him back, where all the neighbors will chant...

"Move that bus!"


Quote from: bigdvs on November 30, 2005, 02:03:19 PM
bigdvs's early take on this weeks east final, the del valers all come down with a nasty case of the runs and are so dehydrated it looks like the will have to forfiet, when (dun, dun, dun) the super LL team UNHOBRPI decked in zuba striped orange, garnet and red unis storms thje field and jacks Glassboro Mustardheads 72-3, thanks to the amazing coaching job done by 'Gro, RT, Frank Rossi and NNR. bigdvs as usually will be networking and getting drunk off of bigdvs's homebrew vino.

Will Frank Rossi be broadcasting and coaching?
In Search of Holladawg

Frank Rossi

So, c'mon guys, let's start getting a roster built.  One of you E8 guys can get the roster built on that board, since I know I'd get smited if I even breathed over on the E8 board.


Also, I have a preliminary schedule, that would have to be approved by the various members and schools listed, for the LL/E8 PP Bowl:

Saturday, March 25. 2006:  Union College
Saturday, March 26, 2007:  Utica College
Saturday, March 28, 2008:  WPI (assuming it stays in the league)
Saturday, March 29, 2009:  Springfield College
Saturday, March 30, 2010:  RPI (by then, the new field should be ready)

I feel this both centralizes the locations for all the NYC/Boston/Western NY folks, while providing WPI a game before the Engineers decide to take the Coast Guard path out of the LL.

Frank Rossi

Quote from: rolevio on November 30, 2005, 02:10:39 PM
Quote from: bigdvs on November 30, 2005, 02:03:19 PM
bigdvs's early take on this weeks east final, the del valers all come down with a nasty case of the runs and are so dehydrated it looks like the will have to forfiet, when (dun, dun, dun) the super LL team UNHOBRPI decked in zuba striped orange, garnet and red unis storms thje field and jacks Glassboro Mustardheads 72-3, thanks to the amazing coaching job done by 'Gro, RT, Frank Rossi and NNR. bigdvs as usually will be networking and getting drunk off of bigdvs's homebrew vino.

Will Frank Rossi be broadcasting and coaching?

Yes.  I made sure we purchased a wireless microphone and headphones for a reason.  That would be the reason.


Ask Pat Sajack for a few vowels... Gro likes

The UNIHOBARPI Fighting Statesgineersmen, from Holland

Frank Rossi

Quote from: Garnet on November 30, 2005, 02:17:37 PM


This the same Garnet that dared brag about golfing in warm weather during a certain play-by-play guy's freezing spell Saturday?


Quote from: Frank Rossi on November 30, 2005, 02:20:53 PM
Quote from: Garnet on November 30, 2005, 02:17:37 PM


This the same Garnet that dared brag about golfing in warm weather during a certain play-by-play guy's freezing spell Saturday?

Not this Garnet!  This Garnet was unable to listen to the broadcast over the weekend due to family obligations.  He called U89 from the car for the game re-cap.   This Garnet would love to get a round of golf in since he has not been able to play since the birth of his son.