FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Quote from: Holladawg on December 01, 2005, 05:40:20 PM
The Dawg actually had a Real World character spotting as well.  Dawg was in some Mexican place in San Francisco & saw Montana from the RW Boston.  Now if Yellow thought Anne was a little beat up in person, Dawg suspects Montana must have fell down from the same ugly tree that Anne fell from as well. 

On a side note, Dawg performed his first "Homewrecker - Revenge at Home" stunt the other day and it was pretty damn funny.  Too bad Dawg's mom was the recipient.  She was a good sport though.

There are only 2 people from that show that Reg hates with a passion.....
Montana and Beth.  
Beth is regs arch enemy.....if she lived around here he would TP her house for no reason.

Secondly, Dawg....
WHich stunt did you pull???
The flower in the attic?
Eggs in the cupboard?
Did you antique her?
Or...my favorite, tape the sprayer in the sink wide open


Quote from: EngiNegro on December 01, 2005, 03:07:30 PM
Quote from: regulator on December 01, 2005, 02:15:54 PM
Reg is watching the season 2 gauntlet on MTV....would you believe that Timmy is still on the show?????
The guy is like 40, can he not get a real job?

How would my life be different if I took a semester off at RPI and went on the real world? That would be hot..... Reg would probably still be making cameos at night clubs.

Reg, we've had this discussion. Gro doesn't think you're real world material. Too much of a hard azz but not enough of an instigator, that's just Gro's opinion.

We all know Gro wouldn't make the cut because Gro gets along w/ everyone and doesn't do anything too crazy except steal scarecrows and wake up half naked with a Patrick Ewing jersey on.

The winner my friends, is Lewdogg11. Gro knows this cat, Gro lived with this cat for 3 years. LD11 could have his own reality show. Too bad he's way too old for MTV now, the cutoff is 24.

'Gro, thanks for your vote of confidence.  I often think of how I would've done in 'The Real World'.  I probably woulda got voted out of the house.  I mean, seriously, how do you live with a bunch of hot chicks and not try to hook up with every single one of them at one point or another?  And then roled in with some strange the next night.

I always remember thinking, if I showed up at the house during episode 1, I'd roll in there with a couple 30 packs, a bottle of Dr. McGillicutty, and some Andre.  How better than to meet your new roomies than to get slammed in the hot tub? 

Speaking of Reality shows...LD11's travelling road show made it's way home today for the first time since Playa Hata weekend nearly a month ago.  LD11 sat on the thrown to have a poo, when he looked down and saw what looked like throw up on the front of his toilet, and ran all the way down to the floor.  All I could think of were 'Gro and Krazy Krazy were here puking last time I was even here.  You nasty MFers!  Didn't even clean your own puke!


LD11 bet the kitchen sink on Akron getting 13 points tonight parlayed with an over of 54.  10- Akron right now in the First.  I need some points.  Like the 23 point cushion though!


Gro swears it wasn't him who stained the toilet with his insides... Gro's yacking was on point at the playa hata reunion and all calls to dinosaurs were planted in the center of the bowl.

28 Colvin Circle would of been better than half of the real world seasons!


ACMob ain't happy with Union2004 comment that U "... would have dominated... " Rowan if the "weather would have cooperated" on the Daily Dose.  >:( >:(

Rowan hasn't been dominated by many teams over the last decade, and certainly NO
East squads.  PLU(99), Linfield(04), MU(prior) Stagg Bowls are the only squads that can say they "dominated" RU!!  Union's top receiver has 200+ yards receiving and they still get beat.  The weather conditions did not hamper the Profs?!?  Gimme a break!!

No offense to 'Bart & RPI, but AC's hopeful that Union and Rowan meet in the playoffs next year with their top players all healthy and perfect weather condition.  Union is a very good team, but they need to dominate their conf. rivals before they could even imagine whuppin' the Profs. :P

If RU  has their top lineup all year; they would be playing Union @ the 'Boro only if they beat DVC last week and the home team would be doing the "Monkey Stomping" for sure!! 



you are a genious




Don't waste your time in this conference board any more.....they don't even talk football any more since they lost!



Quote from: RowanTexan on December 01, 2005, 09:32:10 PM

Don't waste your time in this conference board any more.....they don't even talk football any more since they lost!


Yeeee Hawwwwww.  Dirty Jerz Redneck.  What a combination. 


RowanTexan and ACMob....

ZA didn't see this comment on the weather situation and does not believe anyone can make statements regarding "IF's"...If the weather was better, etc...

Will state that Union was equal to Rowan, fat and simple....bottom line, Rowan's reputation for domintating is gone....BUT, they still won and regardless of any issues, ZA will always give credit to the team that scored more points, because after all, that's what is intended.....

We NEVER talked alot of football even when things looked GREAT because we all have sense of humors and like to have fun...simple as that!  No one can tell us to "get a life" because we already have a life....

Find a place to "pander" where people will actually listen to you bacause no one here really cares enough to what you have to say....


ZA, since no one gives positive Karma anymore, I got you.


If you remember the statement ZA had to say regarding paying higher insurance premiums because your teenage daughter is now driving....Well, this is the 2nd week in a row that ZA has used said teenager daughter to drop ZA off at the local pub and pick up ZA three hours later and all ZA can say is....



Thanks Lewdogg...

After several captain morgans, ZA would like to say THANK YOU!!!


And Rolevio got both Lewdogg and ZA.  Rolevio thought about smiting ACMob but his karma is so low he may overtake Reno for lowest Karma in the East, Rolevio didnt want to contribute to that.

Rolevio sees NIU is leading Akron 30-24!
In Search of Holladawg


"Rowan hasn't been dominated by many teams over the last decade, and certainly NO East squads." 

AC, you almost take all the fun out of it.  I am so glad to see you expanded the time frame for discussion.  Since we are now talking about a decade let me refresh your memory.  

November 1997 - Williamsport, PA - and what do we see in our crystal ball?  A tear-jerker come-from-behind defeat that Lycoming dished out to a way over confident Rowan squad that thought for sure the game was over - their coach forgot to remind them thay had to play tough football for two halfs.  

Lycoming College, in a 28 degree sideways blizzard scores 28 unanswered points in the second half to defeat the "Beast" 28-21 in the NCAA seminfinals.  Rowan didn't even cover the final kickoff - recovered by Lycoming on the Rowan 28 and they just ran out the clock.

The fans, myself included, along with the team brought down the goalposts while the stunned players from the Boro sat in tears where they stood as the game ended while we tore down the goalposts.

Perhaps not fully qualified as domination - but accurate, thrilling and remarkable considering the true differences between the two programs at the time (Rowan's employment of higher echelon players and some really old college students too)

As they say, around these parts, TASTE IT.


Ro, thanks buddy.  I'll hook you up. 

I don't know if anyone is watching the Akron NIU game.  I parlayed the over and Akron.  Akron was getting 13 points and the O/U was 54.  Less than 2 minutes left 30-24 NIU.  The odds makers are amazing.  I need a miracle!!!  Akron TD makes LD11 have some fat pockets!!!