FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Jonny Utah

ok, heres some LSAT prep for those just off a hard season of d3football.

Rowan is to Texan as....

a. table is to chair
b. water is to ice
c. dirt is to mud.
d. gay is to cowboy

Hey, I know its an easy one but gay cowboys are fun for bachelortte parties.


Quote from: EngiNegro on December 02, 2005, 08:31:46 AM
DirtyTX- Only 2 things come from texas... and you don't look like a steer to Gro.

I applauded you for this line, Gro.
Drill Instructor: How tall are you private?
Cowboy: Sir! Five foot nine, sir!
Drill Instructor: Five foot nine? I didn't know they stacked **** that high! You tryin' to squeeze an inch in on me somewhere, huh?
Cowboy: Sir! No Sir!
Drill Instructor: Bull****. It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress! I think you been cheated! Where in the hell are you from anyway, private?
Cowboy: Sir! Texas, Sir!
Drill Instructor: Holy dog ****! Texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy. And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down. Do you suck dicks?
Cowboy: Sir! No Sir!
Drill Instructor: Are you a peter puffer?
Cowboy: Sir! No Sir!
Drill Instructor: I'll bet you're the kinda guy that would **** a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you.

(from moviesounds.com ... a good site .... and not mine, so I wanted to give credit)


Quote from: jonny utah on December 02, 2005, 09:27:31 AM
ok, heres some LSAT prep for those just off a hard season of d3football.

Rowan is to Texan as....

a. table is to chair
b. water is to ice
c. dirt is to mud.
d. gay is to cowboy

Hey, I know its an easy one but gay cowboys are fun for bachelortte parties.

I would've picked 'c.  dirt is to mud'


Quote from: Holladawg on December 02, 2005, 09:38:32 AM
Quote from: RowanTexan on December 01, 2005, 09:35:21 PM
Good Luck to all!

At least the people on this conference board have some class unlike those punk a$$'s in the Liberty League.



Dawg just popped his head into the MAC room and came upon some very interesting tidbits of information.

Figures. The guy likes to hit and run between PP boards. What a fag.

Kilted Rat


KR watched the end of the Akron game from a bar where they made the mistake of allowing KR "all KR can eat" wings for $2.99 with $2.50 tallboys. Beautiful game and ending, almost as good as the 4 dozen wings KR ate that are now destroying KR's intestines from within.

KR's wife was studying last night, so KR had a ride to and from said bar with permission to take full advantage of 16 oz of beer for $2.50 each.

You're an idiot. You've proven that no only are you incapable of spelling; but you are also incapable of using proper punctuation and capitalization. The shift key serves a function other than flipping the paddles on your Pinball game.
What does the CK stand for? Are you Superman's alterego? Or are you paying homage to your favorite clothing manufacturer?

KR believes it is better to misspell by leaving out a letter rather than adding an extra one.

Outlook is flashing at KR again.


Karma to the LLer's smite to The non-steer and the cow he rode in on.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.

Naked Nott Run

KR good stuff.

Lewd I am an ass-hat :) my bad homes... BREAST-FEED

Rowan Texan... maybe if you leave enough 1 liners everywhere your -karma won't match your post count...

Gro- what any rules on beating up a kid and not feeling bad?... kid is 17
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


Quote from: Holladawg on December 02, 2005, 09:33:55 AM
Dawg just loves LD11's tenacity. He's gonna be one hell of a playa on our LL PP Allstar team.

And now to....

Dawg's Top 5 Things He Does When He Wakes Up In The Morning

1. Hit snooze 5 times
2. Check LL Post Patterns
3. Brush teeth
4. Check LL Post Patterns
5. Head out for the day not before one last check on LL Post Patterns

Gro hit snooze 6 times today, which is sad since Gro moved the alarm clock to the other side of the room.

Quote from: kiltedrat on December 02, 2005, 09:45:25 AM
The shift key serves a function other than flipping the paddles on your Pinball game.

Ha! nice line KR, already gave you karma for your icon... will have to set Gro's karmalarm for 12 hours.

Quote from: Naked Nott Run on December 02, 2005, 09:53:42 AM
Gro- what any rules on beating up a kid and not feeling bad?... kid is 17

Don't feel bad at all, unless it will get you fired. Gro had a part time gig as a substitute teacher right after he graduated... Mount Pleasent Middle School in skin-neck-titty. a 6th grader wanted to fight me! he didn't even come up to my chest.


Quote from: Holladawg on December 02, 2005, 09:33:55 AM
Dawg just loves LD11's tenacity.  He's gonna be one hell of a playa on our LL PP Allstar team.

Dawg, what LD11 lacks in size and social skill, he makes up with tenacity.  A lot of girls have said no to LD11, but his tenacity forced them to drink more until they changed their mind.

As far as the LL PP Allstar team goes, if we have a solid o-line and LD11 doesn't have to move, he can wing the ball all over the field.  

One time a riot broke out in lovely Bob's Diner at 4:30 am in Watervliet, NY.  LD11, in fear of his life spotted the culprit and, without thought, proceeded to pick up his coffee mug and begin to fire it at said culprit's head at point blank range.  Luckily for LD11, someone stopped LD11's arm mid throw and the coffee mug went through the ceiling.  TO this day, LD11 thanks his lucky charms for the result.  The cuplrit may likely have been killed by such a traumatic blow to the head, resulting in LD11 becoming the only PP member posting from his jail cell.


Lewd I am an ass-hat  my bad homes... BREAST-FEED

Garnet's wife does not like it when he uses this term.  She prefers nursing.  Women  ::)


So I've been using the same dip-spitter for like 2 months now.  It's one of those mini-Fiji Water Bottles.  I fill it up, dump it and rinse it.  I love this little spitter.  But even though I wash it out, it's starting to develop some disgusting growths inside the bottle.  i refuse to throw it out.  I have bonded with said bottle and will continue using it until the plastic melts off and I spit, and the residue runs down my leg.


This is all ZA has to say about "Rowan-Texan".....

"He's so dim, his psychic carries a flashlight"!!!

"And he's so slow he has to speed up to stop"!!!


Quote from: lewdogg11 on December 02, 2005, 10:10:37 AM
One time a riot broke out in lovely Bob's Diner at 4:30 am in Watervliet, NY.

Gro was involved in so many riots at late night eateries he can't remember if he was there to back up LD11, or if he just remembers hearing the story.

Was gro there? were we with some arm candy by the names of BBB and purple thong girl?


Quote from: EngiNegro on December 02, 2005, 10:17:47 AM
Quote from: lewdogg11 on December 02, 2005, 10:10:37 AM
One time a riot broke out in lovely Bob's Diner at 4:30 am in Watervliet, NY.

Gro was involved in so many riots at late night eateries he can't remember if he was there to back up LD11, or if he just remembers hearing the story.

Was gro there? were we with some arm candy by the names of BBB and purple thong girl?

Nah nah.  You weren't there.  BBB wasn't there.  It was BBL, and it was after a Hair of the Dog show.  My boys from home were there and one got spit on by said culprit by mistake, right before the culprit pulled out a dew-rag with a pad lock tied to the end of it and started swinging it around.  That was when LD11 fired away and all hell broke loose.

All I can remember is broken glass in my gravy fries with cheese.  It was  a sad sad day!


Wow, Bob's Diner in watervliet!!!  Forgot about that place....Use to fill up with some wild crowds in the a.m. hours....Had fun in there meself years ago!!!

Hey, speaking of good grub places....if you know where Everett Road in Albany is, go to the Everett Road "BEFFS" Place....Stands for Big Ed FatFields....Beffs....

You gotta order their version of a "chicken tender" called "Chicken Toes"....Big, huge beer battered chicken breasts deep fried to perfection....You get five of those bad boys with a honey mustard sauce and its an apetizer that can spoil your meal they're so filling...Had two orders last night with my 15 drinks....

Damn...all ZA can say is that if those things are the Chicken's toes, I'd be pretty darn scared of the Chicken!!!!


Gro stopped by Bob's last week when he was home... had the gravy fries and tons of other fried food.