FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Karma forever for JU, that and the "cars of the LLPP" post are instant classics!!

"Hey, I'm running the cot damn ISO here... you! Harold, you're the Mike linebacker... What?  Well if you DON'T, I'm gonna break your friggen hip AGAIN!! p.s. Those pictures your grandkids make with the painted macaroni... THEY SUCK!!!"


You two are out of control!

Why the hate?  Would you have rather me not bring the LLPP into these discussions?  I almost bought a Jag!...I needed help!

Touchdown Tommy

Regulator you shouldn't mess with TDT's posse...You knew TDT was just sweatin' you but when you become REGuhator it means that Enginegro and Jonny U come out to beat you like a redheaded step child.  Ho hum just another day in the LLPP...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Speaking of cars JT saw a Cooper mini this w/e with a personalized license plate MINIMFN.  JT goes to FMJT, "I guarantee there's no mini muffin in that car, gotta be a friendosaurus."

FMJT:  She could be cute, you don't know.

JT: Nah, that license plate is a wish.

FMJT:  I dunno a mini is a cute chick kinda of car.  I want one.... See?

JT: Loser buys dinner when we get home.

FMJT: Deal.

JT drove up right next to said mini.  Man was it painful.  She looked like the witch from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, only not green.  Had to be about two-fitty, may have had facial hair.  Yowza!

Anyway the porterhouse, wine, and dessert was quite tasty.


Great stuff JT.

I don't know if you guys remeber that one picture I posted of the girl that sat right next to me in the airport 2 years ago, however, I still BOL about that.

+1k to FMJT for knowing what friendosaurus meant
+1k to JT for sharing


When I described friendosaurus to FMJT.  She was oh yeah, if you have a couple of those around it just makes you that much better looking.

So they do it on purpose.  Who's worse the women who use them, or the men who call them on it?


Quote from: JT on July 07, 2008, 04:33:13 PM
Speaking of cars JT saw a Cooper mini this w/e with a personalized license plate MINIMFN.  JT goes to FMJT, "I guarantee there's no mini muffin in that car, gotta be a friendosaurus."

FMJT:  She could be cute, you don't know.

JT: Nah, that license plate is a wish.

FMJT:  I dunno a mini is a cute chick kinda of car.  I want one.... See?

JT: Loser buys dinner when we get home.

FMJT: Deal.

JT drove up right next to said mini.  Man was it painful.  She looked like the witch from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, only not green.  Had to be about two-fitty, may have had facial hair.  Yowza!

Anyway the porterhouse, wine, and dessert was quite tasty.

+K for making The Rev laugh long and hard at the end of a pretty ishy day.



Reg just read that article and thought, "are we really still spending billions of dollars a year sending people to space?"
What could be so great up there that we missed it the last 465 times we were there?!?  Seriously, is space even a cool place to go?  Didn't Lance Bass make the trip?

Second, there is still a $1.6b spectrometer that we haven't yet brought to the space station because of what happened with the challenger in 2003....so you mean to tell me that for the last 5 years, this that that cost taxpayers one and a half billion dollars is just chilling in some closet somewhere?  Come on NASA!


Dear Reg,

unfortunetly, space is no longer cool.  It died when this doofus got to speak at our commencement.



'Groseph G. 'Grobertson III


Just watched the Penn & Teller  Bullsh!t episode the other night about NASA. Pretty funny stuff.
You still can't beat a glass of Tang though.


Quote from: finsleft on July 08, 2008, 02:02:38 PM
Just watched the Penn & Teller  Bullsh!t episode the other night about NASA. Pretty funny stuff.
You still can't beat a glass of Tang though.

Nothing beats Tang.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


What's going to be the mood of the markets today boys - yesterday's late rally on Bernanke & Oil enough to spark a little upside for the rest of the week???

Q2 earnings should be an interesting ride.


Market?  Is this what we now call a market?


This is the first time I've heard of an "earthern berm"...........

'The Bos' upgrades in the works

By DAVID L. SHAW / Finger Lakes Times
Monday, July 7, 2008 3:36 PM CDT

GENEVA — Hobart College's venerable Boswell Field may be getting artificial turf, lights, new bleachers and more, as part of an $8.7 million makeover.

College officials presented the Boswell field plans at a recent city Planning Board meeting.

They also include:

* Removing an earthen berm, at the north end of the field, which prevents passersby from seeing the activities on the field during games.

* Removing bleachers on the visitors (east side) of the field and replacing them with a grassy berm for more "casual'' seating, but still within the fence.

* Replacing the bleachers and the press box on the west side with new seats with handrails, and moving them further south. The net result will be reduced seating capacity — from 4,500 to 3,000.

* Upgrading the Elliott Varsity House, the locker room-training area under the stands. New lockers for William Smith teams will be added.

Hobart Athletic Director Michael J. Hanna said Boswell — or "The Bos'' as it's known — has a grass field that is more than 30 years old and "is tired."

"It's just not as accessible a field as we'd like for the weather we have in the Northeast," Hanna said.

"[Having] An all-weather turf field will open it up to not only Hobart football, lacrosse and soccer, but William Smith lacrosse and soccer, plus intramurals and even as a venue for sectional high school games," Hanna said.

"Being able to play games day and night also allows for more use of the field," he said.

The west side grandstands are out of date, with no handrails, Hanna noted. The new grandstands will be steeper and closer to the field, plus have more safety features.

"We feel these improvements will greatly enhance the facilities for so many more people. It will still be 'The Bos,' only better,'' Hanna said.

If all goes as planned, this fall will be the final Hobart football season on the Boswell grass field. A groundbreaking would occur right after football season ends.

All of next spring's lacrosse home games will be at McCooey Field, a synthetic field on campus. In the fall of 2009, the new field would be ready for football.

Deb Steward, William Smith athletic director, agreed with Hanna's assessment of the need for the planned improvements and said the proposal is exciting for William Smith athletes and students.

"It will make it a much more attractive venue and much more usable to so many more athletic teams, athletes, both intercollegiate and intramural," she said.

"And, for the first time ever, William Smith teams will be able to play on Boswell," Steward added.

She said William Smith field hockey would likely continue playing on McCooey Field.

Jeffrey Rokow, Planning Board chairman, said the initial presentation was for informational purposes only, and the college is not seeking any site plan approvals yet.

Still, he said board members had some questions and concerns.

"I believe they are talking about four, 80-foot-high light poles. Some of us need to be convinced that the spillover from those lights will not be a distraction to motorists driving by on Hamilton Street," Rokow said.

"If the lights are a distraction, it could be a traffic safety issue."

Rokow said the planners may visit other fields with similar lights and explore whether there are ways to reduce or eliminate "spillover" lighting.

"If we have these concerns, it will be up to them to address them to our satisfaction," Rokow said.

College officials are expected to attend the July 21 Planning Board meeting.


More SI swimsuit models .

And the first Thong of the Day for July.  July has been a good month so far.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).