FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Anyone know why the picture Garnet posted above shrunk? It was much larger.


Quote from: knightstalker on December 07, 2005, 11:58:33 AM
Knightstalker announces new career strategy![/size][/color]

Knightstalker is considering a career move.  Knightstalker is getting too old to be an hourly employee.  Knightstalker is embarking on his career advancement strategy immediately.  In the desire to become an IT director or Project Manager Stalker will now take the following steps to show his qualifications for management.
1.   Knightstalker will cease to do any relevant work, will arbitrarily creat deadlines and then not meet them.
2.   KS will only be found at Stalkers desk when eating or surfing the internet.
3.   KS will dedicate even more time to D3 Post Patterns, most specifically the LL pages as this is where all the sound and reasonable advice is provided.
4.   Knightstalker will always be unavailable for meeting because KS will create meetings in his outlook calendar for the entire work day with the exception of lunch and scheduled internet time.
5.   Knightstalker will reply to emails flagged urgent within 96 hours of receiving said emails.  All other emails may never be replied to.
6.   Knightstalker will immediately cease to listen to voice mail messages and will not clean them out thereby avoiding the risk of accidentally hearing a message.
7.   Knightstalker will start storing two fifths of Jack Daniels in his bottom desk drawer for crisis intervention.
Knightstalker would appreciate any other suggestions that would place him on the fast track to becoming an IT director and eventually if proper level of incompetence and complete lack of understanding of IT mission is achieved Knightstalker would become CIO.

Dear candidate,

Thank you for submitting your resume.  We will be getting back to you shortly, please do not call us, we will call you.


PS-  If RT wants a G6, bently, and a fat expense account, you may want to consider adding some value to our company.


you know you have a problem when you leave a meeting to "check voicemail/email" and you really just want to check the posts.




Is there something else to your signature besides being a Drag-On skit?

"i can't wait to line up on saterday and see if your boys are as tough as you guys build them up to be."



Nah Regulator says that it is only from his (Drag ons) skit.  He used to run around campus telling most girls in sight, that "they need to talk to their sisters".

Something that the LLPP INC. HQ will NOT have is bathroom attendants. 

These are the cats that will not let you out the bathroom unless you give them a dollar.  Please dood, if I need someone to squirt soap in my hands...I would bring in one of the helpdesk ladies.

And secondly, if I want to walk out of the bathroom without washing my hands, don't look at me like I just picked picked up a terd off the floor.



Reg ~

Agreed, Union89 hates the bathroom attendant also....outside of really nice restaurants, where do we find bathroom attendants??  YOU GOT IT!!  Scores in NYC, the Foxy Lady in RI...really nice strip joints.  Why add such a brutal service to such a perfect atmosphere?? 

Finally, what total jackass would...pay for a lapdance, then go to the head and give the attendant 3 bucks...$1 for the soap squirt and $2 for the squirt of 'Wild Boar' Musk Cologne??

Union89 thinks that from this day forward, anytime he encounters a bathroom attendant, he will treat him like Jim Carey did in "Cable Guy."


the same kind of jackasses that frequent strip clubs, give their money to the girls, then tell their boys "I think she likes me!" DON'T GIVE MONEY TO STRIPPERS OR BATHROOM ATTENDANTS PLEASE

Quote from: Union89 on December 07, 2005, 06:51:39 PM
Reg ~

Agreed, Union89 hates the bathroom attendant also....outside of really nice restaurants, where do we find bathroom attendants?? YOU GOT IT!! Scores in NYC, the Foxy Lady in RI...really nice strip joints. Why add such a brutal service to such a perfect atmosphere??

Finally, what total jackass would...pay for a lapdance, then go to the head and give the attendant 3 bucks...$1 for the soap squirt and $2 for the squirt of 'Wild Boar' Musk Cologne??

Union89 thinks that from this day forward, anytime he encounters a bathroom attendant, he will treat him like Jim Carey did in "Cable Guy."


Quote from: RowanTexan on December 07, 2005, 07:48:34 PM
the same kind of jackasses that frequent strip clubs, give their money to the girls, then tell their boys "I think she likes me!" DON'T GIVE MONEY TO STRIPPERS OR BATHROOM ATTENDANTS PLEASE

Quote from: Union89 on December 07, 2005, 06:51:39 PM
Reg ~

Agreed, Union89 hates the bathroom attendant also....outside of really nice restaurants, where do we find bathroom attendants?? YOU GOT IT!! Scores in NYC, the Foxy Lady in RI...really nice strip joints. Why add such a brutal service to such a perfect atmosphere??

Finally, what total jackass would...pay for a lapdance, then go to the head and give the attendant 3 bucks...$1 for the soap squirt and $2 for the squirt of 'Wild Boar' Musk Cologne??

Union89 thinks that from this day forward, anytime he encounters a bathroom attendant, he will treat him like Jim Carey did in "Cable Guy."

How you gonna make any money then RowanTexan?  Is this reverse psychology?


Are you calling me a stripper or a bathrrom attendant dawg?



I thought you had said before that you put soap on drunk guys hands for a living...No?


No I said I get drunk and put soap on strippers



So tonight LD11 parlayed Notre Dame +8.5 vs Alabama, and Detrout U +1 vs. Wright State.  Granted, I never even heard of Detroit U or Wright St, but seeing that Eminem got back with Kim, I think I owe them something.  

Notre Dame on the other hand is up by 5 in the 2nd half.  They keep it up and Regulator is gonna get some Fighting Irish booty tonight!!!


once while in a club bman had a girl come up and say "Hi you look great...can you buy me a drink?"  Bman's response:  "Sure ...if you can show me ten dollars"...

Bman's friends found it highly amusing, until one of his other friends bought her a drink...and got some later benefits....

Bman's lesson in all this....that bathroom attendant might have a sister....who is a stripper :)


LD11 cosidering a career change!!!
Due to LD11's recent success, he has decided to quit his current job and become a professional gambler.  He made about $10K in 4 casino trips last year, and is currently making about $35/hr betting college and professional sports.  LD11 believes if he quits his day job, he can take that time to handicap more games, and can focus more on his gambling habits.  Instead of getting paid to actually work, he can get paid to bet on games, and ask to be paid in all $1 bills so that they can be more easily used at strip clubs and in coke machines, not to mention the new 'All in One' machines at hotels which offer Potato chips, Soda, Toothpaste, condoms, and nail clippers.  LD11 is rumored to be putting said 'All in one' vending machine into the Pimp Palace.


Quote from: bman on December 07, 2005, 08:15:51 PM
once while in a club bman had a girl come up and say "Hi you look great...can you buy me a drink?"  Bman's response:  "Sure ...if you can show me ten dollars"...

Bman's friends found it highly amusing, until one of his other friends bought her a drink...and got some later benefits....

Bman's lesson in all this....that bathroom attendant might have a sister....who is a stripper :)

True story...

LD11 doesn't like strip clubs.  While in Vegas this past April for Older LD11's bachelor party, LD11 found himself at a blackjack table being dragged to a strip club.  Being down a considerable amount, LD11 had $400 left to his name.  In a drunken stupor LD11 let it ride.  Blackjack!  LD11's $400 turned into $1000 and we made our way to the 'Spearmint Rhino'. 

Again, LD11 HATES strip clubs.  But being it is his only brother's bachelor party, he decides to hook a brother up, as well as everyone else at the bachelor party.  Not that LD11 wanted one, but he wasn't accomadted back at ALL for his generosity.  It was edging 7am when one of the 'dancers' decides to ask LD11 why he looks so mad.  Big mistake.  Leave LD11 alone.  This 'dancer' has taken a liking to one of LD11's counterparts, and LD11 is trying to get everyone to leave. 

Said 'dancer' asks LD11 why he doesn't just leave.  LD11 replies 'Give me $20 and i'm outta here.'  Said 'dancer' leaves and LD11 figures she's getting Johnny Muscle Neck to kick him out.  Wrong.  She comes back with a $20 spot.  LD11 and one of his friends, we'll call him 'Onions', rolls out and back to the Casino where LD11 goes on a roll of a lifetime paying for his entire trip and then some. 

Moral of the story? 

Why buy the cow, when you get the sex for free?