FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Gro hit up the gym after work. Mondays are usually a good crowd at any gym. That's the day that people, particularly women "get back into it". All gro saw in this gym was wall to wall roided out meatheads. There were maybe 4 girls there, and 2 of them needed a 2nd glance to confirm that they were of the female gender.

Anyhow, Gro went through his workout routine but noticed that the manager had thrown in some kind of early 90's rap mix into the sound systems. We're talking about 'rump shaker'... 'the dip' (you remember: I put my hand up on your hip, when i dip you dip we dip)... there were others but Gro can't even remember them at this time.

Touchdown Tommy

Gro that sounds like the Brian Bosworth Gym of Chattanooga.  Bus recommends you quickly change your membership to the local Lifetime Fitness or Bally's Fitness where you can "sniff seats" instead of watch the Meatheads try to impress the Shemans.

LD11: Bus wants to know the spread tonite.  Are you putting action on the game?  Bus would like to recommend that LD11 head the gambling division of LLPP, Inc. and be in charge of placing the odds for all D3 games next season.

Chasing MILFs since '82...

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: JT on December 12, 2005, 04:36:05 PM
Quote from: Garnet on December 12, 2005, 04:16:54 PM
And never use drugs at an office party....

What if you see the CFO doing coke and weed with mailroom guys like JT did early in his career?

You shake your head and say to the CEO..."Bob (or his name), don't do that mailroom bull****...come back to my office and we'll bust out the good coke I use on the strippers and some of the weed I got from one of JayZee's stage managers"

Jonny Utah

Atlanta (-10).......(-11 at a few places)

45 o/u.........

I like Atlanta (-10)

I also like the under but Im leaving that one alone.

Senor RedTackle

RT was at a bar w/ fiance and her friends sat night to celebrate fiance's friend's engagement. RT knew no one but ended up rapping w/ one of the boyfriends and talked about our favorite classic rock and hair metal bands.

Highlights of the evening:

- buying an imitation Rolex Diablo from shady street vendor in Times Square. Transaction details:
   SSV (shady stret vendor): Yo man..you want a watch
                                      RT:   Na..I got one
                                    SSV:  Yo..got Rolexes
                                      RT:  Oh yea?..how much?
                                          (SSV goes through collection & price ranges)
                                      RT: I like that one (points to watch)
                                     SSV: You a cop?
                                       RT: Nope
                                      SSV: Ok..$150
                                            (RT turns and starts to leave)
                                      SSV:  WAIT....$100
                                        RT:  No
                                      SSV: How much?
                                        RT: $60
                                      SSV: $90
                                        RT: $75
                                       SSV: SOLD
  Now, RT could've probably got it for $50 but he was cold, it was 11:00pm and said fiance was giving RT look from hell for stopping to deal w/ a "street urchin who's selling crap and making my friends wait in the cold while you get some fake watch". Fiance then explains how RT ruined her plans to get him a real Tag Heuer for Xmas..RT remorseful all evening...Anyone want to buy a Rolex? 12 diamonds in it!!

..the other highlight was this bar we went to in Manhattan..forget the name. RT walked in and thought he was in Amsterdam and everyone was smoking bongs at their tables. Turns out, the deal at this bar was these 4 foot plastic tubes filled w/ beer and a spigot handle at the bottom. The people would serve themselves drinks at the table. RT would've been ok w/ the bong back in the day....

Senor RedTackle

RT will be representing at  82 Landsdowne St. (Boston) this Thur night for a christmas party hosted by his new company to entertain employees of his current company. Anyone have any intel on said location??

Jonny Utah

RT, 82 Landsdowne is Game-on...a bar owned by the redsox and is actually a part of fenway park.  Its a brand new bar and its clean and pretty nice.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: redtackle on December 12, 2005, 09:20:23 PM
RT will be representing at  82 Landsdowne St. (Boston) this Thur night for a christmas party hosted by his new company to entertain employees of his current company. Anyone have any intel on said location??

Warning to RT!!!!.....
I don't know if your familiar with Landsdown St, but if your not, let me fill you in on some details.......

There are two or three bars on that street that have Gay/Transvestite/whatever nights on certain days of the week.

Id hate to see you not know and stumble into one of them after a good time at Game-on.

From what I do know.......

"Good Bars"

1-Tequilla Rain- good bar, old "atlas" bar.  Hot chicks, even hotter barstaff and waitresses
2-Jillians- pool bar, huge, three floors, also smoking hot waitress and barstaff
3-Jake Ivories- Piano bar, good for bacheloette parties, there will be a lot of chicks here, but mostly groups of friends.
4-Bills Bar- This is more rock and roll, underground bar.  Good bands but kind of a hole in the wall.  Good time though.
5-Cask'n Flagon-This is the drunk bar for redsox games.  Its pretty fun, youll find the drunkest girls here at 2am.

"dont know bars"- these are the bars that are good on some nights, but will have wierd stuff on other nights.


Again, I dont know what night who has what, but you have to keep your head up RT. 



Bus, I took New Orleans +10 and the Under 44.5.  My track record lately has been a little rough.  Had a rough week.  TOnight may either turn it around, or ban me from the gambling world.

RT, LD11 will now be in Boston late Wednesday night.  He has WTFF's Xmas after party at Hogan's Alley in Brighton, but WTFF lives 2 blocks from Game On, so depending on where you are, I may come get a beer, since I'll already be half in the bag most likely.  Shoot me an email, and i'll give you my cell, and maybe we can catch a drink afterwards.

Jonny Utah

LD, you did have a tough weekend...Hope you had enough last week to keep you in the game......

I actually killed em this weekend.  I might just book a March Cruise right now.

I also live like 2 blocks from fenway, and might be on the town Thur night.  Let me know, Ill pound a few with you guys.


LD, did you take what was leftover from your betting money and buy a weeks worth of ramen noodles?


rowanlb92 picks the opposite of lewdogs picks making rowanlb92 many more greenbacks 8)

possitive karma to you


Quote from: redtackle on December 12, 2005, 09:15:54 PM

  Now, RT could've probably got it for $50 but he was cold, it was 11:00pm and said fiance was giving RT look from hell for stopping to deal w/ a "street urchin who's selling crap and making my friends wait in the cold while you get some fake watch". Fiance then explains how RT ruined her plans to get him a real Tag Heuer for Xmas..RT remorseful all evening...Anyone want to buy a Rolex? 12 diamonds in it!!

Hahaha, that sounds like a lashing that regulator usually takes after buying something without complete buy-in from Mrs. R.

Why don't these chicks understand....It's about the WIN...and the act of getting something you coulnd't get any other time.

Anywhoo....I have had one of those fake watches, years ago and could never wear it. I hate when people would comment over "oh what a nice watch"

Do you ever see yourself wearing it?

PS- Regulator will buy your new tag off you for $60


That reminds me of a famous quote

"Is that a Mova-doo?"

       -- Reg's younger bro



That's an easy one....shop Amazon or Overstock and you can render the Mailroom guy "obsolete".

Tell him that Boss's boss has asked you to look into "sourcing the administrative duties within the office".

If those don't work....buy him the most obnoxious christmas card you can find and stuff it with gift certificates for "pictures with santa"