FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Dawg... Patrick the Barber used to put a mean fade on Gro's head in the late 90's.

Gro was introduced to pats skills when he was at Ed's barber shop just down the skreet. Soon there were kids from all over waiting for pat, with open chairs for the other guys. Then Pat spun off and opened his own shop which is still in bidness in schenect.

Pat's fades were the tightest of tight. He also employed the old school straight razor and heated shaving cream to square up the back and sides. Gro remembers waiting over an hour to get hooked up before the prom.

Skills aside, pat was kind of a strange guy... but Gro will let Dawg have first crack at that.

Dawg... the neon sign on the front still says "Fades, Flat Tops, and Conventional"....  who's had a flat top since 1995?


Dawg, you are one funny mother f'er.  The best part is, knowing from my own posts that are of high quality, you don't make that sh!t up.  The best posts are when bizarro real-life occurences happen. 

I happen to have one from last night...
LD11 rolls over to Exxon to snag a tin(because of the laundry tin disaster earlier in the day), and some chocolate milk.  This fat white woman gets into her 91 Nissan Pathfinder with a self-installed ghetto alarm going bonkers.  Finally she shuts it off, and bolts out of there.  Meanwhile LD11 finds his chocolate milk, and purchases his tin, and when walking out of the gas station, said fat white woman comes hauling ass into the store again yelling.  She says 'I paid for my gas and left before I pumped it!!!'.  She went in, paid for gas, then left before she pumped it.  Meanwhile there is a young college girl at that pump pumping gas, and I see the heavy set cashier girl with a killer weave come out freaking out to the girl pumping gas.  LD11 knew it was time to bolt.  That section of Wilmington is a little shady so he knew before anyone recognized that he is a LL PP celebrity he should take off.  LD11 don't need little kids asking him for autographs on their 9milli...


Anyone recognize the dood on the right?  This picture is from the 2002 Shoes game.


Tim Wescot... RPI OL same years as Gro. Why is he dating your sister?



Garnet came across this picture and noticed the number 77 on the pullover and thought, 'he doesn't look like RT'.

Jonny Utah

Garnet, can you stop foolin around and just keep putting up pictures of hot random women?


Yeah just no more of ox's ex-girlfriend. Not cool



following JU's advice, Garnet did a GIS for hot random women
here is one result


Accounting girl walked by Gro's office not once, not twice, but 3 times in the last 2min (her alibi, getting supplies from the storage closet). Each time taking a glance at America's hardest working enginegro...


those wacky Florida St. girls are at it again.


Great Halloween costume!

Jonny Utah

Quote from: Garnet on December 13, 2005, 01:48:31 PM
those wacky Florida St. girls are at it again.

G-money, your the man


HollaDawg - circa 1987