FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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For Regulator's last weekend with nuts party, LD11 hooked the crew up with a suite at the Marriott in DT Baltimore, near Camden, Near Power Plant, and Near Larry Flynt's place.  There was another strip club right on the corner of the block next to the hotel.  This hotel is where all the sports teams stay and what not.  This is a classy joint.  We are up like 4 or 5 floors and in the Master Bedroom, there is this window, the entire length of the room....

So, we go to check the view out the window and it is something you'd see in one of the Wayan's Brothers movies.  It was crack deal after crack deal while strippers/hookers walked in and out of the strip club.  One dude was on a wheel chair with 1 leg, pulling himself up and down the block with his 1 leg.  It was amazing.  We cracked like 2 cases of beer for about 2 hours and just people watched.  It was one of the funniest experiences i've been involved with.  

You often get to see that stuff happen, but it's seldom that you have a spot good enough to sit and stair for as long as you want.  Reg, 'Gro, and I couldn't have been happier with the room selection.


Reg hasn't been to that club, but knows where it is.  During the day it looks like a ghost town, until about 11am, then the 40's get broken out.

Once the sun goes down, the heavy hitters come onto the scene ready for some action.  

If you happen to get stuck in one of these areas, just put your head down and get the hell outta dodge.

Funny story-

Regs little brother took a job in B-more about a year after Reg moved out here.  I let him rent my apt. that was in the hood (Reg had moved into a better area, far away from the city)....Now being the good brother Reg is, he warned him to "stay away from area A, B, & C"  after dark, stay close to JHU campus (it just so happens the worst block of N baltimore and the JHU off campus housing are back to back.

Anywhoo....Regs lil bro wanted some oranje juice and chips one night (11pm) and the only thing that was open was the 7/11.  He went there and on the way out was approached by a bum demanding that he give him money.  lil bro did just like his wiser older brother taught him and kept walking to his car...After that all hell broke loose....the bum started foaming at the mouth going after lil bro!  lIL bro got in the car...pealed outta there, minutes later discovering, in the comotion, he lose his wallet.  

So if you are around 25th and Greenmount and you see a bum with a black leather wallet, demanding money from people, foaming at the mouth, give him a shout from regulator.

PS- lil bro NEVER left the apt after dark again.
(until a couple mice ran across the floor while he was playing playstation at 1am)

F ME!!!

Jonny Utah

Yea, I didn't even mention the drug deals that were going on, or the part where I woke up in the gutter with "honky lips" written on my backside.

I remeber talking to some Baltimore cops, and they basically said that that area is basically a police free zone.  Anyone can do whatever they want, as long as guns or knives arent used.  Police will never go there looking for drug or prostitution arrests, they only go there if they are called in and are looking for a murder suspect or if the mayor has one of his "crackdowns" where the police basically go out and arrest 1000 people a night.


Quote from: lewdogg11 on December 13, 2005, 04:19:50 PM
JU, One dude was on a wheel chair with 1 leg, pulling himself up and down the block with his 1 leg.  It was amazing.  We cracked like 2 cases of beer for about 2 hours and just people watched.  It was one of the funniest experiences i've been involved with.  

You often get to see that stuff happen, but it's seldom that you have a spot good enough to sit and stair for as long as you want.  Reg, 'Gro, and I couldn't have been happier with the room selection.



QuoteGro always takes a wrong turn into the hood... it has happened to me everywhere. Memphis, Tampa, Miami, Nashville, Milwaukee... Miami was probably the scariest...

I'm with you on that one. 

A friend and I went to Miami for spring break in 1999.  We got off the bus one stop early and it was like entering a third world war zone.  Some guy who had seen better days said, "I think you boys got off at the wrong stop."  We immediately shot back on the bus and later, changed underpants.


Rolevio has taken his fair share of wrong turns into neglected areas though has an extreme lack of stories from said adventures.   The best was probably Rome in which Rolevio was followed back to his hostel 3 nights in a row from the train station, one night having to walk down the middle of the road to avoid them.  One of the buddies Rolevio was with saw a guy get cracked over the head with a bottle at that hostel in the middle of the day.
In Search of Holladawg


Love all your stories - now for one of my own.

We were in a liberty port - Toulon, France in the gut - not the best part of town - cheap food, booze and bar girls who will do all sorts of things for you and to you if you will keep buying them champagne.

Well - and this was in the buildup to the Gulf War - one of our Sailors mouths off to an Arab looking fellow in the bar about being a "raghead" and he reaches up and grabs a scimitar looking thing off the wall and about divides his melon in half with one swoosh.

Needless to say, the melee was on and everyone was either grabbing someone or throwing punches.  The XO and I grabbed the injured Sailor with our ship's Doc and hustled him out of there to get medical attention.

Later on we learned that these Arab dudes were from Libya and hated Americans and were just lying in wait for someone knucklehead to make a comment - which was bound to happen.

Join the Navy - see the world - and there are some pretty scary places out there too!


Jonny Utah

Ive come up with a list of the top scariest (or just plain wierd) places Ive seen in my life.

    I described what I saw above.

2-Columbus, GA.
    This place has 176 Pawn shops, 183 Tattoo shops, 135 Strip Clubs, 76 barber shops, a supermarket, a town hall, a fire department, a police department, two elementary schools, one junior high school, and a high school.  This city is straight out of the twilight zone.  

3-The intersection of Blue Hill Ave and Morton Streets, Mattapan, Massachusetts on a hot saturday night in the summer of 1994.
    There was this bar there called "Moe's Place" that me and my friends said we would get a beer at when we all turned 21.  Well that night, we decided to go there and have that beer.  Lets just say JU and friends never got out of the car that night.  The intersection was crowded angry youth with no shirts, Old English XXX, and machetes.....yes I saw a guy with a machete who would slice melons when his buddies would throw them at him.  Moe's place is now cloesed and JU never had that beer there.  (The Bque Pit is also on Morton St, closer towards Dorchester and is another place one might dare to go on a hot summer night)

4- Gallup, New Mexico.
    This is another town out of the twilight zone.  There are drunk people crawling in the streets at all times of the day and night.  I mean they are literally crawling drunk to whereever it is they have to go.  Ive never seen so many drunk people in my life.  Also, there are hundreds of kids going in and out of every restaurant selling trinkets as store owners literally swing baseball bats at them to get them out.  This town is a sad story.

5- Groton, New York.
    Now this place is scary in a different sense.  In this town, on any given Friday night, thousands of village youth gather at whatever event is going on wearing 1992 Charlotte Hornets Starter jackets and warmup pants.  Every male over the age of 12 has one earring, and every female over the age of 12 looks like other males over the age of 12 would in other parts of the country.

6- Patterson, New Jersey.
    I had a friend that lived in this town for a year, and Ive never seen so many buidlings in a row that were abandoned.  I mean there are miles and miles of burned out buildings that looked like they havent been looked at in 40 years.

7- Hudson, New York.
    This is another upstate town that looks like a mini-patterson.  This town is literally stuck in 1979.

8- Malone and Massena, New York.
    When Ithaca used to stay over at St. Lawrence, these were the two towns we saw and stayed in.  Why people would ever want to live in this part of the world is really beyond me.  Picture the planet Hoth from Empire Strikes Back, put some scary looking people there and you have Massena, New York.  I mean the McDonalds there still says "thousands served"

9-Lawrence, Massachusetts.
    This town probably has the most organized-disorganized crime in the east coast.  About 2 percent of Lawrence High School graduates can read English, and of those 2 percent only half of them can speak it.  This place is a dump, although Ithaca had one of its best olinemen of the 1990s from here.


Quote from: regulator on December 13, 2005, 09:35:07 AM
Where is U89 and BIG!!!!

It must have been one crazy Xmas Holiday party

Reg ~

BIG was a Grand Slam at the 'Holiday' Party.  To begin the night, Union89 went to pick BIG up at her crib....she opened the door wearing tight black slacks and a "Christmasy" red tube top sort of activity with the exposed belly ring and cans poppin' out of the top.  On friday, Boston got about 6 inches of snow and the ground was shear ice....U89 was helping BIG to the car in her 3 inch heals when.....OH SNAP, she slipped and went down like free beer at the "Playa Hata Reunion".....the top went flying down around her waist and yours truly first enjoyed the free melon show, then immediately the comedy associated with the event.  BIG was fine, but had to then change the slacks....U89 followed her into her crib and mixed up a quick Kettle One Tonic as BIG changed (lots of K1..little tonic)....When BIG emerged, U89 decided to mix her a similar mood enhancer...2 drinks later, U89 says, "we better get going, we're gonna be late and the bossman ain't gonna be happy..."  BIG decided to get a bit playful and tease U89 with being on time OR enjoying oral favors.....we were VERY late to the company party and U89's coworkers enjoyed staring at BIG while thier wives fumed at, "Mike's trampy looking date."

Good Times......Good Times....

P.S. - The relationship is way to new to introduce the "Reverse Spider"...... :o


Regs day is now complete....thank you for sharing.
Sounds like BIG was a hit.....good choice.

How did boss man take you bringing her?....What did BIG change into?


Bossman made like he was happy, but in reality B'man would like U89 to act more professionally. 

Union89 keeps hitting his numbers and continues to regress.......


Reg... in case your bro ever strays into the wrong part of baltimore again... tell him to avoid any area where these signs are posted.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: Holladawg on December 13, 2005, 07:44:46 PM
RE: Patrick the Barber

Gro - Patrick could do a fade like no other.  Guy had skills.  Dawg had the sub-zero fade done a few times.  Dawg can usually get along w/most peeps so never really had issues with Patrick although Dawg knows that wasn't the consensus from some others.  Whenever Dawg's back in Shocktown and needs a fade, Dawg'll head back to Patrick.  Guy is always talking about his car(s) and the cheese factor is def. in him.  He's always been good to the Dawg though.  He hooked Dawg up w/those fake Oakley's back in the day.  Dawg looked off the chain.  What's he selling these days in his chop shop?

Theres a picture of JU in the online Ithaca football media guide with a 1995 flatop.  Its locked in that adobe thing so I cant bring it up to show you guys.

Touchdown Tommy

Apocalypse of Life:

NBC has "Blind Date: Fear Factor" on right now.  Check out the country hick with the hot blonde.  Priceless!!!  Bus wishes that Joe Rogan wasn't such a douche bag though.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


'Gro ~

What about Joe Superior in Schenectady....that's where U89 and his fellow Dutchmen used to create thier "Mullet's" back in the late '80's.