FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Touchdown Tommy

Mr. Dawg,

Bus has been on the outskirts of the Tenderloin as it is very close to the shopping/hotel district of Union Square in San Fran.  Very sketchy part of town especially when they sniff out a fat wallet tourist.  Bus walked home from Pac Bell Park one night with his mother.  She was less than pleased as it was deserted that late at night.  Bus thinks it is a dead heat for the #1 spot for Homeless in the US.  Between either San Fran (especially down near Nordstrom's/end of the trolley line) or DC.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Holladawg on December 13, 2005, 08:08:51 PM
Sketchiest Dawg Euro Moment

Dawg's 21st birthday was in Greece (term abroad) so Dawg & the boys had to hit it up hard so they decided to head to the Glyfada district in Athens which is where the beaches/clubz are. The chronic was very hard to come by in A town and major punishment was handed out by the authorities if you had some so the Dawg & his classmates were clean as a whistle most of the time there. We only had about a week left in A town til we got back to the US so Dawg's pot head friend was in the mood and did a little asking around in the Glyfada once we got there. Dawg's friend finds a guy that knows a guy and takes us to a place near the beach which was a little desolate at that time of year. There are about 5 of us in Dawg's posse along with the guy taking us to the chronic guy.

Chronic guy shows up and hands the Dawg & his boyz a joint. Everything is cool. Or so we think. We're already buzzed pretty good from some heavy binge drinking so we don't really notice anything is up. Dawg's pot head friend is in the mood for some chatter and asks chronic guy some questions. Chronic guy is from Albania. Next thing we know, Chronic guy introduces us to his Albanian friends. Had to be about 10-12 guys. No lie...these guys broke out a few A K-47's or something similar. Some sort of machine gun (not uncommon there as you'll see security in airports in Europe w/the A K's). Now the paranoia from the chronic starts to set in with Dawg & the boys and the conversation isn't as tight as it was prior to toke. Chronic guy notices it and his cronie comes up to him and whispers something into his ear. Before we know it, everyone in the Albanian posse is gone. Dawg & his boyz decided that the desolate beach was probably the last place they needed to be and hustled on over to the clubz and pretended that said scene never happened.

Dawg-orale of the Story - The less you know in certain situations, the better.

Dawg ~

That story would have definately had Union89 crappin' his drawers...NNR style.

Any old school "Cheers" fans here??  "Albania.....Albania....You Border on The Adriatic..."
Coach behind the bar was classic!!!


Here is a question...
How much time do you spend on the internet each week?

Figure there are 168 hours in a week 

PS- dreams about surfing the internet do not count.


If Reg were to answer Reg's question.....he would immediately become miserable and throw his laptop across the room.


Reg ~

It's been said by others, but Union89 really has caught himself writing e-mails in third person using U89.....scary.


Quote from: Union89 on December 13, 2005, 09:40:31 PM
Reg ~

It's been said by others, but Union89 really has caught himself writing e-mails in third person using U89.....scary.

Imagine getting paid for each time you refresh this page....kind of like that internet thing that would "pay you to surf"...

The 3rd person thing only escalates your game to astronautical levels.

Regulator just made $3.27  BLING BLING!



Concerning Lawrence as a #9 pick.  This is around Rolevio's neck of the woods, or at least where little Rolevio grew up.  He suggests the following cities that make Lawrence look like childsplay.

3.  Lowell, MA.  Just a bigger version of Lawrence.

2.  Lynn, MA.  Classic Schenectady-type City.  Huge GE plant there which has sufferred major layoffs over the past 20 years.  Rolevio has a buddy that was walking down a street in Lynn to have an old caddy with tinted windows roll up to him, the guy in the back lowered the window just enough to explain to buddy that he wasn't allowed to go to the store in this guy's territory (It was the same neightborhood Rolevio's buddy was living at the time)  And of course any kid that grows up in Northeastern Massachusetts learns this little nursery rhyme:

Lynn, Lynn, the City of Sin.
You never come out.
The Way you went in.

1.  Fitchburg, MA.   Rolevio has only been to Fitchburg once and while he never felt endangered, there was an eery quietness that made Rolevio believe the Russian Army was about to roll down Main Street.  Rolevio's favorite part of his visit there was the billboard that celebrated the number of people that have died to drunk driving in the city that year.
In Search of Holladawg

Touchdown Tommy


Bus wants to know if you have toured the Jack Daniels headqtrs in Lynchburg, TN.  If so, were there free samples like Anheuser-Busch does in STL??
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Bus Driver on December 13, 2005, 10:44:26 PM

Bus wants to know if you have toured the Jack Daniels headqtrs in Lynchburg, TN.  If so, were there free samples like Anheuser-Busch does in STL??

Rolevio hasn't been there to confirm in person.  But when Rolevio was spending a summer at the University of Texas, two of the people in the same program were from LSU and had been there and said that the distillery is in a dry county so it's technically illegal to drink it there.

Even though Rolevio doesn't drink, he believes there are way way way way too many dry counties and towns in the South.   For example, College Station, Texas....the only thing there is Texas A&M, has the world famous Dixie Chicken bar (which sucks by the way)  and last call is..... midnight...
In Search of Holladawg

Jonny Utah

Quote from: rolevio on December 13, 2005, 10:08:34 PM

Concerning Lawrence as a #9 pick.  This is around Rolevio's neck of the woods, or at least where little Rolevio grew up.  He suggests the following cities that make Lawrence look like childsplay.

3.  Lowell, MA.  Just a bigger version of Lawrence.

2.  Lynn, MA.  Classic Schenectady-type City.  Huge GE plant there which has sufferred major layoffs over the past 20 years.  Rolevio has a buddy that was walking down a street in Lynn to have an old caddy with tinted windows roll up to him, the guy in the back lowered the window just enough to explain to buddy that he wasn't allowed to go to the store in this guy's territory (It was the same neightborhood Rolevio's buddy was living at the time)  And of course any kid that grows up in Northeastern Massachusetts learns this little nursery rhyme:

Lynn, Lynn, the City of Sin.
You never come out.
The Way you went in.

1.  Fitchburg, MA.   Rolevio has only been to Fitchburg once and while he never felt endangered, there was an eery quietness that made Rolevio believe the Russian Army was about to roll down Main Street.  Rolevio's favorite part of his visit there was the billboard that celebrated the number of people that have died to drunk driving in the city that year.

Rolevio, JU is involved in Law Enforcement these days, and would just add this to your counterpoints......

1. Lowell is a city that has many redeming qualities.  Lowell High School actually is a decent high school, and the school system in general ranks exceptionally well compared to similar cities.  Lowell also has Umass Lowell, a good school with some great grad programs.  It also has a rebuilt riverfront with some nice attractions.  Lachuer (sp?) park is fantastic, as well as the hockey arena.  Even some of the bars like the brewery are places where a normal person can go to have a good time.  The city also has about 4 or 5 real nice neighborhoods to grow up in.. (Belvedere...etc....)  Lawrence has none of the above redeming qualities except for a few rural neighborhoods and Central Catholic High School.

2. Lynn is what you say.  High crime, poverty, many other problems, but overall Id say Lynn is a much smaller problem than Lawrence.

3. Fitchburg is a Central Mass problem.  Lots of public housing, but without the high criminal element that Lawrence has.  Central Ma in its own makes itself look backwards sometmimes..

Lewdogg might be able to gain more of an insight, although even he might not know the excitement that happens on Summer and South Streets in the South Common at 2am on a summer weekend night.........


Quote from: Union89 on December 13, 2005, 08:10:04 PM
'Gro ~
What about Joe Superior in Schenectady....that's where U89 and his fellow Dutchmen used to create thier "Mullet's" back in the late '80's.
The name doesn't ring Gro's bell, but if he saw it he might remember it.

Quote from: Bus Driver on December 13, 2005, 10:44:26 PM
Bus wants to know if you have toured the Jack Daniels headqtrs in Lynchburg, TN. If so, were there free samples like Anheuser-Busch does in STL??

Haven't been there, it's within an hour or 2 from Gro's location. Seen signs on the highway for it. Dry counties are 'rediculas'... it just makes people drive farther for it. Gro works in a semi-dry county (they sell beer but no liqour, only restaurants can serve liqour). Lucky for Gro his house is in the drippy wet county.


Gro's not a big shopper... doesn't like spending hours at the mall only to buy nothing... but there are 2 places where Gro just likes to browse the selections. The liqour store and Best Buy / Circuit City. You go in, you know you're going to buy something but you want to enjoy the moment... see what's out there.

"hey, this is the new vodka all the rappers are screaming about, maybe Gro needs a 750 of this"

"hey, this is that new cell phone all the high school aged checkout girls at Bi-Lo are talking on... maybe Gro needs to get one of these


Quote from: EngiNegro on December 14, 2005, 08:06:30 AM
Gro's not a big shopper... doesn't like spending hours at the mall only to buy nothing... but there are 2 places where Gro just likes to browse the selections. The liqour store and Best Buy / Circuit City. You go in, you know you're going to buy something but you want to enjoy the moment... see what's out there.

"hey, this is the new vodka all the rappers are screaming about, maybe Gro needs a 750 of this"

"hey, this is that new cell phone all the high school aged checkout girls at Bi-Lo are talking on... maybe Gro needs to get one of these

Why does everyone wanna be like a rapper?.... Have you seen the new 50 cent Xbox commercials on TV?  They make the guy look so bad-azz that it's scary.  Meanwhile the guy would probably shart in his pants if anyone approached him 1-1.

Who can start to develop a liberty league "GTA" type game.  Substituting LLPP names onto your NCAA 2006 roster does not count.


50 cent needs to do celebrity boxing vs. Screech... that's pay per view gold.

RE: Patrick the Barber

Dawg, Gro has not been to Patricks in quite some time... might have to get a nice fade over the xmas visit. Pat was an interesting guy.... had the 80's monster ballad long hair with tons of product in it and drove the matching mullet car (firebird, camaro... one of those). Liked to talk about himself a lot.


Quote from: Union89 on December 13, 2005, 08:10:04 PM
'Gro ~

What about Joe Superior in Schenectady....that's where U89 and his fellow Dutchmen used to create thier "Mullet's" back in the late '80's.

Garnet never had a mullet but he did go to Joe for the short cut.  Funny thing about Joe was that he would tell a story while cutting your hair and the haircut would last as long as the story.  It did not matter how much hair needed to be cut, the story determined the amount of time in the chair.