FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Rolevio can't remember the name of the barber he used in Schenectady, but he thinks it was Joe Superior.  Was he the Italian guy with his shop just across the street from campus, and used to play in the Italian Div. II Soccer league?
In Search of Holladawg


JU, Knightstalker just saw your list of scariest places and here is what I say about number 6.
Knightstalker would put Patterson NJ at maybe number 3 in NJ.  So if you ever get to Camden or JC you are in for a treat.

Knightstalkers scariest places in NJ.

1.   Camden, there is a good reason they always make the top ten list of worst cities in the US.  Half of the town still looks like a war zone.
2.   Jersey City, Knightstalker gets to see this up close and personal every day.  You will find burnt out/abandoned homes everywhere.  The crack dealers are being forced from MLK Drive down towards NJCU and the Westside neighborhood where we live.  Abandoned cars everywhere with crack heads and homeless people sleeping in them.  Murder rate that has been going up again.  Daily shootings, listening to the sound of gunshots and telling daughter that somebody is shooting fireworks.  Rebuilding the waterfront area facing Manhattan, forcing the poor into a tighter area of the city.  On the positive side of that if you are living in one of the new condos or apartments it is only a one or two block walk if you need a little heroin, crack, chronic or coke.
3.   Patterson, for the reasons JU listed
4.   Newark, could actually be 3A.
5.   Atlantic City, just take a walk one or two blocks inland from the Casinos and Boardwalk.  Insert description of Baltimore neighborhood here.
6.   Trenton, Same reasons as most of the above.
7.   East Orange.
8.   Large parts of Elizabeth.
9.   Freehold/Asbury Park/'Neptune area.
10.   Oxford in Warren county.  A little town near where Knightstalker grew up, it is illegal to date unless you are related.  There are only two last names in the phone book.  Hotbed of the Klan, while Knightstalker was growing up there were cross burnings in the town.  A few years ago the State Police busted a guy that had police lights on his car, a fake badge and was pulling over black and Hispanic drivers and harassing them, damaging their cars and occasionally beating them.  Knightstalker went to school with a family of kids that looked like a cross between the banjo playing kid in deliverance and Cletus the slack jawed yokel on the simpsons.
Anywhere in the Pine Barrens, for the same reasons as Oxford for the most part.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: EngiNegro on December 13, 2005, 04:17:36 PM
Gro has never been to Graceland in Memphis (what about you RT?) but he's driven by it... Elvis lived in the HOOD.

Driving down the road to graceland is like this:
gas station, gas station, check cashing, pawn shop, gun shop, gas station, graceland, pawn shop, check cashing...

RT has been to Graceland 4 times in the 2 years RT was pimpin in Memphis .....interesting place. RT not sure why Elvis chose that exact location in Memphis but RT assuming it didn't have the "Flint, MI feel" at the time Elvis was shopping for real estate.

The good news is that RT could get his checks cashed, get a new cell phone/pager, buy/sell jewelry, and chow down on assorted fried seafood at any corner in the neighborhood....

Senor RedTackle

RT did have a high and tight like the guy from 3rd Bass (Pete Nice?) back in the day..

Interesting evening for RT last night...had the new company Christmas party at Jillian's in Albany....ate/drank heavily but was relegated to hitting on the semi-hot 21 year old waitress w/ huge cans but a nose that needed work. She got boring after a while when she would only keep talking about her boyfriend she wanted to dump...

RT ended up, with work suit, across the street and lucked into "Tuesday Siena Night". RT went with various stories about his situation, including FBI agent, professional ice climber, cardiologist, and 'Chairman of the International Rodeo Federation'. RT is both pleased and dismayed at the stupidity and gullability of these young girls nowadays....other than quickly moving off the FBI agent angle when RT was asked to produce his badge, he was able to pull off the other positions w/ relative ease. RT is convinced that some flashy clothes, a little cash, and some verbal game is too much for these college kids...it's shooting fish in a barrel if one were so inclined.

RT did have a local WTF up in his grill..he could've definitely wheeled her home if he wasn't the other half of the RT/Mrs.RT combo...

www.siena.edu  ...check out women's volleyball, #14


Gro just got a box of chocolates as a xmas gift from one of his vendors... Should Gro:

1. Chow down on the entire box this afternoon.
2. Re-gift it to ma dukes, another co-worker, or a chattahoochie.
3. Hide chocolates on people's chairs and claim they made a "boom boom"


Knightstalker would recommend eating some chocolates and saving the others for number three.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Knightstalkers list of scariest places in the world.

1.   Israel, where to start?  When Knightstalkers sub surfaced off the coast of Israel it was met by an Israeli patrol boat, the USS Pharris which would be tying up inboard of us so for defensive purposes and so they could tow us out fast if we needed to leave.  A flight of Israeli F-15s to fly overhead.  It could be the time I was standing watch on the bridge of the sub on top of the sail.  I hear gunfire, all of a sudden a zodiac boat loaded with wackos is coming around the pier followed by two Israeli patrol boats firing at it.  The wackos in the Zodiac are shooting at us and at the Pharris.  We are told to hold our fire.  Knightstalkers says F that, I have an M-14 with thirty rounds.  Knightstalker fires back and then drops down in bridge trunk and pulls hatch shut behind him.  All of a sudden Knightstalker hears a muffled explosion, KS opens the hatch and carefully looks over the side and sees the water where the zodiac had been a few seconds before bubbling and foaming, it seems that the Israelis decided that a couple of well placed TOW missiles would be well advised.  The sub was tied up in Ashdod Israel, a town that existed to serve the port.  Knightstalker and several others were in a little café having lunch and drinking the local beer, (very good, but causes the Hershey squirts the next day).  An Israeli Army officer walks in and sits down with us and starts to talk.  He is telling us that we should finish our lunch and beers very quickly and leave the establishment.  Knightstalker and his crewmates oblige the nice Army officer and we pay and leave.  As we are walking down the street several Israeli army trucks drive up and a couple of squads worth of soldiers jump out and open fire on the building we were just in.  It seems that it was used for meetings by the PLO and also for making bombs and storing weapons.  Knightstalker will mention that after dark in Tel Aviv is scary also.  Arab street merchants chasing you down the street trying to sell you garbage.  Half of the population is carrying some sort of weapon because off duty military personnel were required to be armed at all times back then.  Hookers, Pimps and drug dealers all over.
2.   Negril Jamaica, do not go out after dark alone and only in a very small part of town.  Don't take a taxi at night, don't leave the town in a taxi ever, stay out of the ganga fields, they don't like tresspassers.
3.   Naples Italy, not only scary in many places but the filthiest harbor Knightstalker has ever seen out side of Subic Bay.  The harbor is an open sewer, dead animals and turds floating in the water.  Hookers that were there for our fathers and grandfathers during WWII still in business.  Little kids trying to sell you dirty postcards, ok so Stalker bought a few.  Little kids asking you if you want to meet their sister or mother, who all were still virgins.  Another city you really don't want to wander around in alone after dark, only in large groups.  People wandering alone usually wake up on the sidewalk with a headache and missing valuables.
The train station holding cell in some little town in northern Italy somewhere between La Spezia and Piza.  Knightstalker and his buddy Bill were heading to the airport in Piza to pick up Bills luggage.  When their ship left for the Med cruise, Bill was sent to school for a month and was flown out to meet us in La Spezia.  Bill got there but his luggage did not.  When the train pulled into this little town Bill jumped out to buy a couple of Heinekens for the rest of the ride.  The train starts to leave without Bill, he comes running out of the station and jumps on to the train.  The conductor stopped the train and we were taken off by the police.  The Stalker and Bill were locked up and the police started to shout at us in Italian.  After a couple of hours a priest who spoke English was brought in and he translated for us.  The cops were telling us that we needed to pay 15,000 lira each to be released.   Knightstalker paid his and Bills fine (which was about 8 dollars total) and then watched the cops take the money and go buy lunch with it.  Knightstalker is thinking of Bill now, Bill was Stalkers best friend in the Navy and a really cool guy.  Bill was killed in an accident when a tractor trailer driver did not see Bill on his Harley right in front of him.  The driver pulled out of a truck stop and just drove right over Bill.  Knightstalker misses Bill.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Knightstalker has been to Graceland.  Knightstalker did not pay for tour because they would not let Stalker see the bathroom where the King died on his Throne.  When Knightstalker asked about seeing the Throne Room people got upset with him.  Then Knightstalker went to the gift shop and could not find one Throne refrigerator magnet or keychain.  Then Knightstalker saw the funniest/scariest thing he has ever seen in his life.  Knightstalker saw a 6'8" (at least) 400lb Japanese Elvis, it was like a Sumo wrestler in a white Vegas Elvis sequined jump suit with a pompador hair style.  He was wearing the big jeweled sunglasses with the gradient tint, he had the little sneer and was saying "Thank you very much" with a japanese accent.  It sounded more like this, "Sank yu bely much" said really fast.  He was a riot, my friend Kim and I spent an hour watching this guy.  I have to see if I can find the pictures I took of him and get them posted somehow.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: EngiNegro on December 14, 2005, 10:45:37 AM
Gro just got a box of chocolates as a xmas gift from one of his vendors... Should Gro:

1. Chow down on the entire box this afternoon.
2. Re-gift it to ma dukes, another co-worker, or a chattahoochie.
3. Hide chocolates on people's chairs and claim they made a "boom boom"

This LLPP'er would probably do a combination of two things: Eat some of the chocolates and hide some of people's chairs making them think they had an accident.


You navy guys always have crazy stories. Gro had a friend stationed on a supply ship in the persian gulf. He jokes about being a 'war veteran'

"I remember the day they stormed Bagdad... we delivered a lot of carrots that day."

That and stories of $30 hookers (that's for ALL day) are pretty much all he talks about his navy days.


Quote from: redtackle on December 14, 2005, 10:44:59 AM

www.siena.edu  ...check out women's volleyball, #14

speaking of women's volleyball....anyone remember the Olympics?


Quote from: EngiNegro on December 14, 2005, 11:15:15 AM
You navy guys always have crazy stories. Gro had a friend stationed on a supply ship in the persian gulf. He jokes about being a 'war veteran'

"I remember the day they stormed Bagdad... we delivered a lot of carrots that day."

That and stories of $30 hookers (that's for ALL day) are pretty much all he talks about his navy days.

Must be inflation, thirty bucks would get you a girl in the Phillipines for a week, she would cook, clean and service you.  You my number one Joe.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Touchdown Tommy

6'3" RT??? Wow she is a beast, was said girl wearing hooter boots (Bus believes they look better on taller girls)?
Chasing MILFs since '82...

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: Bus Driver on December 14, 2005, 11:32:58 AM
6'3" RT??? Wow she is a beast, was said girl wearing hooter boots (Bus believes they look better on taller girls)?

no..no boots but she was hot. She makes WTFF look like a hobbit...

on another note, there is nothing finer than consuming a pan fried steak while sitting on one's couch, hung over to the bejesus, clad only in one's boxers


Some notes:

Baltimore (adding what you folks have put above) - GB had a friend from high school who was very inebriated after drinking since 9am at the Preakness.  It was 1am Sunday.  Said friend decided to get some, and let's say the house he went into wasn't exactly friendly.  After 15 min, GB had enough of the looks as he stood outside, and when he walked in to escort said friend out, it was like a shot out of New Jack City.  Said friend is saying, "give me my $20!" to his new found girlfriend, and GB is saying, "I just want to get out here alive.  Shut the F-up!"

New Rochelle/Mount Vernon, NY - don't go anywhere near this place during or around their annual rivalry football game.  They played the game this year at 9am on a Friday to avoid violence!  This was after a 30 year old gang leader was shot by someone from the opposing town, and the schools were afraid of retaliation.