FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Touchdown Tommy


Bus just read that Kurt Warner will be in Chattahoochie tomorrow for the D-1AA championship game.  Could Gro get to the stadium early, look for Brenda (his dyke wife), and get some of her panties?
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Dr. 'Gro, report to the nurse's station.

Dr. 'Gro to the nurse's station


Quote from: EngiNegro on December 13, 2005, 03:34:56 PM
Gro always takes a wrong turn into the hood... it has happened to me everywhere. Memphis, Tampa, Miami, Nashville, Milwaukee... Miami was probably the scariest... it went from normal streets to cuban refugee shanty town.

Gro would add Baltimore, but all parts of b'more are considered the hood.

Milwaukee is a good time. One time kubiack was at the bus station in DT Milwaukee waiting to go to chicago, was asked at least 7 different times if I was selling or wanted to buy some rock or smoke.  Had some "gentelmen" of the neighbourhood  trying to strong arm me into playing three card monte'.  Kubiack did not take the bait and got away from them as fast as possible.

East St. Louis is not much fun.  Kubiack and some of his boys made a wrong turn and felt like Emilo Estevez and crew from the movie judgement night. 


Gro was thinking about going to the DI-AA game, but will probably not... even if kurt and bren-DUH are there. Maybe they will go out afterwards and Kurt can buy me a drink (he probably doesn't drink, but he's got money)

UTC has a pretty nice stadium and it's right downtown.


LD11 made the 14 hour trek from NC to Boston yesterday with a stop in Fredericksburg VA for some work for 3 hours.  Needless to say it was a long day.  LD11 slept til 11:30this morning and rolled out to Anna's Taqueria for a delicious Burrito for lunch, and it has taken the rest of his time today to read all of the PP Pages he's missed.  One thing I have to comment on...

Rolevio made mention of Lowell being just a 'bigger verson of Lawrence.'  Well, Mr Rolevio...LD11 has to be blunt and let you know that you have NO idea what in the hell you are talking about.  LD11 went to HS in lawrence for 2 years, and grew up in Lowell and graduated from Lowell High, so I think hemay know this situation a little better.

Lawrence is the biggest sh!thole known to man.  There is not one good product of that city, including Central Catholic HS.  Lawrence is hell on earth.  LD11 witnessed several stabbings, gun fights, and other barious crimes in Lawrence.  We used to take a bus to and from football practice.  When we came back from practice, through 'The War Zone', we had to put on our helmets.  Many times, large rock, spark plugs, or other various foreign objects would come though thebus windows.  2 of LD11's teammates had to be rushed to the hospital due to glass injuries(one of which the teammate got an entire shard of glass into his eyeball).

Lawrence is a mostly Spanish town.  You have mostly 4 groups.  Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, White Trash, and normal white people.  Now the Dominicans and the Puerto Ricans HATE each other.  I don't understand that, but that is how it is.  The Dominicans and Puerto Ricans HATE the White Trash.  And the Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and White Trash ALL hate the 'normal' white people.  There are really no black people for the most part, and any that there are, can probably be in the same group as the 'normal' white people.  They are ont he same team. 

As I said, there is NOTHING good about Lawrence.  There are maybe 2 nice residential neighborhoods in South lawrence ont he Andover/North Andover border.  That's it.  The closest thing to a positive about Lawrence, is it is close to Harrison's Roast beef in North Andover. 

Lowell on the other hand...Lowell is for the most part, is primarily  filled with 3 groups.  Asians, White Trash, and Everyone Else.  The asians aren't your typical RPI Chinese kids.  These are Laotians, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Phillapino, etc etc...  These asians are the scariest breed of criminals.  Asians won't just kill you for fun.  They will kill your entire family as well.  Luckily, the asians mostly go to war with each other, and other than the school systems, or a walk down a  wrong neighborhood, the asians won't bother you, because you never see them. LD11 believes there are 4 houses in Lowell where ALL of the asians live, and there are approximately 30,000 people living in each house.  Now, The White Trash Groups and the 'Everyone Else' groups stick together when they are young.  Young WT's don't realize they are WT.  So other than your crazies that you get anywhere you go, they are ok.  Just don't wanna go to their house for dinner.

Lowell has it's share of nice neighborhoods. Some are amazing.  Belvidere is gorgeous.  Full of large houses, and current and future political, scumbag, slime balls.  I've never met someone who has grown up in Belvidere who doesn't thrive on scandal, blackmail, and political nonsense.  However, they are middle/upper class and crime is nearly non-existent there.  Pawtucketville and the Highlands have nice neighborhoods.  UMass Lowell is in pawtucketville so there are a lot of younger kids.  Somewhat wealthy, but a college area for the most part, while the Highlands is more of a city version of Belvidere.  Nice houses, tough kids, more down to earth.  Most of LD11's good friends came fromt he Highlands or Pawtucketville.  Downtown Lowell is gorgeous now.  They have done great things downtown, and with Lelacheur Park for the Spinners, and just restoring the city's historical significance.  Centreville is a mixture, LD11's early childhood was here, with crack deals going on in front of his house.  If you mind your own business you are ok.  South Lowell, LD11's later residence is a rough area, but again, if you aren't an idiot, you can avoid trouble.  The one area that trouble can find you would be 'The Acre'.  You just don't go there. 

Lowell is a tough city.  Don't get me wrong.  LD11 saw some crazy ish there like a dude getting stabbed through the eyeball with a  pair of scissors in the hallway at school.  But for the most part, Lowell has thrived in the last 10 years, and unless you go looking for trouble, you'll be ok.  Lawrence, you may not be able to avoid trouble.  Lawrence is nasty.  If anyone has the option, stay away from Lawrence.  But I'd highly recommend a large Beef, S, M, cheese, sloppy, large kool, cookie, from Harrison's. Delicious.


Me thinks LD11 could have his own show on the travel channel where he visits america's worst towns.

"Hood Hoppin' With Lewdogg"


'Gro, When is the Xmas party?  Tonight?  RT, U89, JU...Is anything going on after all the crazy talk tonight?

'Gro, Please, Please, Please, bang the girl in your office.  I need to hear stories like this from you.  Please show us that you really do like women!!!  Please!  I'm begging you!


Quote from: lewdogg11 on December 15, 2005, 02:52:05 PM
'Gro, When is the Xmas party? Tonight? RT, U89, JU...Is anything going on after all the crazy talk tonight?

'Gro, Please, Please, Please, bang the girl in your office. I need to hear stories like this from you. Please show us that you really do like women!!! Please! I'm begging you!

Saturday mayne, the party is saturday.  BTW, Gro's had his horizontal mambo dance card stamped a few times this week already (not with office girl, but that's neither here nor there)... I thought you knew!


'Gro, don't limit yourself to one girl.  Just because you fell in love with the first girl that dropped it like it's hot, you need to play out the work girl card first.  Unless your girl can suck a watermelon through a swirly straw.


Quote from: lewdogg11 on December 15, 2005, 03:17:36 PM
'Gro, don't limit yourself to one girl.

As your jedi pimp apprentice, Gro will heed all your advice.  We all don't want to end up married and completely miserable like Regulator.


LD ~
Waiting on the call from RT for tonights festivities.....Karma for the fantastic synopsis of the thriving metropolis which is Merrimack Valley!!

'Gro ~
Good luck this week with the "Time Haters"....After a tremendous regular season, "Buck's Bitch Slappers" were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs by the worst team to qualify...Tomlinson, Dunn, Favre and Driver combined for 4 f'ing points!!
Is there an explanation for "Time Haters".  With your silver tongued game, I expected much more from the one we know as EngiNegro!!!!


The Time Haters was a Dave Chappelle skit. They were playa haters who traveled back in time, hijinx ensue.


More Chappelle Show goodness... p.s. there WILL be a season 3.


'Gro, how can I catch you on Karma when I applaud you once a day?  It's just not fair.  it's a sick twisted game iplay against myself. 


I'll have to set my kamalarm to hit you up every 12hrs. Regulator vowed that he'd keep me under 60.

the drive for 2000 continues... so, you guys, like... stuff?