FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Naked Nott Run

Before leaving work... 11 hours after arriving...let NNR just say...

I HATE THE E8 and rpi
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


bigdvs, the lanoline line is from anchorman... the 1st 20min of that movie is movie quote gold.


Lewdizzle... nice reference to da lench mob's gorillas in da mist. A Personal favorite from Gro's pregame music mix.
name this one:
"All you see is big black boots, steppin'... use my steel toe as a weapon."

Gro still remembers the beach b00ty from NC... If it weren't for the level 5 hangover the verbal would have gone like this:
"You have one absolutely, breathtaking heinie. I mean that thing is good. I want to be friends with it."


Holla ~

Are you going to Schenectady this weekend?  I would suggest a CarBomb drink off between Union & the boys of Troy, but I fear we may get MonketStomped (these guys seem like they may be professionals).


Quote from: Holladawg on November 08, 2005, 04:55:15 PM
Gro - Dawg ain't gonna blow Lewdizzle's gizzle on that lyrical shizzle, but next time Dawg has his signature gin & juice, he'll add wicked cold ice cubes to it.

Excellent use of subtlety.

'Gro, if I could have that butt back, for just a few more minutes, the world would be a better place.  That thing was good.  All I can think of is her little jog(or is it yog?) to the water when that little hungry butt almost dropped the bottoms like some iced out teeth droppin it like its hot.


Quote from: Holladawg on November 08, 2005, 05:21:41 PM
  Not the one that is stuck laughing at a computer monitor for hours at a time and saying "I applaud you knightstalker".

Regulator laughed for a good 2 minutes and 13 seconds at this line.
Secondly, regulator has been trying to refer to himself in the 3rd person during working hours...it just doesnt sound as good!
It brings him back to college when everyone called each other their screeen names (Or was regulator the only one that did that???)


Quote from: EngiNegro on November 08, 2005, 01:58:27 PM
Quote from: bigdvs on November 08, 2005, 01:53:46 PM
Must reference frozen cat turds, carbombs, queffs and ugly wingwomen friendasaurus maximuses

shouldn't that be friendosaurus maximi?

Lanolin? like sheeps wool?

and "queffs"?? I'm pretty sure that's not what you mean. :D


Who is in charge of making up shirts with our screen names on them?  No one seemed to like my sweater vest idea.  I still ike it...


While Rolevio knows his photoshop skills leaves much to be desired, he has made an attempt to fulfill BobbyBoucher's Union Supertoe Request.

In Search of Holladawg


Where the heck a' we?  Oh yea, LL.  Hakowees after long journey from close to horizon have returned to find Hakowee Spirits, PeacePipe and Native Freeze Ritual did indeed bring proper energy to Dutchmen.  Hakowees happy for Dutchmen.  Organic Pumpkins not strong enough for strength of Garnet mineral. 

Hakowees will now retreat to Rituals once again in anticipation of upcoming pow-wow of D'men,Eng's,Garnet,Cherry or red(hard to know with peace pipe smoke and white man pollution.)

Hakowees will return
" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


Quote from: Saxon73 on November 08, 2005, 07:17:03 PM

Where the heck a' we? Oh yea, LL. Hakowees after long journey from close to horizon have returned to find Hakowee Spirits, PeacePipe and Native Freeze Ritual did indeed bring proper energy to Dutchmen. Hakowees happy for Dutchmen. Organic Pumpkins not strong enough for strength of Garnet mineral.

Saxon ~

For the life of him, Union89 can not figure out how to do that moving text thing either.... ;D.


Hakowees have induced Spirits and Peace Pipe Rituals.  Freeze Ritual makes it hard to get cursor correct whhile trembling.   Stay Tuned
" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


Quote from: Holladawg on November 08, 2005, 07:38:38 PM
Quote from: lewdogg11 on November 08, 2005, 06:17:15 PM
Who is in charge of making up shirts with our screen names on them? 

Lewdogg - Dawg's not sure who's in charge of the shirts but the Dawg is happy to get the pimp hat orders in for everyone.  Here is yours...

Much obliged.  Big fan of the pimp hat.  Come to think of it, any hat on the head of LD11 could be considered a pimp hat.  The kid is just that ridiculously good looking.


Both RedTackle and Frank Rossi absent from the board today......coincidence??

Union89 thinks not!!!!


New AFCA poll just came out....Union goes from #22 to #20.......
Hobart from #12 to #25....
RPI loses votes and gets only 1....

Is it Union89 or is that F'ed up???

Naked Nott Run

What is eff'd up is the crappy turn out for the smack off sign up sheet so far... no dawg, no dogg, no gro, no rt, no rossi, no reg... we lack more big names than the WNBA...

P.S. since NNR brought back the word queef...it has been used 4 times on this board

Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"