FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Knightstalker recommends that Dawg, Pops Dawg and any other male relatives sit around the kitchen table cleaning their guns when meeting Sister Dawgs new Bfriend.  Other options include sharpening large knives, working on your chainsaw at the dinner table etc.  When you leave him to sleep in the basement remember to set some rat traps up around where he is sleeping and tell him not to worry they usually don't bite people.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Touchdown Tommy


Don't disappoint on 3K. :D
Chasing MILFs since '82...

Touchdown Tommy

Ok, so the Bus is with his family doing some last minute Christmas shopping at Sawgrass Mills (huge outlet shopping mall with numerous quality/upscale stores) in Miami this Tuesday afternoon.  He arrives to sheer amazement in the number of people shopping, eating (choices include Boston's Legal Seafood, Cheeburger Cheeburger, Max's Cafe, Wolfgang Pucks, and the Cheesecake Factory) and outstanding number of just gorgeous women (watermelon size bongos and smokin' bods, faces often leave something to be desired).  Bus drives around for 25 minutes just looking for a parking spot not giving 2 ****s and a **** if he has to walk 2 miles because afterall he could use a good walk. 

So Bus finally finds a parking spot and heads into The Cheesecake Factory for some good grub and hopefully some nice eyecandy.  He is treated well and during lunch Bus' little bro can't keep his tongue off the table as he is chubbing up from looking at all the boob jobs in Miami.  Ok, so Bus heads to Ron Jon surf shop for some apparel and then to Brooks Bros for some shirts and then to Neiman Marcus for some bling bling for his latest love interest. 

Time to leave and Bus/family can't remember where we parked (G1 but where the F**K is G1).  We walk around the gigantic parking lots for 45 mins asking for directions twice and Bus and Mama Bus both step in a soggy grass/mud leaving said Birkenstocks muddy and leaving Bus with a Black big toe.  Bus is not happy at this freakin' nightmare and heads home after uttering numerous expletives and going irate at not being able to do a simple thing as finding his god damn car.

FYI: Bus throws on the newest Ron Jon shirt tonite to lounge around in.  Oh ho hum, ho hum he spills Powerade on it within 10 mins and does EMERGENCY Shout it out.  Does the laundry like a champ and it comes out looking fine as silk!  Only conclusion Bus can arrive at is that he is living right.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Breaking News, Knightstalker wishes to thank Jessica Alba for post number 3000.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Jessica Alba:P

Jessica Alba

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: redtackle on December 20, 2005, 06:28:12 PM

A man has to have his freedoms....(married guys, insert advice here)


Bobby found this website and lol at so much of what's contained inside b/c its so true.  Any grizzled vet of marriage should be able to confirm this...

Here's an excerpt

How women manipulate you.

They aren't insane. They are infinitely selfish and manipulative, and incredibly clever about disguising their manipulation. They think that men are just tools to use and discard as needed.

It just SEEMS like insanity to you, when you see the wild f@#$ing weird **** that they pull on you. In reality they are busily manipulating you, doing crazy **** to throw you off balance and confuse you, so you won't see through their bull****.

Women are, for the most part, not well suited to accept reality or to think logically. they will approach a situation with their mind already made up, then they will twist and manipulate the information to validate what they're already thinking.

So their views on reality are usually messed up. and their process for arguing/interacting is not based on reality, instead it's based on whatever irrational tools will help them prove their point (screaming, personal attacks, red herrings, etc).


Can we talk about the strike that is going on in NYC?  Reg means, who thought that shutting the city down would be a good idea?

It is like an evil dream....we are now terrorizing ourselves!

Odds that they offer all the jobs people are striking about to people receiving green cards within the last 90 days 3:1
Odds Reg will feel bad for the people that lost their jobs 0


Quote from: Bus Driver on December 20, 2005, 10:43:57 PM
Bus and Mama Bus both step in a soggy grass/mud leaving said Birkenstocks muddy and leaving Bus with a Black big toe. 

Rule #24 of LLPP inc. reads as follows-
No member of said group shall ever wear or even think of purchasing Birkenstock merchandise.  In the event of an extreme emergency (i.e. your house is robbed and the looters take everything but your birkenstocks circa 1996) you are to immediately cut them apart and tape the soles to your feet with duct tape.  The all-leather uppers are to come nowhere near your skin.



Whats the over under on how long the NYC strike lasts?


Quote from: BobbyBoucher on December 21, 2005, 09:20:35 AM
Whats the over under on how long the NYC strike lasts?

2 days- 9:30am Thursday

I have $10 on the under if anyone wants to take me up on it.


Quote from: regulator on December 21, 2005, 08:58:53 AM
Can we talk about the strike that is going on in NYC? Reg means, who thought that shutting the city down would be a good idea?

It is like an evil dream....we are now terrorizing ourselves!

Odds that they offer all the jobs people are striking about to people receiving green cards within the last 90 days 3:1
Odds Reg will feel bad for the people that lost their jobs 0

Call Gro an evil member of MGMT... but Gro doesn't like labor unions... have seen the best and worst of that racket, and it's mostly the worst. That rant will have to wait... 2000 has become a challenge...


Great story from this year. Spring '96. Mrs. Leiss' 11th grade english class. Group project: create a commercial. Of course Gro gets into a group with his brother and his best patna's. Each group is assigned a theme... ours was "celebrity endorser".  We came up with Wilt Chamberlin's "Wilt the Stilt Condoms". After much pleading with Mrs. L it was approved. If this videotape exists somewhere it must be found. Gro remembers the skit to this day.

Gro played the part of wilt. Had a track suit on and tissue box labeld "1 condom". Wilt the Stilt condoms are garunteed not to travel or double dribble!


Quote from: knightstalker on December 20, 2005, 10:14:09 PM
Knightstalker recommends that Dawg, Pops Dawg and any other male relatives sit around the kitchen table cleaning their guns when meeting Sister Dawgs new Bfriend.  Other options include sharpening large knives, working on your chainsaw at the dinner table etc.  When you leave him to sleep in the basement remember to set some rat traps up around where he is sleeping and tell him not to worry they usually don't bite people.
That will definitely cause at least a little poop in the kid's shorts. My girlfriend's family did something like that to me... not as severe as above, but bad nonetheless.


Quote from: budcrew08 on December 21, 2005, 09:53:24 AM
Quote from: knightstalker on December 20, 2005, 10:14:09 PM
Knightstalker recommends that Dawg, Pops Dawg and any other male relatives sit around the kitchen table cleaning their guns when meeting Sister Dawgs new Bfriend.  Other options include sharpening large knives, working on your chainsaw at the dinner table etc.  When you leave him to sleep in the basement remember to set some rat traps up around where he is sleeping and tell him not to worry they usually don't bite people.
That will definitely cause at least a little poop in the kid's shorts. My girlfriend's family did something like that to me... not as severe as above, but bad nonetheless.

When Knightstalkers neice got married last fall she wouldn't let Stalkers nephew (a licensed NY wilderness guide), Stalkers brother (her father) and the Stalker take him camping in the Adirondacks before the wedding.  Stalker had to settle for telling new nephew-in-law that if he ever hurt Stalkers neice he would drag his ass to Jersey City and abandon him on the corner of Ocean and Stegman right next to the boarded up deli with the boards all shot to hell.  I think he understood my point.

Stalkers nephew will be at mama Stalkers over Christmas with his girlfriend Mary.  He is the Stalkerettes god-father, the Stalkerette will walk up to Mary, grap the nephews hand and tell her that he is her bonehead god-father, not hers.  Nothing funnier than a possesive four year old.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


LD11 upon reading the last 3 pages had to applaud 'Gro for keeping it real on his 'Best of' count.  Amazing Stuff.  I also had to Applaud Regulator on the smite of the 'Birkenstock' post.  My coffee shot out my nose, and I farted simultaneously.  I mean, i wear flip flops 98% of the year, I'm kind of a hippie, I like wearing the same clothes, smoking herb, other strange behavioral activities, but I never, repeat NEVER, would I ever be caught in Birkenstocks.

Ok, so on to some new comments:

RT, Good luck with the engagement announcements buddy.  Keep us updated on any 'Meet the Parents' type jargon.  'I have nipples RT, can you milk me?'  As far as poker goes, LD11 has made his way up the east coast and is now staying with WTFF, and for the holiday season LD11 is poker-less, gamble-less for the time being.  Not that WTFF minds that LD11 throws his money away so easily, but I don't see her very often so it's important to get laid.

U89, of course Regulator knows his electronics!  i thought you knew?  Regulator sold crappy car stereos and speakers on eBay so he could pay for college.  The kids room looked like Buck's Hi/Fi Stereo World straight out of Boogie Nights.  

'Gro, Thanks for the late night Johnny Damon Text Message.  1., you don't like baseball.  2., George Steinbrenner LOVES throwing money away. 3., Johnny is good, but not $13million a year good.  4., He may get drilled by a battery from LD11's ion cannon if I see him play.  and 5., His wife is running the show.  She's a money hungry Hooo-Oar, and she reminds me of the lady in Rocky 5 that was dating Tommy Gunn.

Dawg, Would it be possible for you to post an audio clip of your sister's Christmas moans for the rest of us to have a sample?  We want to know what kind of situation you are in.  It would be purely for research purposes.  (Hilarious about the picture of you and your pops by the way)

Regulator...Mount up.


Quote from: regulator on December 21, 2005, 08:58:53 AM
Can we talk about the strike that is going on in NYC?  Reg means, who thought that shutting the city down would be a good idea?

It is like an evil dream....we are now terrorizing ourselves!

Odds that they offer all the jobs people are striking about to people receiving green cards within the last 90 days 3:1
Odds Reg will feel bad for the people that lost their jobs 0

The powers that be should pull a Reagan and fire every single one of these greedy bastards!!!!!!!

The strike has added one hour to my commute each way.  The city has not shut down,  it just takes longer to get where one is going.

They are demanding retirement at 52 and they want the MTA to pick up 100% of their healthcare!!!!   Are you kidding me?!!

Garnet is pissed.


It's Hump Day, It's the Holiday season.  everyone needs a laugh...

You need Speakers. 

The Chronic of Narnia....(Rap Video)