FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Garnet is feeling better now!


Lew, sorry about the LNT (late night text) didn't look at the time until after it was sent.  Reg, you got a LNT too but Gro thinks if he sends you a LNT you can have the phone on blast so it wakes up mrs. reg and you guys can touch each other in the bathing suit areas.

Transistion year...
Spring: Gro remembers a ton of kids skipping school to purchase the highly anticipated double album Wu-Tang Forever. black, white, PR's and a few aaaasians all at media play coppin' the new joint from the Wu... it was a step forward in race relations.

Fall '97... "When 'Gro met Lewdogg"
1st impression of Lewdogg was that he was one crazy mellon farmer. It didn't help that his older bro was a senior and also played football and he was an even crazier mellon farmer. There was a party and all Gro remembers is LD and some other guys breaking stuff, some things with their heads, and playing with fire.


Gro, speaking of first impressions... my first impression of you has to do with showing me how a cat runs.....


Quote from: oxbacker on December 21, 2005, 11:03:49 AM
Gro, speaking of first impressions... my first impression of you has to do with showing me how a cat runs.....

The old, 'This is how a cat runs' routine.  Oh 'Gro, you're so funny.  If I was a recruit then and didn't live with you, I'd think you were a tool bag.  Nah nah....

So Mr. 'Gro, did you buy a diamond ring for anyone special for Christmas???

Reg', are you gonna get atleast 1 nut back from the jar for Christmas?

RT, Is her Dad gonna get you drunk and ask you if you guys have familiar relations?

Today is our annual Drinking Shopping Extravaganza, where all the boys check out of work early, and we go 'shopping'.  Basically, we start drinking, maybe a little collared greens, hit the mall, hit every bar there.  Shopping is at a minimal.  However, there may be a scene in Victoria's Secret, or LD11 may play some weird Indian Flute in the Center of the mall while one if his sidekick plays a weird Indian Drum and crowds gather.  For the most part, anything could happen on this day.  Weird gifts are bought.  Lots of beers are drank.  Many Underpants are peaked upon....

T-Minus one hour til the event.


Quote from: oxbacker on December 21, 2005, 11:03:49 AM
Gro, speaking of first impressions... my first impression of you has to do with showing me how a cat runs.....

Haha OX that one was a classic. Gro thinks we started drinking at 3pm that day. Gro misses recruiting weekends.... Recruiting weekend do's and don't to be posted later... start thinking about it.

Lewdogg, the ladies loved the cat routine too.

Quote from: lewdogg11 on December 21, 2005, 11:13:28 AM
So Mr. 'Gro, did you buy a diamond ring for anyone special for Christmas???

Nah nah no diamonds but Gro might take her to Ruby Tuesday's. Gro will refrain from making a pearl necklace comment, whoops.


Moved into the RPI apts on colvin circle. Extreme Kitty arrived. Starting LB what what. This year was quiet. Sure there was drinking, puking, maybe some fights but nothing really stands out that Gro can think of... it was truely a set up year for the next 3.


Garnet's random pick of the day.

Can you count how many fingers the shooter has?

for a larger image click this link.


Quote from: Garnet on December 21, 2005, 11:46:56 AM
Can you count how many fingers the shooter has?
Gro's thought process: What does he mean, the cat has 5 fingers... lemme click this link... GOO!


Where to begin?  RPI had it's first undefeated regular season ever (even though Gro got shafted to 2nd string but that's NHNT). Every saturday night you could hear the chant throughout Troy: "Money, Cash, Hoe's... RPI's 6-0!!" and so on all the way through 9-0. Unfortunetly some dirty jersey DI rejects in doo doo brown suits crashed the party.

Other highlight was definetly New Year's Eve. 'Gro, LD, and the all american (plus about 50 other people) went up to a house in Killington, VT and partied like it was.... well, 1999.  Pickle barn, cover band... is that sure shot?


Bman seeks his FIRST advice from the LL Board folks.
Bman has a situation in which he thinks he knows how to handle, but wants some sage advice from the LL PP inc posters....

Bman was handed a contract he was to review (and sign if no revisions were necessary).

Bman decided to take it home to review later.  Bman's son wanted to "help" and when sitting in Bman's lap...promptly projectile vomited directly on above mentioned contract...

Bman advised said proposed client, and received new contract...

Upon reading previous Birkenstock post, Bman laughed and spilled his coffee on...you guessed it....new contract.

Now Bman has several options:

A: Call client complaining that he has not received 2nd copy(even though mailroom signed for it)

B: Call client and advise Bman AGAIN saturated contract with external liquid.

C: Call client and advise he wants several things amended, and will not sign until revision is sent...

D:  Sit on it until June...

I await the LL Inc guidance


Anchorman just started on HBO East.  JT is happy  ;D


Quote from: bman on December 21, 2005, 01:44:56 PM
Bman seeks his FIRST advice from the LL Board folks.
Bman has a situation in which he thinks he knows how to handle, but wants some sage advice from the LL PP inc posters....

Bman was handed a contract he was to review (and sign if no revisions were necessary).

Bman decided to take it home to review later.  Bman's son wanted to "help" and when sitting in Bman's lap...promptly projectile vomited directly on above mentioned contract...

Bman advised said proposed client, and received new contract...

Upon reading previous Birkenstock post, Bman laughed and spilled his coffee on...you guessed it....new contract.

Now Bman has several options:

A: Call client complaining that he has not received 2nd copy(even though mailroom signed for it)

B: Call client and advise Bman AGAIN saturated contract with external liquid.

C: Call client and advise he wants several things amended, and will not sign until revision is sent...

D:  Sit on it until June...

I await the LL Inc guidance


Since I was partially at fault in the coffee spilling, let me help you out of this pickle. 

Regulator thinks that you should blame the mailroom and also request a soft copy.  That way, they know you want to get your hands on it ASAP and that you aren't just blowing them off.
......Unless of course you admitted using the original as a puke catching mitt.

If that is the case, just blame it on the mailroom guy, who "has no idea what he is doing"


Hey... Baxter wears a retainer at night with PJ's.

I love lamp!

Afternoon Delight.....



This year was the ****. Colvin circle parties were well known at RPI. Pregame starts at 7pm w/ speed quarters. If the weather was good we'd play horse shoes. Scuba Steve came to the hawaiian "get leied" party

In March Gro, LD, Reg, KrazyCrazy, Sollified and a few others all rolled down to Cancun for spring break. Too many stories to tell there, plus what goes on in Cancun, stays in Cancun. We had fun.

Back in the states Gro's pimp hand was strong. A recent graduate of the Jay Money school of mackin hoe's, Gro put his degree to work. Turned 21 in May and made the alcoholism officially legal.

Summer Internship at GE, where the skills of procrastination were sharpened.

Gro put out his best FB season stat wise, although the neers went 3-6. you can't have it all.


Excuse me, is that Sex Panther cologne you're wearing?   Ahrooooooooo!


Another stellar year. Another spring break trip. This time Gro, LD, Reg, TG2k1, and Popo kept it domestic and drove (23 hours!) from Troy to Panama City, FL. We stayed at the best western del coranado on the strip, "right neah da beach boieeeee." Room 120, right on the street. Beach out back, beverage store across the street. We would set up chairs and coolers and just people watch by day, Wild out by night.

From Jan - August LD and Gro worked at GE again. Reg's little bro also worked there. Moved into the 11th street 2nd floor palace in June. The official 11th street Hater fellowship was formed.

Had a stressful fall semester considering it was Gro's last at RPI. All those light semesters of 12 credits caught up to him and he found himself taking 6 classes (18 credits) in order to graduate in December... all while playing one more season of football and looking for a FT job. Of those 6 classes only 2 were "real" classes the rest were fillers and electives. Another perfect season at RPI, another playoff loss. No jobby job thanks to 9/11, but Gro did manage to graduate on time.

Jonny Utah


Still around 500 years before JU was born.  The first paper mill appeared in England, Spain and Portugal sign the treaty of Tordesillas........

ok, not that funny, Ill shut up now.

But I did think about doing that for every single year up untill 2006.....Maybe I should do in on some random message board in the "Illinois-badger conference" or the "Heartland collegiate athletic conference" and see how long it takes to get -100 kharma.

I wonder if I could do this all before the new year.