FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Quote from: EngiNegro on December 22, 2005, 09:18:58 AM
Signed up to be a substitute teacher for sch'dy school district. The good part is that it paid well considering how little you have to work. The bad part was the 5am automated calling system that told you if you had to work that day. Also, these kids were BAD. It made Gro want to find out where they live, date thier mother, get joint custody, and then beat the living **** out of that kid.

JT can related to the substituting.  JT briefly related to his subbing experence in an earlier post back during the Bush I recession.  Bush... recession... hmmm... there's a connection there somewhere.  Anyway, JT was on the sub gig for almost eight months. By far the worst experience was 2nd and 3rd grade gym class.  Well this elementary school was overcrowded and the gym was already in use by older kids.  So JT is running gym early in the morning in a part of the library that had the walls padded for gym.

This was that thin padding that was basically a floor mat.  Scooter races were on tap and 40+ kids come in high on Coco Puffs.  With their energy spiking the boys decided it would be more fun to run full tilt into the "padded" walls.  Now this was around the time when suing teachers as an excuse for bad parenting started becoming in vogue.  JT was seeing visions of lawsuits dancing in his head.

Having survived the day, JT refused all elementary PE henceforth.

The rest of the sub gig wasn't bad.  JT's rule was "Don't F with JT and JT won't F with you."  Seemed to work well enough.  Since JT was only 22 ish he made a concerted effort to stay away from the 16-17 yr old hotties.

Perhaps the best experience was having to teach a 1st grade class for three weeks straight.  JT had to work from the "regular" teacher's lession plans.  JT got into it and the kids were learning and digging JT.  At the end when they knew JT was leaving, the kids gave him their recent art drawings as a going away present.  Said JT was the best teacher they ever had.  Wish the old teacher wasn't coming back.  Even tough old JT got a little misty.  JT still has the drawings in a book on his bookshelf.



No major life changing events this year... probably because a majority of it was spent as a 3rd shift supervisor (midnight to 8am). Worked with a bunch of good ole boys, picked up a lot of slang, and a little country twang in the voice. We used to go to the bar at 8am on payday, nothing like being completely wasted by 11am. Also noteworthy that Gro bought his 1st house this year, thug mansion I. Not bad for a 25 year old.

Business trips. Took a six sigma class though work. 2 weeks were in Memphis, 1 at Clemson U, and 1 in Milwaukee. Most of the people in the class were my age so we went drinking every night. Many bar tabs were expensed as "dinner". Many rental cars were abused. Took a few other trips... Little Rock, St. Louis, Shoes Game '04 (Look for Gro at Shoes '06)


One of the greatest movies of all time!


You guys ever see the movie The Girl Next Door?


Reg agrees with you on Friday. 

Gro- What requirements must a house have to be considered a "Thug Mansion"


Garnet used to spout lines from the movie so often that his wife sometimes says, 'don't nobody go in there for 35, no 45 minutes,'  after Garnet emerges from the bathroom after dropping the kids off at the pool.


Quote from: Garnet on December 22, 2005, 01:54:48 PM
Garnet used to spout lines from the movie so often that his wife sometimes says, 'don't nobody go in there for 35, no 45 minutes,'  after Garnet emerges from the bathroom after dropping the kids off at the pool.

That is so funny, yet disgusting all at the same time!!!


Quote from: regulator on December 22, 2005, 01:48:00 PMGro- What requirements must a house have to be considered a "Thug Mansion"

It's not the house, it's the residents. For example... the playboy mansion, a Who-oar house, or a crackhouse. Actually, in the case of thug mansion, Gro just likes the 2pac song of the same name (Love Shack was a close second)

"A place to spend my quiet nights/ time to unwind/ so much pressure in this life of mine."

"Movin on up, to the east side."
This could also be called the year of the wedding. Gro was in 2 weddings and attended 1 more. Weddings are fun. LLPP's very own Regulator was the best one of them all. Gro and LD were cracking jokes the whole ceremony. The reception was off the chain, especially later when the DJ threw on some real party music (the new Mrs regulator was dropping it like its hot in her wedding dress). Even before the wedding was Reg's "last weekend with nuts" party in Baltimore. LD11 and Reg's little brother end up having a dance off in a baltimore club, it was hi-larious, even when LD did a handstand and accidently kicked some dood in the head.

Inbetween the weddings and bachelor parties... Gro did change his location AGAIN, going from west TN over to Chattanooga on the east siiide. New job, new company, new house (Thug Mansion II). Made a little dough-lo on TM-I.

But... the highlight of 2005 was the LLPP season and the formation of LLPP, Inc.


Quote from: Garnet on December 22, 2005, 01:33:43 PM
One of the greatest movies of all time!

I agree!!!

Red: [after having his necklace snatched by Deebo] Hey, man, why didn't ya' all help me!
Smokey: [slouching in his chair] Man, I'm high.
Red: Man, that's f@@@@@d up. If it was ya' all, I would've helped ya' all.
Craig Jones: What about the time he tried to choke me in Smoke's backyard?
Red: [pause, thinks about t] Oh, that was different.

Link to other lines from the movie --> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113118/quotes


ICGrad, way to chime in.  Lot's of originality in that post. 

'Gro, You forgot about 2K5 Playa Hata weekend!!!


Quote from: lewdogg11 on December 22, 2005, 02:46:48 PM
ICGrad, way to chime in.  Lot's of originality in that post. 

'Gro, You forgot about 2K5 Playa Hata weekend!!!



Mmmmmm  Jack Daniels is kicking in.  Had the "outside" Xmas party last week and having "in the office party" now.  JD is the medicine for the knee sprain suffered on the ice after last week's party.  Rain over ice and the friggin neighbor won't salt to save his life. 

JT took a dump on his lawn.

Neighbor:  Gee that must be one big cat/dog!


Sorry lewdogg, some of those memories have been repressed thanks to the passed out beatdown and humiliation at the hands of the other haters.

Gro also left out the "concrete punch" story... what year was that??

Going forward, let's look at....

Colts win SoopaBowl XL.
Playa Hater reunion in Chattanooga
At least one LLPP All star will be seen on national TV
Pat Coleman posts in the 3rd person for a week
Over/Under on Gro's level 5 hangovers for the year: 2.5
LLPP Inc. goes public 4th quarter
RPI wins the shoes 35-31 (Gro's calling it NOW)
Coach King donates shot glass trophy to LLPP main office
President Bush will shart during a speech
Talking to strangers at the airport will be outlawed
Herb will be legalized
Martha Stewart will have a baby
Jessica Simpson weds Johnny Knoxville (sorry Utah... you were in the running)
LD11 plays guitar live on a regular basis
RT webcasts his nuptials on D3.com w/ Bob Conway on the play by play.


At least the MTA in NYC is going back to the table, service to start back up Friday.  I think the threat of jail is scaring the board members.  Pension shmension....