FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Touchdown Tommy

Bus can definitely relate with RT about O'Hare.  That is a hub for United and a big spot for American hence millions of connections and it is usually absolute mayhem.  Bus flew into O'Hare on the Friday after Thanksgiving for the Johnnies vs. Whitewater playoff game.  High number of stupid holiday travelers and numerous folks nearly got the Bus' tomfoolery for f-ing with him.  Nothing worse than the old fart in row 29 who wants to get off the plane ASAP and that includes before me in row 8.  Wait your turn asshole.  Take a seat relax, or else face the wrath of BD.  
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: redtackle on December 23, 2005, 01:49:02 AM

RT is now known as the "big eater" in the family. RT can't help it but has been devouring FMIL (funny that you can get 'MILF' out of that but doesn't apply here) cooking. Chili, burritos, pot roast...RT is in a culinary extravaganza. Should RT refrain and eat like a waif or should he be himself and shock the family by eating like the former D3 standout hog that he is???

I would strike a balance between the both, however if future ball and chain's mother has some kind of latin or mediterrian background she will want you to eat more.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Gro would like to compliment the good people (for once) at US Air and the employees of Nashville, Philly, and Albany airports for an unusually smooth christmas travelpalooza. Only a few bumps in the road on the way there. Some comments.

1. Gro felt bad for the male stewardress -- who had probably been working like a dog all day -- for having some pretty kickin' BO on Gro's flight from philly to small-bany

2. Albany airport luggage handlers.... hurry the FVCK up. Took at least 30min to get my ish (don't worry Gro followed all LLPP regulations concerning luggage belts)

3. Got the trifecta in my airport scavenger hunt in philly. A miserable couple, with out of control kids, and the wife was wearing a velour jumpsuit. Only thing missing was a guitar.

4. Has this ever happened to you?.... you catch some trim out of the corner of your eye. Naturally your head swings in that direction and you realize that said girl is somewhere in the 13 age range. Usually the father is nearby. Guilt sets in... then you blame the parents for letting their daughter dress in a short skirt and hooker boots.

Merry Christmas LLPP


'Ron has a huge responsiblity of telling people they cn cut through anything.  My girl cut through the yellow pages...and now i don't know who i'm calling.'...  LD11 is f'ing wasted...and infomercials, Ron Popele style, rock the house.  Mom and Pops Couch is AWESOME!!!....

'That's not a tomato...That's a piece of salmon!!!'

Coach C

I don't know how I wandered in here.  It is very interesting, especially given the rather tame boards we have over on the hoops side.

Merry Christmas to all!


Touchdown Tommy

Mr. Dawg,

You must not allow said DSB to talk like that in the Dawg's old stomping grounds.  Put an end to this lovey-dovey talk IMMEDIATELY.  Bus would like to suggest a little "heart to heart" chat where Dawg shows DSB how to properly use the chain saw.  Last resort should include a little "doctoring" of his Christmas dinner (rub one out to the hot chick from HR on his potatoes/roasted turkey).
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Wishing everyone on LLPP a very great Christmas.  Looking forward to some bowl games upcoming.

Anyone see Nevada vs. UCF game last night...The "Pistol" offense of Nevada is pretty interesting.

We may need to use this when we play in the LLPP games this spring!


Holla ~

Union89 is back from his Christmas Family Fiasco (CFF) back in Worcester and considered jumping a plane to Atlanta to assist in the "DSB Challenge".  U89 read of all the travelling pratfalls and has a few more to add and expand on...

1)  Union89 hates being real close to and touching complete strangers so......U89 always gets an aisle seat....U89 is all about the beverage cart because he consumes about 8 Miller Lites, hits the head and goes to sleep.....back to the beverage cart/aisle seat problem....the beverage cart slamming into the knee or elbow while asleep makes U89 want to throw the stewardess into one of 'Holla's rear naked chokes...

2)  U89 always ends up sitting next to the fat dude with a cold so he sneezes, coughs and blows his nose for the entire trip.....awesome!!

3)  U89 once sat next to a woman and her infant son.....how did U89 know it was a boy and not a girl you may ask??  Halfway through the flight, the crazy b!tch decided to change the babys' sh!tty diaper on the serving tray right next to yours truly!!!  U89 went nuts and the mom could not believe how inconsiderate U89 was!!!

4)  Finally, many have already discussed the smelly dude or the too much wearing cheap perfume old lady....sitting on the aisle, U89 gets to enjoy these fragrances every time a new person walks by....U89 turns it into his own disgusting game..."uh oh, this fat dude waddling toward me is certainly going to stink of BO"....U89 is delighted when he is wrong in this game.....U89 does alot of international travel with work and returned from India a couple of weeks ago....that flight was a royal, "Stink-o-Rama"...not many showers taken by the Indian folks...

Long story short.....'Holla, U89 can not bring himself to jump on a plane to help with the challenge....good luck in kickin' DSBs' ass though!!!!!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the LL PP regulars!!!

.....may all of your college bowl season bets cover by halftime!!!

Jonny Utah

Quote from: Union89 on December 25, 2005, 04:29:58 PM
.the beverage cart slamming into the knee or elbow while asleep makes U89 want to throw the stewardess into one of 'Holla's rear naked chokes...

This is exactly the reason why I don't ever sit in the aisle.  I've been bumped by those douchebags one too many times.

I guess theres not a bigger douchebag than me today though.  I took the bears -7.5 instead of taking them earlier in the week at 7 or less.  And then I went ahead and took the ravens -3.5 becauce I have no friggen patience.....

Dawg, Im dying here reading about this ordeal your having.  Ill tell ya what, just dump some super exlax in the last drink DSB has for the night, and then throw out all the toilet paper and tissues in all of the bathrooms in your house....OR, go in all the toilets and unhook one of the chains inside or simply finagle the felange so the toilet wont flush.....Dumb and Dumber part two in Dawgs parents house....you could make a movie about it.

Jonny Utah

Man, someone smited me on Christmas.....I guess thats a good thing knowing anyone who would spite on Christmas is either Al queda or a piece of Sh!t.......

Touchdown Tommy


I got the ole smite treatment today too.  No worries, I just threw some k your way...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


U89 & Dawg-

this is totally uncool.

#1 U89- If some lady tried changing a diaper in front of Reg, she would be tasting the back of my hand.

#2 Dawg, this kid is good, you have to Improvise...abort the original gameplan and go for the jugular.....If things keep going the way they are going your next message is going to include an MP3 titled "dawgs room w/DSB & DS"

ANTE UP!!!! he may have won the battle, but you can still win the WAR!!!


Back in Chatt Town. Another stress free flying experience. Nashville may be the best airport in the country. By the time Gro got to the baggage claim (not a long walk) the bag was already on the belt.

Only one negative and it came in Albany...

People who do not know how to use the check in kiosks... there are 8 of these things and only 3 of them being used... the rest of the people stand in line with their thumbs up their butts, until Gro comes up (at 5am for a 5:30 flight) and kindly tells the people in front of them that they can use any of them NOW.

Coach C

Dawg -

You need your own website.  You might be able to sell this stuff.