FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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So regulator was thinking.....
Why is New Years the most overrated day of the year????

He means, some people, for whatever reason decide to get all dressed up, go to some bar that is so packed a burst of steam comes out the door when you open it, and for the $200 a head you pay, you get some h'orduerves that suck and a plastic glass of champagne at midnight.

reg for one, boycotts this holiday.  He cannot stand it and much rather prefers to celebrate with a smaller group of friends.

To those people on MTV New years.....stop acting like you are drunk.  You wait in line for 4 hours to even get in the area and once you are there, you aren't allowed to drink.

To the people of LLPP (and the lurkers who want to post here), Reg hopes you didnt fall for one of those "all-inclusive" hotel party packages.  I can't think of a crappier way to spend $500 bucks on a package that includes a dinner they don't care if you like, a hotel room that is way too small, all the "rail" rum and vodka you can drink, and again, the freaking plastic glass of champagne.

In fact, Reg is also boycotting the plastic champagne glass!!!


Regulator, you make a great point, however LD11 has been making this case for years, on a much smaller scale.  Basically, the 'New Years Eve Crowd' is the same as the 'Saturday Night Crowd' only on a MUCH larger scale.

Since LD11 was merely a youngling, he has always been a fan of the Wednesday or Thursday night crowd.  

~Monday and Tuesday night crowds are usually for the unemployed, homeless, alcoholics, or people who just don't know what day of the week it is...

~Friday and Saturday are rodeo clown night.  Everyone comes out in their shiny shoes and slicked up hair smelling like 2 bottles of cologne.  Most of the time, 50% of these people NEVER go out so they can't handle themselves in public.  Get too drunk.  Slobber all over the women.  It repulses me, and usually ends up in LD11 'being so mad'.  

~Sunday crowds are usually ok, but people get overly drunk on Sundays.  Most of the times because they are addicted gamblers and drink off their losses.  This is an annoying bunch.  Mostly dudes.  LD11 wouldn't mind this crowd so much normally, being that he usually has aaction on Sundays, but for the most part, these people talk sports too much and have no idea what they are talking about, plus LD11 loves his couch on Sundays ordering take out from the same Chinaman 3 times.

~Now for the Wednesday and Thursday crowds.  These have started to get a little too trendy, but they are still the better of the nights.  These people want to go out because half the week is over, and it's almost the weekend.  usually cool shows are on Wednesday or Thursday at small bars, unlike your typical 'Dave Matthews at the Fleet Center' type shows.  Nothing irritates LD11 more than the large concert, commercialized, bandwagon fan, clown shoes scene.  I'm more into the smaller, more intimate setting, most usually found on a Wednesday or Thursday.  

Now, all this said, the girls on ANY nights of the week are always welcomed by LD11.  Unfortunately, most of the girls are out on Fridays and Saturdays with the rest of the meatballs, and they too are drunken retards who can't handle themselves in public, but this can often prove to be an easy score.  However, most likely, if you have similar tastes as me, you'll meet the girl you would marry(or atleast videotape and show to your friends) on a Wednesday or Thursday night.

What does this have to do with New Years?  Take every Saturday crowd all year, take every DWI, take every fight, take every set of newly shined leather shoes and black pants, take every college kids parent's BMW, take every trust fund, take every puker in the bathroom over the course of the year...and stick them all into every bar in your city or town, charge them outrageous prices, and lock the doors, and you will have one waste of a night.

I'm with Regulator...I'm going to attend a nicehouse party with some close friends, lots of booze, some fine cigars, good music, maybe sing some songs, play some games, and kick it old school.  


Reg, Dawg, and Dogg excellent commentary as usual.

Gro is planning his audibles at this moment. Will probably just say "Gro has plans homey" and see if he accepts that. If he digs deeper Gro could mention LD11's seminar... or Gro could be brutally honest and tell future boss that he'd rather sleep late and watch sportscenter in bed eating pop tarts then drive all the way to work and count sh!t. That's why they're called audibles.

In other news... when it rains it pours
As if this day couldn't have started off worse (did Gro mention he was 15min late?) Gro was delegated as the office "Biscuit Bitch" today and sent to McDonalds to pick up breffast for the customer service group. Gro did get a free breffast out of the deal but this is not a task Gro wants on the regular.


JT has done it all on New Year's with the exception of freezing with all the loons in Times Square watching the ball drop.  The hotel thing is a crap shoot.  Had one good experience in three.  Last time (2002?), JT and gal were too close to Staten Island but on the Jersey side.  JT felt like he stepped onto the set of Goodfellas.  Wannbe gangsters and big hair broads all over the place.

Awful setup, so-so food, with a bunch of no-neck goons hogging the dance floor.

JT prefers either the dinner out and romantic evening at home, a party with friends, or traveling.  New Year's in Rio was awesome.



Since new years falls on the weekend, this Friday 12/30 and Monday 1/2 are office holidays. Gro will gladly take this Friday off, but is currently asking our HR manager to switch the monday holiday to the monday after the superbowl. It makes perfect sense. The superbowl is a better party than new years. Having the monday after the game off would prevent Gro from coming in late (again) smelling like beer and having mashed up cheetos stuck to said face and hair.

Touchdown Tommy

Bus has arranged for fireworks on the beach for Saturday night.  Nothing better than a Crown Royal on the sugar sand, singing, dancing, and not sweating in the 629 person bar paying 12 bucks for a mojito.


Bus met an interesting family from the ATL a couple days ago.  Smokin' hot daughter that Bus is working on as we speak.  Is there a reason they call it Hotlanta?
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Lunch Trifecta

much like your virginity, that hour given to you for lunch is on a "use it or lose it" basis. Gro is always trying to fill that hour, since eating only takes up 15-20min. Today Gro:

1. stopped at wal-mart for --- and I'm not kidding --- chapstick and baking soda.
2. Then went and got the oil changed in the 'splorer.

Side note --- Redneck Humor --- many times has my vehicle choice of a ford been ridiculed by rednecks loyal to other brands. The best one was "Ford? I'd never be caught dead driving a Ford!! Found On the Road Dead that's what Ford stands for!!"

3. Finally... ate a delicious chicken sandwhick at chick-fil-a.... there you have the lunch trifecta.



Dad sold Fords and even when he changed jobs always drove Fords.

His retort to that was always, First On Race Day.

I had some Fords early on - a Club Wagon van, two Escorts.

Now - we only drive Consumer Reports picks.

Vehicles dujour - Acura MDX (self) and Lexus RX330 (for Mrs. Lyco)

LD11 - good luck avoiding the boss.  Should maybe think about joining the military - we are off tomorrow and Monday in observance of the holiday.



Many fantastic points delivered by all regarding the evils of New Years Eve.....

Union89's all time worst NYE was spent up in Killington, VT at a ski house....U89 blew out his knee a couple times and can only make 1 run down the hill, then the knee throbs and loosens up WAY too much.  That was not the worst part though.....U89, his girl at the time and housemates went to the whackass "Wobbly Barn" for a night of debachery.  There were only about 7 women (including date) and 437 doods!!!  U89 was either arguing or throwing haymakers the whole night.  Finally around 11pm, U89 got 86'd from the bar for his 3rd fight of the night!!!



'Gro ~

Monday is also an ALL DAY college bowl game kick!!  I'll take that day over Super Sunday 24/7.  If U89 had to work on that day, he may have to find a new job!!


HR won't budge. They will let me use my floating holiday on the day after the superbowl (DATS).  Gro thinks DATS goes way beyond a holiday. It's more like a day of self reflection. With all the beer and processed cheese flavored highly salted snack foods consumed on Sunday... it's best to take monday off and clean house.


Garnet is not happy about the bowl schedule.  He liked the old days when there were 1,000 games on New Year's Day.

It is too tough nowadays to get the hall pass for 5-6 straight days/nights to watch college football.  Since his wedding and the birth of his son, Garnet doesn't have the freedom he had when he was single.



'Gro and LD11 once spent our best ever New years up in Killington, VT. 


It was December 31, 1999:

'Gro and LD11 were just coming into our own.  We were living at 28 Colvin Circle.  LD11 had completed 37% of his Hoe Slappin'(TM) How to Mack Chicks Encyclopedia.(Most of the book was finished in the following 3 months after LD11 crawled onto the roof of 28 Colvin and yelled 'By the power of greyskull I HAVE THE POWER!!!!')  So anyways, 'Gro and LD11 were part of this extravaganza and rented condo featuring women from many different colleges, all including, but not limited to, Stonehill, Endicott, Plymouth State, UNH, Providence, Worcester St. etc etc etc...  New Years Night itself was off the hook.  Everyone was making out with everyone.  I was there with my girlfriend of old but it didn't much matter.  There's even pictures of LD11 getting jiggy with WTFF.  Amazing how things come back around. 

So, the day after NYE was the better of the 2.  LD11 was one of the few over 21 at the party.  So he and 'Gro roll out to the Pickle Barrell and saw this badass cover band called 'Engine Number 9'.  'Gro had his fake ID and we are the only 2 cats out of this house full of about 100 people that wandered out to the bar.  SO all of a sudden we hear a familiar whistling noise at the onslaught of a song, and we are psyched of the music selection of the Beastie Boys' 'Sure Shot'.  To our surprise, it's the band.  'Gro and LD11 got down to jams such as 'The Humpty Dance', 'Hard to Handle' and of course 'The Choice is Yours'.  Elbows were thrown, tongues were shoved down giirls throats, I think 'Gro even grabbed LD11's butt.  It was insanity...

So U89, I'm sorry to hear of your rough situation up in Killington, but we had an AWESOME time.(Frank, I think everyone knows you had an awesome time)  You're biggest problem...Skiing...No need.


New years day started off with LD11 creating a delicious batch of bloody mary's... haven't had one as good since.

Engine No. 9... they rocked the sure shot
Strictly hand held is the style I go / Never rock the mic with the panty hose / Strap on my ear goggles and I'm ready to go / And on the boards is the man they call him Mario



I bought the crap that the store sells and it makes Reg want to barf
Can you post your recipie for said drink?