FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Now back to business....

  they are not wearing the same outfit in this picture that they were wearing during the Rose Bowl.




Merry New Year to all!!

Random posting from the current issue of "Union College Magazine".  Page 50 under the "Class Notes" of 2004.....

Gregg Puskas writes, "I am now a schoolteacher in Tampa, Fla. and a football coach for Jefferson High School, which is currently third in the state."

NakedNottRun.....what up 'bro??  This was a prime opportunity to get some LLPP press....something like...."also working on the formation of a new company along with some brilliant dudes from the Liberty League Post Patterns conglomerate...I will keep all my fellow Dutchmen updated as to where investments can be made into our IPO."



'Gro ~

Did you catch Ron Burgundy on the Rose Bowl pre-game??

Just bet some prop bets....
'da Bears are 10:1 to win the Super Bowl
Bengals are 20:1

Union89 is pulling for his Pats for 4 of last 5, if not, a Bears/Bengal Bowl would be SWEEEEET!!


Garnet ~

Did you see Alex Rita just got inducted into the UC Hall of Fame??  Betcha' B. Russ is next year....


Garnet did see that and you may be correct on the Russ call.


Quote from: Union89 on January 06, 2006, 03:49:14 PM
'Gro ~
Did you catch Ron Burgundy on the Rose Bowl pre-game??

Gro was cheering for texas, but almost changed his mind since Will Ferrel was so funny and Matthew Mahaha-whatever was so annoying during the pre-game.


I like girls that wear Abercrombie & fitch........I'll take her if I had one wish.....cause shes been gone since that summer....since that summer.


Reg, you gave Gro the sh!t eating grin with that one... good thing Gro's the only one left in the office this Friday.

Which brings me to
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly...

Good - Some co-workers want to get sloppy tonight.

Bad - #1 they want to go to outback, Gro prefers chili's (2 for 1 all the time!!). #2 they want to meet at 6:30 which doesn't give Gro enough time to drive home and drive back out here, so Gro may have to walk aimlessly around the mall.

The UGLY - the purpose of this get together is to console this guy who was recently dumped by his GF. Gro is not in the mood for man crying tonight.

Senor RedTackle

RT moving into new house this monday and needs some counsel for LL,INC management on how to handle the mover situation. About a month ago, RT shopped around for a local mover and arrived at one he felt would be good. RT locked in Mon 1/9 for said move. To date, no courtesy calls or heads up on the logistics of this Mon. RT left a couple of stern messages today and has not yet received his call back. Please advise on the proper protocol and etiquette in handling this....RT wants to ensure a)the move gets done Mon  b) nothing is broken, especially RT's 51" HD television  c)a fire is lit under these movers arses

Has anyone else suspected their dentist of shoddy work? RT had a filling about a month ago and had what should've been the normal post-procedure feeling. After a couple of days, RT still had some tingles in that tooth and went back to said dentist for some inspection. Dude had RT bite on some blue paper and poked around with some sort of tool that looked like what RT get's crab meat out of the claw with.....only to send RT home w/ some floss, a new toothbrush, and some sensodyne toothpaste. RT, being the sceptical yet open minded guy he is, gave it a whirl and has been relatively stable the last couple of weeks.

Starting the other day, RT has been in meltdown w/ said tooth....feels like someone snuck a drill in while RT was sleeping, opened up a hole and poured vinegar in there. So RT calls the dentist today and get's "Pat" the receptionist. Pat not only is lacking in sympathy but informs RT, without any trace of regret, that the good doctor is off today and that RT is SOL until Mon (coincedentally, the day of the move...we hope). RT explains the extent of the pain and she says she'll call the doc to call in some antibiotics. At this point, RT wondering what's up w/ this guy?....not around to check out his patients, no back up, and randomly calls in antibiotics w/o seeing RT. Therefore, RT did the only intelligent thing and demanded excessive amounts of pain killers....RT sitting on a nice supply of Hydrocodone and Loritabs. RT will be buckling down for the weekend......


OK OK....now you have Regulator Fired up....I was abotu to jump into bed with my new down comforter and sheets, but this is too much.

#1- movers-  Regulator has no faith in movers that do not confirm the appointment.  Bottom line, you waited way too long dude.  When Regulator was moving from point A to Point B he called on said "cheapest internet movers" for 4 hours and ended up with a "scratch and dent" living room set.  DO NOT SKIMP ON SAID MOVERS

#2- Dentists-  When Regulator went to his first Dentist in Baltimore, he immediately asked the cat for how he placed in his class (UofM calss of '94) Dentist looked like he took a crap in his pants, and immediately after said he was in the "top 60% of his class" and was so excited of the internship he had in baltimore city, where he basically pulled teeth with plyers and considered "cleanings" giving a hygenists a brass wire brush to go to town on the hood rats. 

Now mind you, this dentist came highly recommended to REG, from a very successful co-worker.
The first time Reg went to said dentist, he jumped out of the chair and straight pointed right in the hygentists face for stabbing his gums 3 times in a row.
Called the Dr. out for having rubber gloves on, touching other stuff around the room, then trying to get back in Regs mouth (reg works in the medical field)

Needless to say, Reg is now in the care of one of the top 3 cosmetic dentists in the DC, VA area, I drive a good 2 hours to get there.

Give me a PM if you need a good reference


Man reading Regs last post was funny as hell.

Some of you may think Reg is making this ISH up, but it is true....

He is VERY particular abotu certain things.

Anyone sticking their hands in this kats mouth BETTER KNOW that they may be b!tch slapped if something goes wrong.

Secondly, I hate people, like movers, that have nothing to lose....what arae you going to do if that kat puts your dining room table into a wall?  Can you prove it?

This year, Reg had some local Kat winterize (yes it's a word) his boat.  This Kat totally scraped the back of his boat.   Not so much that I would put a claim in for it, but enough for me to be pissed.  A couple days later, after the boat was on the hard, I brought the kat over to show him and his only response was, "nah, I brought that onw over myself and didn't hit anything"......WTF can Reg say????

Thanks for the good work dood.....I was making it up that you screwed my boat up, I love confrontations.

POS.....  <In regulators head, this is where I let the elbows loose!!!>


After readng these two posts I am totally pissed.

Can the LLPP supply some worth while cheap labor for anything one can think of???????????????????