FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Don't these kats know they have the cover the spread?
Man, I wish Pete Rose were coaching the Pats right now.

LD11- don't do anything stoopid tonight


So LD11 goes to a bar and lookie lookie here.  The Pats shred it up and put on a clinic.  I lost money tonight, but not too bad.  I won 1 bet anyhow.  So, I hate to quote myself, but check dis:

QuoteThe only thing that scares me about the over in this game is that Jacksonville might not score, so New England is gonna have to put up 40 themselves, and I wouldn't be surprised by it.


QuoteI am not pumped about the over in the Pats game, only because I don't think Jax is gonna score many points.  I think it will be like the TB game.  (28-0)

Just call me LD11stradamus....

So I go to this bar down the skreet.  I'm already a little tipsy when I get there, but this place was flailing with honeys.  So, I sit at the bar, grab a beer, and there's 1 other Pats fan in the joint, and I swear, he had to be autistic.  He kept yelling as loud as possible stupid thing like 'YEAH PATRIOTS!'  and 'You are American Right?  You are a Patriot!!!'  and 'YEAH PATRIOTS!'.  This guy was totally retarded and i was a little embarrassed to be cheering for the same team, but what can ya do...

(on a side note)

At one of LD11's HS's, there was this autistic kid named TJ.  He was one cool cat.  He could rattle off everyone in the school's birthday like he memorized them or something.  he was amazing.  I'd be like 'TJ, when is my birthday?' and he'd tell me.  So, one day, it was like 98 degrees and me and most of the fellas are wearing shorts at school.  TJ wasn't.  He was wearing pants.  AND HE WAS PISSED!  This cat, instead of being cool and rattling off birthdays at lunchtime, he walked around the cafeteria screaming 'TJ wears shorts!  TJ wears shorts!'  I mean, I felt bad for the kid.  It was so hot!  But apparently, although he was wearing pants, he does wear shorts sometimes.  He had a heart of gold...

So, back to the record at hand, perfection is perfected so i'ma let'em understand...

I roll into this bar, and it's full of ladies.  Now, I know everyone is thinking 'LD11 totally took some broad(s) out to his Impala(20 inch blades) and got freaky.  Well, LD11 unfortunately, these days, is all but married, so he's trying to keeps it real.  But if need be, I could have been like 'I don't want to know your name, all I want is BANGBANGBANG!!!'  But i didn't.  All these ladies were tossing eyes at me.  i was wasted.  i think i drank 1 hundred billion beers.

So, get this...Coors light bottles were $2.75 each!  To me, that is like free beer!  I guess Boston has me all weird.  But I was stoked.  So I drank about 2000 of them, and it cost me about $12.50 with the tip included.  The drive home was AWESOME!  Luckily, said bar is only 1 mile and 27 feet away and LD11 drove 1 mile and 29 feet.  The Pimpala is propped up on the curb in front of the ghetto palace. 

So, all that said, LD11 hates 3 people tonight, although, overall, he's stoked as can be:

1.  Stevie Wonder, the referee.  This cat was wearing cataract UV 1250 sunglasses in 9 degree whether for a night game!  LD11 had a nice 3-way prop bet.  Brady completes his first pass, Dillon runs for over 3 yards on his first carry and, Deion Branch's first catvh was for 11.5+ yards.  Dillon's first carry?  5 yards.  Branch's first catch?  15 yards.  Brady's first pass?  Complete to Kevin Faulk.  Called back becauseof holding.  OK, not Stevie's fault.  Next play, Brady's pinpoint pass bounces off Stevie Wonder to a wide open Daniel Graham.  Game over on that bet.  Stevie, I just called...to say...YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!!  I HATE YOU!!!  I HOPE YOU GO BLIND AND HAVE ERECTILE DISFUNCTION YOU DOUCHEBAG!!!

2.  Deion, 'Soap Bar Teeth' Branch.  I hope he chokes on one of his teeth tonight.  He catches that bomb from Brady to end the first half, and LD11 hits his over.  I love him, but I hate him, but I love him.  I hope he gets herpes from DHB tonight after U89 infects her.

3.  Edell Shepherd.  Who is this guy anyway?  Son of the Albino throws him a perfect strike and he drops it?  That would have made the score 17-17(34 total) meaning the winning field goal made the over.  I hate the Redskins, but I was pulling for them and Lavar 'Sir Smoke-a-lot' Arrington.  As much as i think 'Son of the wicked Albino who got beaned in the mug by a snow ball in the snow bowl of 2002' sucks, that was a good pass.  Edell(what kind of name is that) Shepherd should be shot in rectum.  Ouch...

So that being said, all in all, LD11 is thrilled with the outcome of tonights events.  Enough amo in the spank tank to last a week.  LD11 is surpised at how literaryable he is after consuming 1 hundred billion beers.  I'm not even mad!  that's amazing!

Regulator, word on the skreet is there could be a gathering in Chat town next weekend.  Grand Puba is gonna be there.  Party at the moon tower.  We should meet somewheres and drive together.  Peece, i'm out.


Well that was certainly long winded...I think you'd have to be drunk to try to read all that, let alone write it!  But I did because I am...


KS is not drunk and he understood it, KS is in an altered state though.  Time to cook omelets and english muffins.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Great Post LD11....it was kind of like my posting frenzy on friday night.

A few comments-
you cant keep hating on the ref for getting in the way....the guy is like 6'5" 270!!!  How did Brady not see him!!!

Secondly, Free beer-
Why is it that some places Reg can go to a bar where everyone is wearing popped collars, belt buckle shoes and drinking PBR cans,  put down two warm miller light drafts and it cost him $15 bucks.  
Or go to a different bar, that is much more suited to normal people, where he can have as many Blue Moon's as he wants and the tab is somewhere around $20 bucks???

I am tired of paying for the "atmosphere"  quite frankly, because if the place is cool enough to charge a 80% premium over other places I have no beef.  BUT, it is all of the clowns that come to the place JUST BC they CHARGE THAT MUCH MORE!!!
Those people ruin the whole thing.
(If that part made no sense to you, then you are one of the people that often ruin things just bc you like overpaying...aka weekend millionaire)[/b]

Jonny Utah

You know whats funny in bars?  I hate when you are at one side of the bar, and you have to go to the bathroom or something on the other side of the bar.  Inbetween you and your destination are groups of people just standing the F around not moving for you when they clearly see you are trying to move through.  Worse than that, these people are a third of the size of JU.  I am very friendly looking I must admit, and just because Im smiling, doesn't mean I want them to keep stainding in my F'ing way having a smiling contest with me.  This is where I just walk straight and step on the back of each persons achillies heal with my size 14s, while I put my hand on the persons shoulder and say something like "thanks chief, hows the apple martini, and your achillies?"

Jonny Utah

How about when your at a crowded bar, you wait like 10 minutes for the bartenter to look at you, then someone just pulls up to the bar next to you and the bartender looks at them and asks them what they want.  Is there anything more annoying than that?

Dawg, you must have a list of moves involving the bar, bar stools, coasters, stirring straws and beer bottles, right?


That is the same feeling Reg gets when he is at retaill stores and people do the same thing to Reg.

For instance.....New years eve at the grocery store.
The 12 items or less line was rolling about 20 deep.

Tell Reg that there wasn't some lady standing in line with a shopping cart full!!!  She literally almost received a flying forearm from Reg.

Almost instantly Mrs. Reg saw the rage in Regs eyes and immediately sent him out of the store to go buy booze.  The whole time I am thinking....actually I wasn't thinking much...I just wanted to BLAST this lady.

I actually think that I can be cool except when people are morons...
On another topic, Reg used to suffer from road rage....but thanks to the capital beltway, much of that is gone...
Now, the only time Reg feels like putting the bumper of your ford focus into the dashboard is when some kat thinks that they can pull out onto an onramp, go up as far as possible and then pull in....rinse and repeat for each onramp (this is during rush hour).
If I see you do that, I usually dig for something to chuck at this person...(i.e. spare change, a soda that I may be consuming, fries, etc)

now reg is fired up


LD11 is alive.  Thank you thank you.  I have a zero hangover(a great trait of LD11) and i'm almost ready for some leftover hamburger nacho dip.  Start the day off on the right foot?  I haven't looked at my game lines however.  It's about 55 degrees and sunny.  I might even take a little jog.(I believe it's jogging or yogging)  Who knows.  Probably not.  That would be against my Sunday Code of ethics.

Regulator, regardless of the size of Stevie Wonder and his shades, Refs should NEVER get hit with the ball.  The guy just stood there, like he was paralyzed or something.  He wouldn't be a guy that i'd want on MY dodgeball team.

Also to Reg, for the record, $2 23ounce PBR's at the bar LD11 was at last night.  Had I not been sitting alone at the bar, I may havebeen drinking those.  but when you are chilling by yourself, the last thing you want to do is be the doofy looking guy holding a HUGE glass of beer yelling at the game.  I stuck with the 12 ounce Coors Light bottle for $2.75.  I didn't need all that extra beer anyway. 


Quote from: lewdogg11 on January 08, 2006, 12:23:48 PM
Also to Reg, for the record, $2 23ounce PBR's at the bar LD11 was at last night.  Had I not been sitting alone at the bar, I may havebeen drinking those.  but when you are chilling by yourself, the last thing you want to do is be the doofy looking guy holding a HUGE glass of beer yelling at the game.  I stuck with the 12 ounce Coors Light bottle for $2.75.  I didn't need all that extra beer anyway. 

Reg was referring to the chumps that pay $7 for a can of PBR so they can look even more like Ashton Kusher. 
PS- nice hat


Reg, I know what you were sauying.  I was just mentioning that I could drink 23 ounces of it for $2. 

So, my bets are in:

4 Parlays:
CAR+3 and over 44.5

CARvsNYG Over 44.5 and PITvsCIN Over 46.5

CAR+3 and CIN+3

CIN+3 and Over 46.5

Now, what is with the overload of Wooderson from Dazed and Confused?


Union89 was on the Tampa Bay 'Bucs yesterday......what an F-job that was....2 feet down, 1 knee down, then the ball comes loose and no TD??  What the F??

Loaded up on the LLPP favorite team though in the PM....Pat's save U89's azz yet again...

Today on:
Giants -3
Bengals +3

For anyone interested....U89 is now sporting a full goatee to help disguise the herpe sore on the upper lip.....life will suck for U89 for the next 2 weeks!!!  Will be bringing the herpe lip down to Parsippany, NJ next week for a meeting....



Ok, here is my beef with fox...

after the snap on every play, the stupid down & yard marker changes from black to bright red "playoffs"  and therefor regulator always changes his attention to the bright red box.

#1 that bar should not even be on the top of the screen
#2 there is no reason to change the color of the box from black to red


Was that just a stadium wide 'a$$hole' chant from Giants fans?  Classy people.  Now I hope Carolina beats them by 70.  I hate everything having to do with NY.  Except, of course, for LLPP.


Is anyone else going to bed early tonight so they can get up bright and early for Howard's first show on Sirius?  I don't know why I'm so intrigued.